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ENR - Enrolments Projections Grid


With the Enrolment Projects Grid program you can forecast your future student numbers for multiple years ahead. The forecast is based on user defined probabilities for each Enrolment Stage and each future year. This is a powerful way to forecast and analyse future enrolment numbers for your school.

To use this program, you must setup at least one Enrolment Projects Configuration which defines the number of future years to forecast and the probabilities to use for each of these years. 

Very Important!

Before using this program, you must have your 'Enrolment Stages' and 'Enrolment Budget' set up.

Click here to for an Administrator Note

User Permissions

You must have the Enrolments Worksheet 'view' permission set in TASS.web System Admin > Users > User Maintenance to use this program.

Enrolments Projections Configuration

This is where you set the probability for a student to become an accepted enrolment based upon where they are in the enrolment process and how many years ahead of their possible enrolment. You can save multiple configurations to see how different scenario's would affect the number of students that will be coming into your school in future years. 

For example, if you want to forecast your student enrolments for one year ahead, you could set the probability of a student who had received a prospectus who then goes on to become an enrolled student at 20%. If they pay a holding fee, there might be a 70% chance, and if they get offered a place, a 90% chance. You can do the same thing for two, three, five, etc. years ahead to creating a sophisticated model of future student enrolments. 

If you are including multiple enrolment status in your configuration and are including multiple years, you must do all of the enrolment statuses for a single year before adding enrolment statuses for subsequent years.

Fields that require detailed explanation


Tick to enable other users of TASS.web to see and use this Projection Configuration. Other users will not be able to edit or delete it (only the creator can).

Years Ahead

This must be between 1 and 99 years ahead and when creating a configuration for multiple years, the numbers must be sequential. 

Enrolment Stage

Select the Enrolment Stages to use in your forecast. You can include one or more enrolment status. The Enrolment Stages are defined in TASS.web Student Admin > Enrolments > Setup Information > Enrolments Setup on the 'Status' tab


Enter a number to represent the % of students at that enrolment stage that you expect to become a student. 

To determine what probability to enter, look at your historical data of the actual percentages of students who became an accepted enrolment from each stage of the enrolment process.

Enrolments Projections Grid

On the grid you can view enrolment projections, add a new projection configuration, edit an existing projection and generate a report of your projection. There are filters at the top of the screen to breakdown the data by Gender, Campus and Boarder status.

Grid Columns

Fields that require detailed explanation

Current Students

The current student numbers at the school.

New in YYYY

YYYY is each year between the current year and the Year selected in the filter at the top of the screen.

For each YYYY, it is calculated based on the Projection Configuration that has been selected at the top of the screen

Continuing in YYYY

YYYY is the year selected in the 'Projection Year' filter.

For each year group, it is calculated by taking the numbers in the preceding ‘New Students in YYYY’ column and the ‘Current Students’ column.

For example, if the current year is 2021 and the 'Projection Year' is 2024:

  • 50 current students in Year 1 would be projected as 50 "Advancing" students in Year 4 2024.

  • 10 new students in 2022 in Year 2 would be projected as 10 "New" students in Year 4 2024.

You can hover over each number to see the breakdown of:

  • Advancing students

  • Repeating students

  • New students

New Students in YYYY

YYYY is the year selected in the 'Projection Year' filter.

It is calculated based on the Projection Configuration that has been selected at the top of the screen.

Total in YYYY

It is the total of “Continuing in YYYY” plus “New Students in YYYY”.

Budget for YYYY

These are entered in TASS.web Student Admin > Enrolments > Setup Information > Enrolments Budget.


It is “Total in YYYY” minus “Budget for YYYY”


Filters that require detailed explanation

Projection Year

The number of years available is based on the number of years included in the selected 'Projection Configuration'

Projection Configuration

The options available are the 'Project Configurations' that you created plus those created by other users that are flagged as Public.

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