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ENR - Adding a New Enrolment


The Enrolments program is used to add, view, edit and delete future student and parent records. 

The program essentially works in two modes:

  1. For the rapid entry of an enrolment enquiry (referred to as 'Quick Entry' in this documentation).

  2. For the entry of an enrolment application (referred to as 'Detailed Entry' in this documentation).

This involves a two-stepped approach: 

  • Step 1: Determine if the parent record already exists, then complete the details on the 'General', 'Child Details', 'Parent UD' and 'Notes' tabs and save the record. 

  • Step 2:  Use the editing function to enter and maintain more detailed student and parent information.

Adding a New Enrolment

To add a new future enrolment record, use the 'New Enrolment' button.

Very Important!

It is critical to determine if the enrolling parent is already in the database (as a Current, Enrolled, or Past Parent). To do this enter a search string directly into the 'Search' field at the top right of the screen. Click on the 'Binoculars' icon or press 'Enter' key to execute the search.

Executing a Search

The searchable fields are:

Parent Surname, Student Surname, Student Preferred Surname, Student First Name, Student Preferred Name, Student Other Names, Entry Year, Student Code, Parent Type, Student Type, Parent Code, Date of Leaving, Address Line 1, Address Line  2, Address Line 3, Town/Suburb, State Code, Post Code, Home Phone, Business Phone, Mobile Phone, Entry Year Group, Boarder, Cancelled Flag and Date of Entry.

You can also search for students by entering Student First Name and Surname or Student Preferred Name and Surname.

You would normally search on Parent or Student Surname.

The 'Search Results' screen will display the records that the system found, based on the search criteria that you entered.

If you find the parent record for the student you are about to enrol, click on the hyperlink on the Parent Name to select that record and the existing information will be displayed in the 'General' tab. You can now navigate to the 'Child Details' tab to enter the enrolling student details.

If the parent record is not displayed, you can either search again or click the 'New Parent' button to return to the 'General' tab to commence the entry of both the new parent and enrolling student information.

The default mode for sorting records returned by the search is by 'Best Match'. This uses a matching 'score' that is determined by the search engine. An alternative mode of ordering the records returned is available by selecting the 'Alphabetically' button.

Enterprise Mode Only

If your school is running in Enterprise Mode, before adding a new enrolment record, you should search to see if the parent or student records already exist in other schools within your group.

Example: When a student is enrolling in one of the group's secondary schools and that student has attended one of the group's primary schools.

To do this enter a search string directly into the 'Search' field at the top right of the screen. Click on the 'Binoculars' icon or press 'Enter' key to execute the search.

The searchable fields are:

Parent Surname, Student Surname, Student Preferred Surname, Student First Name, Student Preferred Name, Student Other Names, Entry Year, Student Code, Parent Type, Student Type, Parent Code, Date of Leaving, Address Line 1, Address Line  2, Address Line 3, Town/Suburb, State Code, Post Code, Home Phone, Business Phone, Mobile Phone, Entry Year Group, Boarder, Cancelled Flag and Date of Entry.

You can also search for students by entering Student First Name and Surname or Student Preferred Name and Surname.

The 'Search Results' screen will display the records that the system found, based on the search criteria that you entered. The 'School' column will indicate the school in which the parent or student records already exist. This could be any of the feeder schools in your group or your own school (if the parent or student is already enrolled).


Students in other schools within your group that have their 'Privacy' flag set to 'Yes' will not be returned in any search results.

If you find the student record for the student you are about to enrol in one of your schools, click on the hyperlink on the Student Name to select that record.  The 'General', 'Child Details' and Parent UD' tabs on the 'Enrolled Parent' screen will be populated with data.  You will need to enter the student's 'Entry Year' and 'Entry Yr Grp' on the 'Child Details' screen before saving the record and moving to Step 2

On 'Save' any student 'Enterprise UD Area' data will also be populated from the school that the record currently exists.

The hyperlink will not be active on the Student Name field if the student is already enrolled at your school.

If you find the parent record for the parent of the student you are about to enrol in one of your other schools or your own school, click on the hyperlink on the Parent Name to select that record. The 'General', and 'Parent UD' tabs on the 'Enrolled Parent' screen will be populated with data. You will need to enter the enrolling student's details on the 'Chid Details' tab before saving the record and moving to Step 2

If the parent or student record is not displayed, you can either search again or click the 'New Parent' button to return to the 'General' tab to commence the entry of both the new parent and enrolling student information.

The default mode for sorting records returned by the search is by 'Best Match'. This uses a matching 'score' to order that is determined by the search engine. An alternative mode of ordering the records returned is available by selecting the 'Alphabetically 'button.

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