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PAC - Parent Statements


Parent Statements multi-purpose program that can be used to generate:

  • Parent Statements as a step in the automated billing run.

  • Reminder Statements.

  • Parent Statements that include a payment schedule.

  • Reminder Statements with overdue amounts where a payment schedule has been applied.

  • Copies of statements as required for a single (or range of) parents.

Saved Configurations

Use a Previously Saved Configuration.

This statement program has extensive options that can be activated via run-time settings. These settings can be saved as a statement 'Configuration'.

You can save more than one 'Configuration'. An example could be where you have a different 'Statement Message Text' (on the 'Print' tab) based on 'Parent Type' (on the 'General' tab).

Click here for more information on Saving Configurations.

To use a previously saved report configuration, select it from the 'Use a Previously Saved Configuration' picklist and click 'Next'.

The 'Use a previously saved configuration' picklist will only be available if a saved configuration exists.

To create a new configuration, click the 'Next' button without selecting an option from the 'Use a Previously Saved Configuration' picklist.

Enter your runtime options for the program.

To save the runtime options that you have entered as a re-usable report configuration, enter a meaningful description into the 'Save this Configuration as' field on the 'Process' or 'Print' tab.

You can delete a report configuration by selecting it from the picklist, clicking the 'Next' button, and then clicking the 'Delete' option.

You can modify an existing configuration by selecting it, making the necessary changes to the run-time options, then clicking 'GO' on the 'Process' or 'Print' tab. You need to ensure the 'Save this Configuration as' field is populated with the report configuration name. This field is populated automatically when an existing configuration is selected.

The 'Payment Schedule' and 'Use a Previously Saved Configuration' fields are mutually exclusive. You cannot save a configuration if you have used the 'Payment Schedule' option.

Payment Schedules

Payment Schedules are mainly used by schools who run an annual billing process.

If a current payment schedule exists, a 'Payment Schedules' button will display at the top of the screen.

Refer to TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Payment Schedules for details on the steps required to use this facility.

Parent Statements that include a payment schedule can be generated as:

  • Parent Statement with the Payment Schedule, or

  • Reminder Statement with Payment Schedules including overdue amounts. 

Select a schedule from the picklist and click 'Next' to proceed through to the usual Parent Statement generation process.

General Tab

Fields that require further explanation

Search Criteria

Parent Code

Parent account code and surname. Use this field to print out a statement for one parent only.

For convenience, you may select the 'Lookup' (Binoculars) icon and search for a valid parent account code in the database.

To find a Parent, enter 3 or more characters of their Code or a Parent's name and you will see a picklist of matching Parents.

Parent Type

Use this field to print statements for one or more parent types (as defined in TASS.web Finance > Parent Records > Setup Information > Parent Records Setup on the 'Parent Types' tab). Leave blank to print statements for all parent types.

You may make multiple selections on this field. Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options permits a range selection; holding down the 'Ctrl' key enables selection of discrete (individual) parent types.


To print statements for current or non-current parents or leave blank to print both.

Transaction Cut-off Date

Required transaction cut-off date. All 'unflagged' transactions up to and including this date will be included on the statement. Transactions beyond this date will be excluded.

Statement Amount

This allows you to generate statements for accounts using a single value, a range of values or greater than/ less than a value as a filter.

It uses the parent statement balance as at the transaction cut-off date entered above.

As an example, you may elect not to produce statements for parents who owe less than $100.

This is a range picker field. Use the

 symbol to specify the range of dollar values that you wish to exclude.

Discount Criteria

Calculate and Print Discount on Statements

Three options are available here:

  1. 'Do not Calculate Discount'. No prompt payment discount will be printed on the statement.

  2. 'Calculate Discount using percent method'. This will use the 'Discount%' field applied to the fee codes that you nominate in the 'Fee Codes to Calculate Discount on' picklist to calculate and print a prompt payment discount on the statement. For each parent, it looks at the fee codes applicable to them and applies the discount accordingly, e.g. Discount% x the sum of the total charges for fee codes nominated.

  3. 'Calculate Discount using fixed amount per student'. The field below will change to 'Discount amount per student' which is where you enter the per student discount amount. Therefore, if you use this option, the total statement discount for each account will be calculated based on:

    • The discount amount per student.

    • The number of students who are billed on this statement.

    • The fee codes nominated in the 'Fee Codes to Calculate Discount on field' (No discount will be applied to a student in the family who is not billed using one of these fee codes).

Discount Percent / Amount

Discount percentage or amount to be applied if the statement is paid by the discount date indicated.  Refer explanation directly above.

Discount Date

This is the date up until which the parent is entitled to a prompt payment discount. This prints on the statement but there is no further logic in the receipting program to check against this date.

If you are using the option to publish parent statements through to the 'Accounts & Payments > School Fee Account ' page in Parent Lounge, then the discount will be available to the parent up to and including this date, as long as the statement balance is paid in full in a single payment.

Fee Codes to Calculate Discount on

Fee code(s) to be used in discount calculations.

You may make multiple selections on this field. Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options permits a range selection; holding down the 'Ctrl' key enables selection of discrete (individual) fee codes.

Additional Info Tab

Fields that require further explanation

Additional Statement Info

Due Date to print on Statements

Date to include on statements indicating when payment is due.

Additional Charges & Levies


The Additional Charges and Levies fields are only generated on statements for parents with current students.

Building Fund

Enter the text here for building fund donation. This appears on:

  • The parent statement below the 'Total Parent Account Balance', and

  • The 'Accounts & Payments > School Fee Account ' page in Parent Lounge.

You must also indicate whether this building fund is parent or student based and the amount.

Click here to view an Administrator Note.

This field will only be active if 'Building Fund Method' is set to 'Donation' in TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Setup Information > Parent Accounts Setup on the 'Parameters' tab.

Charge/Levy 1

This is the first additional charge or levy that prints on:

  • The parent statement in the section below the 'Total Parent Account   Balance' and

  • The 'Accounts & Payments > School Fee Account ' page in Parent Lounge.

You must also indicate whether this charge/levy is parent or student based and the amount.

Click here to view an Administrator Note.

This field is linked to the GL account specified in the first 'Usual Receipt Distribution Areas' in TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Setup Information > Parent Accounts Setup on the 'Receipting' tab. This field will not be active if the first 'Usual Receipt Distribution Area' is blank.

When a parent pays this charge/levy using the 'Accounts & Payments > School Fee Account ' page in Parent Lounge, it passes the correct receipt distribution back to TASS.web.

Charge/Levy 2

This is a second charge/levy that has the same functionality as described directly above.

Click here to view an Administrator Note.

This field is linked to the GL account specified in the second 'Usual Receipt Distribution Areas' in TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Setup Information > Parent Accounts Setup on the 'Receipting' tab. This field will not be active if the second 'Usual Receipt Distribution Areas' is blank.

When a parent pays this charge/levy using the 'Accounts & Payments > School Fee Account ' page in Parent Lounge, it passes the correct receipt distribution back to TASS.web.

Year Group based Charge / Levy

Use this field to enter any levy that will only relate to parents who have a student in a nominated year group.  Enter a description of the levy, the applicable year group(s) and the amount for the year group based charge/levy.

Click here to view an Administrator Note.

This field is linked to the GL account specified in the third 'Usual Receipt Distribution Areas' in TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Setup Information > Parent Accounts Setup on the 'Receipting' tab. This field will not be active if the third 'Usual Receipt Distribution Areas' is blank.

When a parent pays this charge/levy using the 'Accounts & Payments > School Fee Account ' page in Parent Lounge, it passes the correct receipt distribution back to TASS.web.

You may make multiple selections on this field. Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options permits a range selection; holding down the 'Ctrl' key enables selection of discrete (individual) year groups.

Include Additional Charges On...

This field allows you to choose the parent accounts for which the 'Additional Charges and Levies' entered above will appear on their statement:

  1. ALL Accounts (Current). This will exclude:

    • Parents who no longer have a current student at the school

    • Any parent in a split family arrangement who does not have a current student record attached, unless the 'Include Split Bill Recipient Accounts' checkbox is ticked (next to this field).

  2. Outstanding A/c's ONLY (Current).  This will include:

    • Only parents who have a current student at the school and have a balance on their account.
      It will exclude:

    • Any parent in a split family arrangement who does not have a current student record attached unless the 'Include Split Bill Recipient Accounts' box is ticked (next to this field).

  3. ALL Accounts (Current & Non-current). This will include:

    • Parents who have a current student at the school and have a balance on their account.

    • Parents who no longer have a current student at the school but have an account balance and will receive a statement.

    • Any parent in a split family arrangement who does not have a current student record attached.

…at the time the Parent Statements are generated.

Include Split Bill Recipient Accounts

This option is only active for options:

  1. ALL Accounts (Current), and

  2. Outstanding A/c's ONLY (Current).

…in the 'Include Additional Charges On' field.

If you tick this checkbox, both parents in a split billing account will receive the parent based charge/levy.

If you leave this box unticked, only the parent who has the student records attached to their parent record in a split billing account will receive the parent based charge/levy.

Split billing Accounts are set up using TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Split Billing Accounts.

Statement Messages

Statement Message Text

Optional message to include on the statement footer.

Bold Statement Message Text

Ticking this checkbox will display the 'Statement Message Text' entered directly above in a bold text format.

Building Fund Text

Any text to appear with the total of building fund donations received. An example of this might be 'Total Building Fund donated for this year is'.

URL for Parent Lounge Login

If you have enabled the 'Accounts & Payments' option in Parent Lounge, including a URL in this field will help the parent navigate to the school's Parent Lounge.

Layout Options

Fields that require further explanation

Statement Layout

The default is the standard plain paper statement layout.

Print TAX INVOICE wording

The words 'TAX INVOICE' can print towards the top right-hand side of the statements (under the BPAY symbol).

Options available:

  • Always — 'TAX INVOICE' will print regardless of whether there are transactions on the parents' statements that include GST.

  • Never — 'TAX INVOICE' will not print.

  • Only if the Statement has Tax — 'TAX INVOICE' will only print when there are transactions on each parent's statement that include GST.


By default the wording that prints on the statements is 'TOTAL PARENT ACCOUNT BALANCE'. 

You can change this to alternative wording if required. Maximum characters permitted are 35.


By default the wording that prints on the bottom of the statements is 'TOTAL AMOUNT DUE'.

You can change this to alternative wording if required. Maximum characters permitted are 16.

Additional wording appended (in small font)

This is additional wording that you can print at the top and the bottom of the statements next to 'TOTAL AMOUNT DUE' wording.

Maximum characters permitted are 30. Anything entered in this field will print in a smaller font on the statement.

'DUE DATE' wording

By default the wording that prints on the top of the statements is 'DUE DATE'.

You can change this to alternative wording if required. Maximum characters permitted are 12.

BPAY Logo Type

Two BPAY logos are available. One includes a credit card as a payment option in the text at the bottom of the logo, the other doesn't.

Use the 'Paperclip' icon 

 to view each logo before deciding the appropriate one for your school.

Email Options

This tab becomes active and mandatory when the 'Deliver via email where possible' option has been selected on the 'Print' tab.

Fields that require further explanation

Subject Text

Enter the email subject text that the parent will see when parent statements are sent as email attachments.

Email Text

Enter up to 4000 characters. This is the email text that the parent will see when parent statements are sent as email attachments.

Click here for a list of supported keywords that can be used in the email text.

The current date in format DD/MM/YYYY.

[PARCODE]Parent Code.
[PARNAME]Parent name and address (same as on the statement attached to the email).

Parent salutation.


The date entered on the 'Additional Info' tab in format DD/MM/YYYY.


The balance shown at the end of the statement against line 'TOTAL PARENT ACCOUNT BALANCE'.


The balance shown at the top of the statement against 'TOTAL AMOUNT DUE'.


Administrator Note

The URL string is a combination of the following fields in program System Admin > Utilities > Product Activation Maintenance. Use 'Parent Lounge' as the 'Product' for the relevant company:

'Domain Mode' + 'URL Domain String' + 'Directory' + login.cfm

Email Text Example.


Attached is the Fees Account Statement for Term 1 for your account [PARCODE].

Your payment of [STATEMENT TOTAL] is due on [DUE DATE].

Payment options are outlined in the attached document or you can pay online using Parent Lounge at [PL LOGIN URL].

If you are unable to pay by [DUE DATE], please contact the Business Office on 3216 0999.

Best Regards,

Peter Peters


Print Tab

Fields that require further explanation

Sort Options

Statement Sort

Options are available to sort your Parent Statements by 'Parent Code' or 'Surname'

Transaction Sort

This will determine how the transactions are to be sorted for each parent statement. You would use 'Student' to group all student-based charges for multiple student families if this is required. 'Student – with subtotals' does the same but also includes a total of charges for each student.

Include Transactions Comments for…

  • Charges

  • Credits

  • Receipts

Tick the checkboxes to indicate the types of transactions that will include transaction comments on the statement.

An example of a 'Charge' comment:

  • Without the comment included, the parent may see 'Library Levy -  Andrea' on the statement.

  • With the comment included, the parent may see 'Library Levy – Andrea Lost library book – Gone with the Wind' on the statement.

Export Options

Export to PDF

The statements will always be produced using Adobe® PDF.

Deliver via email where possible

This option will generate statements via email for accounts where the parent record has a valid email address. 

It will follow the address hierarchy that you specify below on this tab until it finds a valid email address.

It will not generate an immediate PDF for accounts that it generates emails for.

If you have selected a range of statements to print, the program will automatically generate printed statements for parents without email addresses on the parent record.

The email function will also CC each emailed receipt to the address set up in the 'CC Email' field in TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Setup Information > Parent Accounts Setup.

Once selected, the 'Email' tab options will become available.

Attachment to email

You would use this to include your 'Payment Terms and Conditions' for parents who will receive their statement via email. Create a suitable document and save it as a PDF. Use the 'Browse' button to attach it to the parent's email. The parent will then receive an email with two PDF attachments. One is the statement and the second is the school's payment terms and conditions.

Exclude parents with email

You would use this option to generate statements for parents who do not have email addresses.

For example, you have already run the statements for all parents (both printed and emailed) and have lost the printed ones. You need to re-print these, but do not want to send a second email to the parents who already received their statements via email.

Publish Statements / Generate Parent Lounge payment details

This option will:

  • Create an internal (school) PDF copy of each parent's statement that is attached to the account record. These statements can then be viewed using TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Account Information > Parent Account Inquiry on the 'Statements' tab.

  • Publish parent statements through to the 'Accounts & Payments > School Fee Account' page in Parent Lounge.

Click here to view an Administrator Note.

Statements will only be published to Parent Lounge when the 'Display Published Statements in Parent Lounge' option has been enabled in TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Setup Information > Parent Accounts Setup on the 'Parent Lounge' tab.

  • Generate the payment details for each parent. These are displayed in the 'Payment Details' section on the 'Accounts & Payments  > School Fee Account ' page in Parent Lounge, but only if the 'Display Published Statements in Parent Lounge' option has been enabled (as above).


It is essential to immediately flag the transactions as having appeared on a statement using TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Flag Transactions.

Append to Statements

You would use this to include your 'Payment Terms and Conditions' as a page that is embedded with the published parent statement in Parent Lounge

It is likely to be the same document (PDF) that you used when you emailed your statements.

Use the 'Browse' button to attach it to the parent's statement.


The file that is appended should be small. The software will enforce a pre-determined file size limit.

Click here to view an Administrator Note.

The limit imposed on the file size is 200KB less that your TASS.doc file size limit.

Formatting Options

Print School Logo and Name

The default for this is ticked. 

If you are using some sort of pre-printed stationery (not advisable) where your school logo is already printed in the top left-hand corner of the statement, then you would uncheck this box.


If you decide to go down the path of having some form of preprinted stationery then it is up to you to ensure that it lines up with the standard TASS statement format. It is not possible to have the TASS statement format altered to fit your stationery.

Print ABN on Statements

Tick this checkbox if you want your ABN to print under the address information block at the top of the statement.

Print Youngest Student Year/Form

This option will print the year and form class for the youngest student in the family in the bottom right-hand corner of the address block, e.g. 8A.

Print Statements for Accounts with Nil Balances

The default for this is unticked.

Include summary page

A summary page prints at the end of the statement and provides details of the number of statements printed and number emailed.

The detailed option also includes a list with parent code, parent name and statement amount (Including building fund and special levies).

You can elect to have:

  • No Summary.

  • Standard Summary.

  • Detailed Summary.

Statement Address Hierarchy

The 'Address Hierarchy' will determine which address is to be printed on the Parent Statement.

Field 1. Displays the default 'Billing / Account Address' as defined in TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Setup Information > Parent Account Setup on the 'Parameters' tab.

Field 2. This is an optional field that allows you to nominate a secondary address that will be picked up if the parent does not have the address stipulated in 'Field 1'.

Field 3. Displays the default address. This is the address that will be used for any parent that does not have either of the addresses stipulated in Field 1 or 2.

The 'Address Hierarchy' screen is used to print an alternate address based on the absence of the preceding address type in the hierarchy on the parent account record.

Second Copy of Statement

This could be used for split families where a second copy of the statement is required. It will only print a second copy for accounts where it finds an address in the selected address block(s). 

This is a multi-select picklist which will allow you to produce more than one second copy of the statement. Use 'Ctrl' and mouse-click to select more than one.

Save this Configuration as

If populated with a value and you click 'GO', the current statement settings will be saved using the configuration name entered in this field.


The program must successfully produce a statement for the settings to be saved. If when running the statement the system returns with a message 'Based on the Selected Criteria No Data Has been Found' then the statement configuration settings have not been saved.

After making your required selections, click on the 'GO' button to generate your Parent Statements.

When the 'Deliver via email where possible' option is selected, a pop-up alert will ask you to confirm the correct number of statements that you wish to send before they are released to parents. For example, to confirm that you want to send 94 Parent Statements by email (where possible), enter the value 94 in the field below and click 'Send'.

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