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PAS - Past Students


The Past Students program enables users to add, update and maintain past student information.

Adding a New Past Student

There are two ways in which a past student record can be created:

  1. Transfer.

  2. New Record.


A past student record will be created when a date is entered into the 'Date of Leaving' field in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students and when TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Year End Processing > Transfer Students to Past has been run. Past student records will be automatically created for records where the date of leaving is less than or equal to the date entered when Transfer Students to Past has been run.

New Record

To enter a new past student record, click the 'New' icon to display a blank 'Past Student' screen.

The program caters for three possible data entry scenarios:

  1. Past students who are not linked to an existing record.

  2. Past students linked to a current parent record.

  3. Past students linked to an enrolled parent record.

The 'Past Student' screen displays the following tabs in a multiple tab layout; 'General', 'Address', 'Links' and 'User Definable' tabs.

When adding a new record, the 'Past Student' screen is defaulted to open on the 'Links' tab where a 'Parent Code' or 'Enrolment Code' can be entered to link the past student record to another record within TASS.web. Once either of these codes is entered, the 'Address' tab will automatically be populated with information derived from the Enrolment or Parent record.


New records where the past student is not linked to another record must have a default address entered in the 'Address' tab.

Fields that require further explanation

Student Code

The 'Student Code' must be unique. The code format is comprised of the exact same format and length as a student code plus the year of leaving appended on the end.

For example, if a student's code is ANDR001. The past student code after leaving in 2006 would be 'ANDR0012006'.

The 'General', 'Address', 'Links' and 'User Defined' tabs are explained in detail in the Past Student section below.

When a new record is saved to the database, and the screen refreshed, the following additional tabs will also be displayed to view and add additional details to a past student record.

  • 'Extra Curricular' Tab.

  • 'Notes' Tab.

Viewing and Editing a Past Student

To view or edit a past student record, use the Picker Screens or Search Engine to search for records in the database.


Searchable fields for the picker are 'Occupation' and 'Alumni / Alumnae Year'.

Click the 'GO' button (or press 'Enter') to execute the search and populate the Student Picker with the matching records.

Once a student has been selected from the picker, a summary of the record will appear in the Summary Information pane. The 'View' and 'Edit' buttons at the bottom of the Summary Information pane will populate the multi-tabbed 'Past Student' screen.

Search Engine

Enter a search string directly into the 'Search' field at the top right of the screen. Click on the 'Lookup' (binoculars) icon or press 'Enter' key to execute the search.

The searchable fields are:

Student Code, School Surname, Title, Initials, Surname, First Name, Other Names, Preferred Name, Name Suffixes, Occupation, Spouse, Parent Name, Address Line 1, Address Line 2, Address Line 3, Town / Suburb, State, Post Code, Country, Home Phone, Business Phone and Mobile Phone.

Search strings entered into the search engine are case insensitive. Wildcards can also be used within this field to broaden the search.

The Search Results pane will display the matching records. Highlight the record that you require and click the 'View' or 'Edit' button on the bottom of the pane to populate the multi-tabbed 'Past Student' screen.

Add, edit and delete options are available from this screen by selecting the 'New', 'Edit' and 'Delete' icons displayed at the top of the screen.

Past Student

These screens display the following tabs in a multiple tab layout; 'General', 'Address', 'Links', 'User Defined', 'Extra Curricular' and 'Notes' tabs.

Click on the required tab to access fields and enter or view past student Information.

General Tab

Fields that require further explanation

School Name

This field displays the name that the student was referred to whilst at the school. This field may vary from the 'Surname' field depending on several factors, such as marital status.



The options available in this dropdown list have been created by your school using TASS.web Payroll/HRM > Employee/HR > Setup Information > Employee/HR Setup on the 'Titles' tab.

Choose the appropriate title for this Past Student.

Editing this field will also update the 'Title' field on the Community Person Record.



This field is a maximum of 5 characters.

Editing this field will also update the 'Initials' field on the Community Person Record.


A 50-character (maximum) field to enter the Past Student's legal surname name.

Editing this field will also update the 'Surname' field on the Community Person Record.

First Name

A 50-character (maximum) field to enter the Past Student's first name.

Editing this field will also update the 'First Name' field on the Community Person Record.

Other Names


A 50-character (maximum) field to enter the Past Student's additional name's. (eg Middle Name/s).

Editing this field will also update the 'Other Names' field on the Community Person Record.

Preferred Name


A 50-character (maximum) field to enter the Past Student's alternative name.

Editing this field will also update the 'Preferred Name' field on the Community Person Record.

Name Suffixes


A 30-character (maximum) field to enter the Past Student's name suffixes, e.g. B.Com CPA.

Editing this field will also update the 'Name Suffixes' field on the Community Person Record.


A pick list with a number of careers to choose from. This list is managed in the Past Student Setup (Enterprise mode only).



A 30-character (maximum) field to enter the Past Student's spouse's name.


This is the gender of the Past Student.

The genders options available on this picklist are maintained using the TASS.web Community > Setup Information in 'Gender Setup'.

Date of Birth


Use the calendar to select the date of birth or enter it manually (DD/MM/YYYY).

Date of Death

This is optional and only becomes active when the 'Deceased' flag is set to 'Yes'.

Click here for more information about the Deceased field.

When a person is marked as ‘Deceased’ in TASS.web and ‘Deceased Notifications’ are enabled in TASS.web Community > Setup Information > Community Parameters, the following email template will be sent to all users with ‘Edit' permissions enabled for the relevant Person Entity area. The 'Edit’ permissions are assigned in TASS.web Users > User Maintenance and/or Security Role Permissions.


Subject: Deceased Person Notification

<PERSON NAME> has been flagged as Deceased by <USER> on DATE TIME.

It is important that you review the entities below and update addresses to remove references to this person.

Entity Details:


You have received this email because you have edit permission for the linked entity(s) above.

This is an automated email. Please do not reply.

The ‘Deceased' flag for a person is automatically updated in TASS.web Community when the following actions occur in the person’s TASS.web Entity record:

Person Entity Record



The ‘Deceased’ field is set to ‘Yes’ or a ‘Date of Death' is entered on a Current Student record in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students on the 'General’ tab.

Past Students

The ‘Deceased’ field is set to ‘Yes’ or a ‘Date of Death' is entered on a Past Student record in TASS.web Student Admin > Past Students > Student Information > Past Students on the 'General’ tab.

Enrolments/Enrolled Student

The ‘Deceased’ field is set to ‘Yes’ or a ‘Date of Death' is entered on an Enrolled Student record in TASS.web Student Admin > Enrolments > Enrolment Information > Enrolments on the 'General’ tab.


The ‘Deceased’ field is set to ‘Yes’ on a Current Parent Record in TASS.web Student Admin > Parent Records > Parent Information > Parents on the 'General’ tab or TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Account Information > Parent Account Inquiry on the 'General’ tab.

Enrolments/Enrolled Parent

The ‘Deceased’ field is set to ‘Yes’ on an Enrolled Parent record in TASS.web Student Admin > Enrolments > Enrolment Information > Enrolments on the 'General’ tab.


The ‘Deceased’ field is set to ‘Yes’, or the 'Deceased Button' is clicked next to the 'Contact Name' field on a 'Donor' record in TASS.web Finance > Donor Information > Donors.


The ‘Deceased’ field is set to ‘Yes’ on an Employee record in TASS.web Payroll HRM > Employee/HR > Employee Information > Employees on the ‘General’ tab or in Payroll HRM > Employee/HR > Employee Information > Employees on the ‘General’ tab.


The ‘Deceased’ field is set to ‘Yes’ on a Teacher record in TASS.web Student Admin > Teacher Records > Teacher Information > Teachers on the ‘General’ tab.

Person Number

This is populated automatically and links to their profile in TASS.web Community.


This defaults to 'No' and is not available in 'Add' mode. Once the profile has been created it can be amended to 'Yes', which also activates the 'Date of Death' option.

Editing this field will also update the 'Deceased' fiag on the Community Person Record and will also display an angel icon next to their Person Number.

When 'Yes' is selected, it triggers a warning alert that an email notification will be sent. The Deceased Person Notification is an automatic process that cannot be disabled and the email will be sent from the 'No Reply Email' address in TASS.web Finance > General Ledger > Setup Information > Company Information to everyone who can edit the 'Past Student' profile. 

Click here for more information about the Deceased field.

When a person is marked as ‘Deceased’ in TASS.web and ‘Deceased Notifications’ are enabled in TASS.web Community > Setup Information > Community Parameters, the following email template will be sent to all users with ‘Edit' permissions enabled for the relevant Person Entity area. The 'Edit’ permissions are assigned in TASS.web Users > User Maintenance and/or Security Role Permissions.


Subject: Deceased Person Notification

<PERSON NAME> has been flagged as Deceased by <USER> on DATE TIME.

It is important that you review the entities below and update addresses to remove references to this person.

Entity Details:


You have received this email because you have edit permission for the linked entity(s) above.

This is an automated email. Please do not reply.

The ‘Deceased' flag for a person is automatically updated in TASS.web Community when the following actions occur in the person’s TASS.web Entity record:

Person Entity Record



The ‘Deceased’ field is set to ‘Yes’ or a ‘Date of Death' is entered on a Current Student record in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students on the 'General’ tab.

Past Students

The ‘Deceased’ field is set to ‘Yes’ or a ‘Date of Death' is entered on a Past Student record in TASS.web Student Admin > Past Students > Student Information > Past Students on the 'General’ tab.

Enrolments/Enrolled Student

The ‘Deceased’ field is set to ‘Yes’ or a ‘Date of Death' is entered on an Enrolled Student record in TASS.web Student Admin > Enrolments > Enrolment Information > Enrolments on the 'General’ tab.


The ‘Deceased’ field is set to ‘Yes’ on a Current Parent Record in TASS.web Student Admin > Parent Records > Parent Information > Parents on the 'General’ tab or TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Account Information > Parent Account Inquiry on the 'General’ tab.

Enrolments/Enrolled Parent

The ‘Deceased’ field is set to ‘Yes’ on an Enrolled Parent record in TASS.web Student Admin > Enrolments > Enrolment Information > Enrolments on the 'General’ tab.


The ‘Deceased’ field is set to ‘Yes’, or the 'Deceased Button' is clicked next to the 'Contact Name' field on a 'Donor' record in TASS.web Finance > Donor Information > Donors.


The ‘Deceased’ field is set to ‘Yes’ on an Employee record in TASS.web Payroll HRM > Employee/HR > Employee Information > Employees on the ‘General’ tab or in Payroll HRM > Employee/HR > Employee Information > Employees on the ‘General’ tab.


The ‘Deceased’ field is set to ‘Yes’ on a Teacher record in TASS.web Student Admin > Teacher Records > Teacher Information > Teachers on the ‘General’ tab.

Entry Year

This field displays the year the past student arrived at the school.

Entry Year Grp

This field displays the year group that the past student was in when they arrived at the school.

Exit Year Grp

This field displays the year group that the past student was in when they left the school.

Exit Class

This field displays the class that the past student was in when they left school.


This displays a list of Houses to choose from.

The House options are maintained in the Students Records and is managed in Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Houses' tab.


This displays a list of Religions to choose from.

The Religions are maintained in the Students Records and is managed in Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Religions' tab.


This is a picklist, select 'Yes' or 'No'

Date of Entry

This is the exact date the student started at the school.

Date of Leaving

This is the exact date the student left the school.

Alumni / Alumnae Yr

The system will automatically calculate the alumni year based on the 'Exit Year Group' field and the 'Date of Leaving' field. This field includes logic that will calculate the alumni year for students who finish prior to the final year of school.

For example, a student who leaves in year 10 in 2006 would receive an alumni year of 2008 if the school had 12 year groups.

Updated By/On

This is the TASS.web user name of the staff member who updated the record and is automatically generated.

Address Tab

This tab displays past student's address information.

Up to 20 different addresses may be kept in this tab. Default and address descriptions depend on the parameters set up by your school in TASS.web Student Admin > Past Students > Setup Information > Past Student Setup.

To view the different addresses, select the address description listed on the left of the screen. The data displayed will then populate accordingly to the address you have chosen.

In the case that the default address is linked back to a Parent or Enrolment record through the 'Links' tab, the following fields cannot be edited in the default address; “Address Line 1', 'Address Line 2', 'Address Line 3', 'Town/Suburb', 'State', 'Post Code', 'Country' and 'Address Code'.

If you need to change a linked address, go to TASS.web Student Admin > Parent Records > Parent Information > Parents or TASS.web Student Admin > Enrolments > Enrolments Information > Enrolments.

Address information can be copied, cloned or deleted from a past student record.

Select the 'Clipboard' icon to copy basic address details to the clipboard so that they can be pasted into another program (such as Word®).

The 'Envelope' icons can be used to clone an address and copy it to another address within the list or delete all fields in the chosen address description.

When Address Validation is enabled an additional line will appear above Address Line 1. The Address Search field will have a Magnifying Glass icon.

When you type into the field a list of matching addresses will be displayed from the Address Validation API.

Address Validation is enabled when the Address Validation API has been enabled in TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > API Gateway Maintenance and the ‘Address Validation API’ licence is installed.

Links Tab

This tab displays how a past student record can be linked to another record by displaying the corresponding 'Enrolment Code' or 'Parent Code'.

By entering these codes into their respective fields, the information from the 'Address' tab in the Enrolments or Parents program is derived and populated into the 'Address' tab in the past student record.

This tab caters for three possible data entry scenarios:

  1. A student has left the school and wants all future correspondence to be sent to their parent's address.

  2. A student has left the school and has now enrolled their own child/children at the school. Information in their new enrolled parent record will then update the past student record accordingly.

  3. A student has left the school and now has current students attending the school. Information in their current parent record will then update the past student record accordingly.

User Defined Tab

This tab displays user definable fields. There are 25 past student user defined fields that can be utilised by your school to store after school life information for past students. Of the 25 available fields, there are 'Y/N Flag' fields, 'Table Reference' fields and 'Text' fields.

The fields displayed in this tab depend on the parameters set up by your school in TASS.web Student Admin > Past Students > Setup Information > Past Student Setup.

Extra Curricular Tab

This tab displays extra curricular activities that a past student was involved in whilst attending the school.

'View', 'Edit' and 'Delete' functions are available to alter previously made extra curricular entries.

To add a new extra curricular activity, select the 'Add Activity' button.

The 'Extra Curricular Maintenance' screen that is now displayed shows 'Activity Details' and 'Comments' in a collapsible panel format.

Once the 'Year' and 'Semester' have been chosen, select an 'Activity' to display additional fields unique to that activity type. An additional 10 fields are available for the school to set up as further activity descriptors. These additional fields and their contents will depend on the parameters set up by your school in TASS.web Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Setup Information > Extra Curricular Setup.

Notes Tab

This tab displays past student notes entered by teachers and administration staff.

'View', 'Edit' and 'Delete' functions are available to alter previously made entries.

To add a new past student note, select the 'Add Note' button and fill out the fields displayed.

Attachments can be included in the note by selecting the 'Browse' button and selecting the required file.

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