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Notifications Overview

This is a multi-purpose program that allows you to:

  • Create Notifications that will become visible to students in Student Café.

  • Create Notifications that will become visible to parents in Parent Lounge.

  • Create Notifications that will be delivered to parents' mobile phones through the school's mobile app.

Click here for an Administrator Note

To use Push Notifications, the school must hold a 'Mobile App' API licence and deploy a mobile app through a TASS Integration Partner.

Refer to How To/Checklists > General > TASS API Setup Checklist.

  • Send an SMS to students.

Click here for an Administrator Note

You must have set up a Streetdata SMS gateway account to use this functionality. Refer to the TASS.web Online Help How To/Checklists > General > SMS Notification Setup Checklist.

  • Send an SMS to parents.

  • Log Notifications and SMS messages sent to students and/or parents into a Communication Log.

Click here for more information on the Communication Log.

All communications (emails, notifications and SMS) generated from Staff Kiosk are recorded in a Communication Log.

The Communication Log allows you to track and monitor the details of communications including who it has been sent to and whether the communication has been viewed by the recipients.

The Communication Log for a student can be viewed using the Staff Kiosk program Student Profile > Communication Log.

  • Produce a list that displays the students and parents who received Notifications and/or SMS.

  • Produce a list that shows the students and parents who have acknowledged receipt of a Notification.

  • View existing Notifications and SMS that have been sent in a read-only format.

  • Edit existing Notifications.


The ability to send an individual SMS or a group (Bulk) SMS are dependent on your security permissions. The ability to create a single Staff Kiosk Notification or a group (Bulk) Staff Kiosk Notification are dependent on your security permissions.

Click here for an Administrator Note.
Use TASS.web program System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions to create Staff Kiosk User Roles and to assign teachers into them. It is important to follow the steps outlined in the TASS knowledge base for that program.

SMS messages may be delayed when there is telephone network congestion, such as during natural disasters or events. For critical and urgent communications, please consider using multiple communication methods, such as app push notifications, Parent Lounge alerts, emails, calendar entries, or posting information on your school’s website.

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