PAC - Payment Schedules
Payment Schedules is a multi-purpose program for managing payment schedules and it has two modes of operation:
This program will operate differently depending on whether 'Parent Lounge Payment Schedules' is enabled at your school.
When 'Parent Lounge Payment Schedules' is enabled, parents would typically create their own schedule in Parent Lounge and link the instalments to their credit card or bank account (via secure tokenised API) for automatic payment processing on the instalment date.
When 'Parent Lounge Payment Schedules' is not enabled, you will generate a payment schedule for parents and include it with Parent Statements.
Parent Lounge Payment Schedules is enabled in Finance > Parent Account > Setup Information > Parent Accounts Setup on the 'Parent Lounge' tab.
When Parent Lounge Payment Schedules Is Enabled
This is a multi-purpose program that allows you to:
Create a payment schedule for parents to build their own schedule of instalments in Parent Lounge.
Create a payment schedule and calculate schedule of instalments for parents.
Manage parent schedules by adding or editing instalments or re-building the schedule.
View a Dashboard that displays the status of all schedules and instalments with drill-down.
Print or export a list of payment schedules to Excel® or Word®.
Generate emails to parents without a Payment Schedule.
Payment Schedules List Screen
This screen will display a list of all current payment schedules that have been created and not archived.
Click the 'Add Payment Schedule' link to create a new payment schedule.
Click the 'Dashboard' button at the top of the screen to display the 'Payment Schedules Dashboard' screen.
Click the 'Print' button at the top of the screen to generate a listing of the payment schedules displayed.
Click on any hyperlinked number (greater than zero 0) in the ‘Num Parents' column to view a list of parent accounts currently in the nominated payment schedule via the 'Parents Payment Schedule List’.
Actions | Details |
‘View' or ‘Edit' or ‘Delete' | To ‘View' or ‘Edit' or ‘Delete' a payment schedule, click the associated link in the 'Action' column. The 'View’ and 'Edit’ links will take you to the 'Payment Schedule Maintenance Screen’. |
'Archive' | To 'Archive' a payment schedule, click the link. This will display an 'Archive Payment Schedule' Summary screen. You should review these details then click 'Confirm Archive' to complete the archive process. You will not be able to archive a payment schedule that has instalments in any of these columns: Action Required, Processing or Approved. However, if one or more of the following fields have been partially edited, then the 'Instalment Date' will not be validated, allowing you to progress:
‘Bulk Update' | To ‘Bulk Update' payment schedules, click the link. This will display the ‘Bulk Update Grid Screen’ and list all parents (in the selected Payment Schedule) who have ‘new charges’ or ‘new credits’ matching the selected filters. The ‘Bulk Update’ link will appear when:
‘Generate Parent Schedules’ | The ‘Generate Parent Schedules’ option is only available where the field 'Add Schedules in Parent Lounge' is No. After a Payment Schedule has been created with 'Add in PL' set to 'No', use the 'Generate Payment Schedules' link in the 'Action' column to add parents to the payment schedule. A warning will be displayed if there are parents who already have a payment schedule. Click on the hyperlinked number to produce a list of these parents. A parent can only have one payment schedule. Tick the acknowledgement message and click 'GO' to add parents to the Payment Schedule. For any parent who has been included on a payment schedule, the 'Payment Schedule' tab in program Finance > Parent Accounts > Account Information > Parent Account Inquiry will become active. |
Payment Schedules Dashboard
Click the ‘Dashboard' button at the top of the 'Payment Schedules List’ screen to display the 'Payment Schedules Dashboard' screen.
The Payment Schedules Dashboard is a summary view of:
Current Parent Payment Schedules.
Weekly Summary of Instalments/Payments.
Parent Summary.
API Logs.
Click on any of the underlined (active link) numbers to drill-down for further information.
Click on the 'Details' link in the bottom 'Parent Summary' section to generate emails to parents without a payment schedule. Email templates can be set up for use in TASS.web program System Admin > Utilities > Email Settings > Email Templates. Set the Category to: PARACC. Refer to How to Generate Emails for more information about sending emails from this program.
Adding a New Payment Schedule
Click the 'Add Payment Schedule' link to create a new payment schedule.
Add Schedules in Parent Lounge | Select 'Yes' if you want parents to be able to add their own schedules in Parent Lounge. Select 'No' if you want to generate the schedules and instalments. Using this option, all parents will have the same instalment dates. |
Use Default Instalments |
This field will be editable if 'Add Schedules in Parent Lounge' is set to 'Yes'. When selected as 'Yes', the instalment dates will be the same for all parents. When selected as 'No' parents will have some flexibility to select the instalment start date to suit their circumstances. |
Click ‘Next' to continue on to the 'Payment Schedule Maintenance Screen’.
The screen displayed is based on the option selected in the field 'Add Schedules in Parent Lounge':
If 'Yes' is selected, the 'Parent Lounge' tab will be displayed.
If 'No' is selected, the 'General' tab will be displayed.
Payment Schedule Maintenance Screen
This screen is accessed:
during the ‘Add Payment Schedule’ process
when you click ‘View’ or ‘Edit’ links for existing payment schedule from the ‘Action’ column of the ‘Payment Schedules List Screen’.
This screen has three tabs:
Bulk Update
This screen allows you to update Payment Schedules adjusting the remaining instalments. Payment Methods linked to update instalments will remain.
Click on the ‘Bulk Update’ link in the Action column to access the Bulk Update Grid screen.
The ‘Bulk Update’ link will appear when:
Parent Lounge Payment Schedules are enabled,
the number of parents in the Payment Schedule is greater than 0 (zero),
the logged-on user has ‘Edit’ permission for ‘Payment Schedules’ and
the Payment Schedule has been created after the v01.059.02.200 TASS software update has been installed.
This grid screen displays all parents (in the selected Payment Schedule) who have ‘new charges’ or ‘new credits’ matching the selected filters.
New charges and credits can be added to parent accounts via TASS.web program Finance > Parent Accounts > Charges & Credits.
Filters can be applied for:
Parent Codes/Parent Names (individual or multiple)
Parent Types
Transaction Types
Transaction Cut-Off Date
Fee Codes
Earliest Date of Next Instalment
All Remaining Instalments or Next Instalment Only
You can use these filters to select which parent accounts to update.
Click ‘Print’ button to produce a Bulk Update Listing based on selected filters. The Bulk Update Listing can be sorted by Parent Code or Parent Name, exported to PDF, Excel or Word, and formatted to ‘Show Table Borders’, ‘Alternate Row Colours’ (PDF and Word only) and ‘Include Transaction Details’ if required.
Click the ‘View’ icon in the Actions column to review the Payment Schedule for the selected parent and review the ‘Current Amounts’ versus the ‘New Amounts’.
This Payment Schedule screen also shows the Last Statement Date, Last Payment Date, Current Account Balance, the Payment Schedule Description – the associated Transaction Cut-Off Date, and details about each remaining instalment (Instalment #, Instalment Date and Current Status of each transaction).
For more information about each individual instalment, click the ‘View’ icon in the corresponding row. Click the ‘Log’ icon on corresponding row to view a history of changes made to each instalment including Actions performed, the Log Date, User Type, User Code, Admin Comment and Parent Lounge Comment.
Use the checkboxes in the far-right column to select which parent payment schedules you wish to update.
To ‘select all’ or ‘deselect all’ tick the checkbox in the column heading.
Click the ‘GO’ button in the top right corner of the screen to update each of the selected parent payment schedules. Upon clicking the ‘GO’ button the program will:
Apply new charges or credits to the payment schedule and update remaining instalments amounts.
Continue to receive scheduled instalment payments from each parent using the existing Payment Method linked to the Parent Account.
Send an automated email to each parent to notify them of changes made.
To review and/or update the content of the automated email go to TASS.web program > System Admin > Utilities > Email Settings > System Email Templates > Payment Schedule Bulk Update.
This email will be sent to the email address/es entered on the ‘Billing/Account +’ address block. If no billing address block is defined, the email will be sent to the ‘Default Address’ (*). For more information refer to TASS.web program Finance > Parent Accounts > Account Information > Parent Account Inquiry > Address tab.
You can view a history of all emails and other communications sent to parents in TASS.web program Finance > Parent Accounts > Parent Account Inquiry > Communication Log tab.
Parents Payment Schedule List
Click on any hyperlinked number (greater than zero 0) in the ‘Num Parents' column to view the 'Parents Payment Schedule List’. This screen lists all parent accounts currently in the nominated payment schedule.
From this screen you can see a summary of Parent Code, Parent Name, Parent Type, Opening Balance, First Instalment Date, Last Instalment Date, Number of Instalments, Instalments Total, Paid Total.
A yellow alert icon or red warning icon will appear if actions are required. Hover over this icon to review additional information.
Click 'Print' to generate a list of parents applied to the payment schedule.
Click 'View' in the Action column to display the ‘Parents Payment Schedule Instalment Screen’ for the selected parent.
Parents Payment Schedule Instalments Screen
From this screen you can:
Click the ‘Add Instalment’ button to add a new instalment to the payment schedule.
Click ‘Rebuild’ to completely rebuild the payment schedule by deleting all future instalments and distributing the account balance over the desired number of future instalments, or
Click ‘Update’ to update a current payment schedule using the existing payment method associated with the parent account.
To 'View' or 'Edit' an Instalment, click the associated link in the 'Action' column.
To view an audit trail of changes for an Instalment, click the 'Log' action link.
Instalments with status 'Missed' or 'Future' can be deleted by ticking one or more of the boxes or use the 'All' option then click the 'Delete Selected' button.
When a new instalment is added, parents are prompted add a Payment Method for the new instalment/s via Parent Lounge > Items to Action.
A similar ‘Payment Schedules Instalments Screen’ screen is available for individual parents in TASS.web program Finance > Parent Accounts > Account Information > Parent Account Inquiry.
If a scheduled payment is ‘missed’ by the parent, to get the payments back on track you can:
‘Add a New Instalment’ to occur in the future.
‘Rebuild’ the Payment Schedules and redistribute the payments.
‘Edit’ the Fee Amount of an existing instalment that is already included in an upcoming payment schedule.
Payment Schedule Instalments - New Instalment
To access this screen, click the ‘Add Instalment' button, or the 'View' or 'Edit' link in the action column of the ‘Parents Payment Schedule Instalments Screen’.
Editing is restricted to instalments based on 'Status' as follows:
'Future' and 'Missed' – all fields can be edited.
'Recalled' and 'Declined' – 'Action Required' and Comment fields only can be edited.
Fields that require further explanation | |
*Instalment Date | The date must be a future date and it must be 3 days clear of the previous and next Instalment. |
Instalment Amount | This is system updated when the Amount fields (below) are changed. |
*Fee Amount | It can be any value greater than or equal to $2.00. |
Surcharge Amount | This field is system updated by EasyPay after the transaction is complete. In ‘Add’ and ‘Edit’ mode, this is a view only field, so it is greyed out, set to 0.00 and disabled. |
Action Required
| Tick this checkbox to indicate when follow up action is required or when to engage with an instalment. This box will be ticked automatically by the system when:
A summary of Instalments with Action Required ticked can be found in TASS.web program Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Payment Schedules > Dashboard > in the ‘Schedule Summary’ section. |
Administrator Comment | Use this field to record any notes or information for the Instalment for admin users to view. Use the 'Show Administrator Comments' link to view notes previously entered. This comment is only available for viewing by users with access to this program. |
Parent Lounge Comment | Use this field to record any notes or information for the Instalment for parents. Use the 'Show Parent Lounge Comments' link to view notes previously entered. This comment is also available for viewing by the parent in Parent Lounge. |
Would you like to create a replacement instalment? | This option will only be available for instalments with Status 'Declined' or 'Recalled' with the 'Action Required' box ticked. This option is a fast way of adding a replacement instalment for a Declined or Recalled instalment. |
Rebuild Payment Schedule Instalments
To re-build the schedule, use the 'Rebuild' option and make selections for 'First Instalment Date', 'Frequency' and 'Number of Instalments'.
The rebuild process will delete all instalments with status 'Future' and add new future instalments. Following the rebuild, parents must log into Parent Lounge and update their preferred Payment Method.
The rebuild process uses account balance from the last published statements along with any included charges and credits which have been included via the update process.
The process for including new charges and credits in a ‘Rebuild’ differs depending on whether the ‘Bulk Updates’ feature is enabled.
Process for Payment Schedules that have the ‘Bulk Updates’ feature enabled:
Click the ‘Update’ button to process the bulk update and apply the credit/change.
Then click the ‘Rebuild’ button and complete rebuild as per instructions below.
Process for Payment Schedules that have the 'Bulk Updates’ feature disabled:
Click the ‘Rebuild’ button.
Tick the ‘Include Unflagged Charges’ checkbox.
Tick the ‘Include Unflagged Credits’ checkbox.
Complete rebuild as per instructions below.
The ‘Bulk Update’ feature is automatically enabled by the TASS.web system when the following conditions are met:
Parent Lounge Payment Schedules are enabled,
The number of parents in the Payment Schedule is greater than 0 (zero),
The logged-on user has ‘Edit’ permission for ‘Payment Schedules’ and
The Payment Schedule was created after the v. TASS software update was installed.
Fields that require further information | |
*First Instalment date | Enter the date when the parent will make their first payment. |
*Frequency | Choose how often each instalment will be due for this payment schedule. |
*Number of Instalments | Enter the total number of instalments. |
Include Unreceipted Payments |
This field will only appear and be active when ‘Bulk Updates’ are disabled. Tick this checkbox to Include any unreceipted payments in the rebuild. The amount displayed in brackets represents the total amount of unreceipted payments on the Parent account. Check all payments have been receipted before completing this process. |
Include Unflagged Charges |
This field will only appear and be active when ‘Bulk Updates’ are disabled. The amount displayed in brackets represents the total amount of ‘unflagged charges’ on the Parent account. ‘Unflagged charges’ are unpaid charges that have not yet been i included in/applied to a payment schedule. |
Include Unflagged Credits |
This field will only appear and be active when ‘Bulk Updates’ are disabled. The amount displayed in brackets represents the total amount of ‘unflagged credits’ on the Parent account. ‘Unflagged credits’ are unapplied credits that have not yet been included in/applied to a payment schedule. |
Instalment Amount | This is system updated when the Number of Instalments field above is changed. |
Fee Amount | This is system updated when the Number of Instalments field above is changed. |
*Building Fund | This field will only be displayed if a Building Fund amount was included in the last published statement. It can be any value greater than or equal to $0.00. |
*P & F Levy | This field will only be displayed if a P & F Levy amount was included in the last published statement. It can be any value greater than or equal to $0.00. |
Last Instalment Date | This is system updated when the First Instalment date, Frequency or Number of Instalments fields above are changed. |
A ‘yellow alert’ icon or ‘red warning’ icon will appear if actions are required. Hover over this icon to review additional information.
If the instalment date has been modified, an ‘info’ icon will display next to the Instalment Date. Hover over this icon for more information.
Update Payment Schedule Instalments
Click the ‘Update’ button to access the ‘Bulk Update Grid Screen’.
Refer to the ‘Bulk Update’ section above for information.
The ‘Update’ function will increase or decrease instalments based on charges and credits and is not based on receipting.
When Parent Lounge Payment Schedules Is Not Enabled
This is a multi-purpose program that allows you to:
Create payment schedules for parents.
Calculate instalments for payment schedules.
Print or export a list of payment schedules to Excel® or Word®.
Calculated payment schedules can be included with parent statements that are generated using program Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Parent Statements. Analysis and cash flow forecasting for payment schedules can also be produced using program Finance > Parent Accounts > Listing & Reports > Payment Schedules Report.
This process is only suited to schools that:
Run one major parent Auto Account Billing per year at the start of the year.
Include ancillary charges and fees for the year in Auto Account Billing.
It is not suited to schools that:
Run multiple parent Auto Account Billing runs per year (i.e. Term based billing).
Do not want ancillary charges (added during the year) to be included in payment schedule instalments.
Generate reminders either as statements or through program Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Overdue Reminders.
Click here for more information on 'How to Process Annual Billing'.
Once a payment schedule has been generated, scheduled instalments can be included as an additional page on parent statements using TASS.web program Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Parent Statements. Once payment schedules have been generated, instalments will not change in subsequent parent statement prints to include additional charges.
Payment Schedules List
This screen will display a list of all payment schedules that have been created.
To 'View' or 'Delete' a payment schedule, click the associated link in the 'Action' column.
Click the 'Print' button at the top of the screen to generate a listing of the payment schedules displayed.
Adding a New Payment Schedule
Click the 'Add Payment Schedule' button to create a new payment schedule.
Generate a Payment Schedule
After a Payment Schedule has been created, use the 'Generate Payment Schedules' link in the 'Action' column to add parents to the payment schedule.
A warning will be displayed if there are parents who already have a payment schedule. Click on the hyperlinked number to produce a list of these parents. A parent can only have one payment schedule.
Tick the acknowledgement message and click 'GO' to add parents to the Payment Schedule.
For any parent who has been included on a payment schedule, the 'Payment Schedule' tab in program Finance > Parent Accounts > Account Information > Parent Account Inquiry will become active.
Once you have generated a payment schedule the final step is to generate parent statements using the 'Payment Schedules' option in program Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Parent Statements.
When a payment schedule exists program Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Parent Statements will display a 'Payment Schedules' button at the top of the screen.
Parent Statements can be generated as:
Parent Statement with the Payment Schedule, or
Reminder Statement with Payment Schedules including overdue amounts.
Parent Payment Schedule Screen
Click on any hyperlinked number (greater than zero 0) in the 'Num Parents' column to view a list of parent accounts currently in the nominated payment schedule.
Click 'View' in the Action column to display the ‘Parent Payment Schedule screen’ for the selected parent.
If an additional parent needs to be added to the payment schedule, click the 'Add Parent Schedule' button at the top of the screen. Enter the Parent Code and click 'GO'.
Click 'Print' to generate a list of parents applied to the payment schedule.
To return to the 'Payment Schedules List' screen, click the 'Back' button.