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STR - General Tab


The Student Record ‘General' tab lets you view, add and maintain general information for each student.

Fields that require detailed explanation

Student Code

The structure of your school's student code is set up using TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Student Records' tab in the 'Student Code Format' field.

Numeric Code Structure

If your school is using the recommended numeric code format, this field will not be accessible when adding a record.  The program will automatically allocate the next number in the sequence.

Alphabetic/Numeric Code Structure

If your school has elected to use an alphabetic/numeric code you will need to enter a student code that complies with the school's designated structure.

Hover over the 'question mark' icon when adding a record if you can't remember the code structure.

Once a 'Student Code' has been entered, the program will check that the code complies with the structure and that the code has not already been used.  If it has, it will automatically adjust the numeric part of the code to the next available number.

Once a 'Student Code' is entered, it can't be changed as the code is used by various modules and processes to maintain integrity across the system.

Person No.

This field will display the system-allocated person number for this student in TASS.web Community.

Click the 'puzzle' icon to launch the Community program.

Parent Code

This is the unique code that links a student to his/her parent's record.

When you are adding a new student record you can either enter a 'Parent Code' or use the 'Binoculars' lookup to search for the correct parent record.

You can also edit this field for an existing student record. 

This field cannot be changed:

  • When there are 'Communication Rules' applied in the 'Addresses & Communication Rules' tab.

  • For non-current students who have had a Past Student record created using TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Year End Processing > Transfer Students to Past.


Enterprise Mode Only

Tick this option to prevent this student from appearing in searches conducted by other schools within your group.

As an example, before adding a new enrolment record, you should search to see if the parent or student already exists at your school or at another school within your group. The 'Privacy' flag will prevent a student at your school from appearing in any search conducted by another school within your group.

LUI Number

Australian Schools Only

This is a read-only field that will display a student's identification number relevant to your state's education authority.   

The name of this field is dependent on your school's state:

  • QLD > 'LUI Number'

  • NSW > 'NESA Number'

  • VIC > 'VSN Number'

  • TAS > 'TASC Number'

  • WA > 'WA Student Number'

This student identification number is entered through one of the following programs:

NSW Schools

TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Government Returns > NESA Grid (NSW)

QLD Schools

TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Government Returns > QCAA Grid (Qld)

TAS Schools

TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Government Returns > TASC Grid (Tas)

VIC Schools

TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Government Returns > VSR Batches

WA Schools

TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Government Returns > SCSA Processing (WA)


Use this field to record the Unique Student Identifier (USI) for VET-registered students.

Alternate ID

This field is used to record a unique barcode or magnetic swipe card number for each student. 

The TASS.web Attendance Self Registration (ASR) system and School Shop software will allow swipe cards or barcodes to be utilised, provided the swipe card or barcode values are stored in this field. 

It is a 40-character field.                


This field is used to record an additional unique identifier for use with identity management systems.
It is a 100-character field.


It is recommended that the student's legal surname is used.

Preferred Surname

This field is used to record an alternate surname for the student.

First Name

It is recommended that the student's legal given name is used.

Other Names

It is recommended that the student's legal additional name/s be used.

Preferred Name

This field is used to record an alternative name for the student.

For example, 'Anthony' may prefer to be called 'Tony'. 'Michelle' may prefer 'Shelly'.

Date of Birth

This is not a mandatory field (except for Victorian schools due to VSN data transfer requirements).

It is highly recommended that all schools record a 'Date of Birth' for each current student. 

It may be possible that some future student records were entered into the Enrolments module without a 'Date of Birth' (DOB) due to the records originally being entered prior to the birth of the child. Any of these records that have been transferred to current without a 'Date of Birth' can be identified and fixed quickly using TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students Grid Entry (select 'Date of Birth' in the 'Field Selection' area).

It is a mandatory field for Victorian schools (i.e. Those where 'Postcode' starts with '3') in TASS.web Finance > General Ledger > Setup Information > Company Information).  

For Victorian schools there is an additional check-in program TASS.web Student Admin > Enrolments > Enrolments Information > Transfer to Current that the 'Date of Birth' field has been entered for each transferring record.

It is an important field that is used to calculate students' ages in various age and census reports.

  • TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Listings > Age Report.

  • TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Government Returns > Census (Aus).

Student records that do not contain a 'Date of Birth' will display as '0 Years' or have no calculated age.


This is the student's gender. Select the appropriate gender from the options provided in the picklist.

The default for this field is set up TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information on the 'Student Records' tab.

The gender options available on this picklist are maintained using TASS.web Community > Setup Information in 'Gender Setup'.

Year Group

This is the student's current level. 

The year groups available in this dropdown list are set up using TASS.web Student Admin > Parent Records > Setup Information > Parent Records Setup on the 'School' tab in the 'Minimum and Maximum Year Group' fields.

The naming convention for year groups 0 and below are set up using TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information on the 'Student Records' tab. in the 'Reference Year Group' fields.


This is the student's full-time equivalent value and must be between 0.00 and 1.00.

Form Class

Often referred to as a student's 'Home Class'. 

It is normal for a school to allocate students into either Form Classes or 'PC/Tutor Groups' (or both).

'Form Class' is normally used if the students' home classes are strictly within year groups.

This normally combines with 'Year Group', e.g. The student is in form class A and Year 11.

Form Classes are important if you intend to use TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Classes > Generate Subjects for Students to generate subjects classes.  This uses prototype subjects (most common in a primary school or where there is no student subject import from an external timetable package.)  There is an option in the generation program to 'Let Subject Class equal Form Class'.

If your school has 'vertical' home classes (students across multiple year levels) you would use 'PC Tutor Group' instead of 'Form Class'.

It is also common for a school to use both 'Form Class' and 'PC Tutor Group'.


Once set to 'Yes' a record is available for this student in the Boarders module.

Distance Ed.

Distance Education (Yes/No).

This is included when TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Government Returns > Census (Aus) is run.


'Houses' are set up using TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Houses' tab.

This is not a mandatory field.


'Religions' are set up using TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Religions' tab.

PC/Tutor Group

This is another way to allocate students into a 'Home Class'.

It is normal for a school to allocate students into either 'PC/Tutor Groups' or 'Form Classes' (or both).

'PC/Tutor Group' is normally used if the students' home classes are 'vertical' (students across multiple year levels).

'PC/Tutor Group' also has a longer code (5 alphanumerics) than 'Form Class' (2 alphanumerics).


'Campuses' are set up using TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Campuses' tab.

'Campus' is available as a filter in many TASS.web and Staff Kiosk reports.

It is also possible to load and view a timetable for an individual campus.

Comparative Reporting

The TASS.web Academic Reporting module includes a customisable style sheet-based academic report with an option to calculate and include student 'Comparative Reporting' data. This field will determine how the 'Comparative Reporting' data will appear on a student's report:

  • Include: Will include the comparative data on this student's report.

  • Don't Include: Will not include the comparative data on this student's report.

  • Exclude: Will not include the comparative data on this student's report and will exclude him/her from the calculations that appear on other students' reports.

Multi Parenting Arrangements

'Communication Rules' provide a 'student-centric' way of defining precisely how different areas of your school communicate with parents. They are especially useful for communication with split families and for families with students who have multiple parenting arrangements.

Refer to How to Handle Split Family Arrangements for further details.

You would change this flag to 'Yes' for a student who:

  • Belongs to a Simple Split family

  • Belongs to a Complex Split family

  • Requires a second parent record to be linked to his/her student record, e.g To record a carer, host family, boarding staff or emergency contact who is another parent at the school.

By setting this flag to 'Yes' it means that it becomes possible to link additional TASS parent records to this student on the 'Addresses & Communication Rules' tab.

Entry Year Grp

This is the year level in which the student first entered your school.

Where a student has left the school and returned, click the 'Add Enrolment History' link to record a previous 'Date of Entry', 'Date of Leaving', 'Comment' and an 'Attachment'.

Click the 'Enrolment History' link to display a list of the previous enrolment details entered for this student.

Date of Entry /

Date of Leaving

A student is considered as 'Current' if:

  • Their 'Date of Entry' is less than or equal to the current date.

  • Their 'Date of Leaving' is blank or greater than or equal to the current date.

'Non-current students' do not show up on school lists and are not included in the automated billing.

If a student has left your school and returned at a later date, you can re-instate them (ie make he/she a current student again).

Refer to How do I reinstate a past student? for more information. 


The dates recorded in a student's 'Enrolment History' will be used in government returns such as Student Attend. - STATS (Aus).

Next Year

This field determines the student's status for next year. It also interacts with the Enrolments Projections Grid area in the Enrolment module.

This field is also available as a searchable criterion in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Listings/Reports/Merges > Student Details Listing on the 'Student Records' tab. This provides a way to produce a list of all students who have a particular 'Next Year' status.


Students with this status will progress up to the next year group when TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Year End Processing > Advance Student Year Groups is run. 


Students who have a 'Date of Leaving' less than the current date will be set to this status automatically.

If you change a student from 'Advancing' to 'Finished' the program will force you to enter a 'Date of Leaving'.


If you receive an advance warning that:

  • The student will not be returning next year, or

  • The student will be leaving at a future specified date.

...then you should change the student to this status and enter the future 'Date of Leaving'.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

An overnight update should run the scheduled task called TASS-updateparentstatus.

This task will set the 'Leaving' status for any student who has a 'Date of Leaving' less than the current date to 'Finished'.

It will also change the 'Status' on the Parent record attached to this student to 'Non Current' (if this was the only or last student for this Parent).  

Students in their final year of school will automatically be allocated this status.

Students with this status will not progress up to the next 'Year Group' when TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Year End Processing > Advance Student Year Groups is run.


Some examples of how this status would be used:

Scenario 1: A student who has been transferred to current and then decided not to attend the school this year, but would like to be considered for next year. Hence we need to remove them as a current student and re-activate their enrolment record.

Scenario 2: A student is leaving for an extended period of time (e.g. 6 months overseas holiday), but would like to be considered for re-entry in a future year. Hence we need to remove them as a current student and re-activate or create a future enrolment record.


In this scenario, you should take care that a Past Student record has not already been created for this student before re-entering this student. 

This field will be greyed out if there is a past student record for this student. You will need to use TASS.web Student Admin > Past Students > Student Information > Past Students to delete the past student record before the field becomes active.

Refer to TASS.web Student Admin > Enrolment Information > Enrolments > Reinstate an Enrolment for details of that process. 


If you receive an advance warning that a student will not be advancing next year, you should change the student to this status.

This doesn't require a 'Date of Leaving' to be entered.


Program Enrolments > Enrolment Information > Enrolment Worksheet has a tool to project next year's student numbers by including:

Future enrolments that are at Stage 7 and 8 of the enrolment cycle (normally called Acceptance Fee Paid Stage and Ready to Transfer)

Current students advanced by one year level (excluding students flagged as 'Finished', 'Leaving' or 'Re-entering')

Current students who will remain in the same year level due to having a status of 'Repeating'.

Previous School

Previous Schools are set up using TASS.web Student Admin > Enrolments > Setup Information > Enrolments Setup on the 'Feeder Schools' tab.

When a student is transferred to current from the Enrolments module the 'Current School' from the 'Enrolled Student' record will be transferred to this field

Student Cafe Access

Set this field to 'Yes' to provide this student with access to Student Café.

This will issue the student with a Student Café license.

Use TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Student Café Licenses to allocate licenses to multiple students.

You will receive a message when there are no Student Café licenses available, e.g. All of your school's Student Cafe licences have already been allocated. 

If this occurs, please contact your system administrator to arrange additional licences.

Click the 'Login History' link to display a list of this student's Student Café login history. The popup will display the last 30 logins.  Use the 'Print All' button for the student's entire login history.

A 'Ghost Logon' link will be available if the student has been assigned 'Student Café Access'. Click this link to log into Student Café as this student.

The 'Ghost Logon' can be used to provide a student with support for Student Cafe by being able to log in and see what they can see.

If the ghost logon has been used to access Student Café, the username of the TASS.web user will be recorded in the login history.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

The 'Ghost Logon' link requires the 'Student Café Ghosting' permission for Student Records in TASS.web System Admin > Users > User Maintenance or Security Role Permissions.

SSO Mapping

Under an SSO (Single Sign-On) environment, once the student has authenticated into a school generated web application, the student is able to access Student Café without having to log in again (providing the school's web application has implemented the TASS SSO Integration).

Refer to TASS.web System Admin > Users > SSO Maintenance for further details on SSO.

This is a read-only field that will display the number of Single Sign On (SSO) applications that the student has been mapped to in TASS.web System Admin > Users > SSO Maintenance.

SSO is optional for Student Café.  It must be noted that an SSO Mapping doesn't replace the need to have LDAP/SAML Mapping for students.

LDAP/SAML Username

This field is used to record the student's LDAP (or Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) or SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) user name. This is a mapping of this student's record (via the 'Student Code') to the student's logon that he/she uses to access the school's network.

LDAP provides a way for students to login into Student Café using the same login and password they use to access the school's network.

When SAML is enabled, students will be automatically logged-into Student Cafe if their credentials have already been authenticated in another application.

It is inefficient to add LDAP/SAML mappings for students one at a time using this program.  LDAP/SAML mappings would generally be maintained by I.T. staff using TASS.web System Admin > Users > LDAP/SAML Maintenance.

You are more likely to add a mapping here for a student who enters the school mid-year.


LDAP/SAML is mandatory for Student Café.

If your school uses Student Café and this field is blank, the student will not be able to access Student Café.  You should notify your System Administrator.

If you have access to the 'LDAP/SAML Maintenance' program, you will be able to 'Edit' this field and enter the student's 'LDAP/SAML Username'.

The program does not check that the 'LDAP Username' nominated exists on Active Directory server, so care must be taken here. 


Should be the student's school email address.  Teachers can email students using Staff Kiosk.

Mobile Phone

This field is used to record the student's mobile phone number.


Tick this option if SMS messages can be generated for this student using Staff Kiosk Staff > Notifications.

The 'SMS' flag on the 'Mobile Phone' field is active if a mobile phone number has been entered.

When ticked, the 'Mobile Phone' number above will be immediately validated to ensure it is the correct format for SMS messaging. An error message will be displayed if it is invalid.

The correct format for a mobile number is NNNNNNNNNN (e.g. 0400123123) or +61NNNNNNNNN (e.g. +61400123123). 

If you enter a valid number with spaces, the program will remove them.

Residency Status

This field is used for the purpose of reporting Citizenship and Residency information to the government.

'Residency Statuses' are set up using TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Countries, Languages and Residency Status on the 'Residency' tab.

The status entered here against the student record is used by the following programs:


All student records must contain a 'Residency Status' to ensure the correct information is submitted to the government. If a student does not contain a 'Residency Status' on their student record, then that student's residency status will be reported to the government as a type '9' or 'Unknown'. Incorrect reporting of 'Residency Status' may affect funding that your school receives from the government.

Visa Expiry Date

For overseas students.

Visa Subclass

For overseas students enter the student's 6 digits Visa Subclass Number.

This is included when TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Government Returns > ACARA Data Extract (Aus) is run.

An example of a subclass is:

Subclass 571 – Schools

Primary school; secondary school including junior and senior secondary: approved exchange programs.

You should check that this applies to international students at your school before using this.

Date of Arrival in Aus

For overseas students enter the student's date of arrival in Australia.

This is included when TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Government Returns > ACARA Data Extract (Aus) is run.


Full-Fee Paying Overseas Student (Yes/No).

This is included when TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Government Returns > Census (Aus) is run.

Photo / Image

Student photos can be uploaded individually or in bulk.

To upload individual photos, click the 'Edit Photo' button at the top of the 'Student' screen.   

Images can also be uploaded in bulk photos using TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > Bulk Image Upload.   This program will automatically resize the images as needed and create thumbnails of each image.  Refer to How to Setup Student and Employee Photos for more information.

Recommended Image Attributes




File Name (Student)

StudentCode.jpg (e.g. CLAR002.jpg)*


500 pixels


625 pixels


+ 72 dpi



File size (approximate)


Lives With (OLD)

This field and its associated functionality become redundant from TASS.web Version 43.1 onwards.

This is because the 'Lives with' indicator for students has been moved to the 'Address and Communication Rules' tab.

Last Update By / On

The TASS.web user to last edit the student will be displayed along with the date and time the record was edited

Click the 'View' link to display the changes.

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