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STR - Student Records Tab (SU)


The ‘Student Records’ tab in Student Records Setup is used to set up and maintain essential defaults for the student record.

Student Record Parameters

Student Code Format

Although Student Codes can be made up of alphabetic, numeric or a mixture of both, it is strongly recommended that schools use a numeric 'Student Code Format'.

Reasons for using a numeric code:

The code will automatically increment as each new record is added.  Users don't have to enter a code when adding a new student into the database.  

If you use an alphabetic code that includes part of the surname and the parents subsequently split, that code will remain with the student and could cause embarrassment.

You do not need knowledge of codes in the system to access student records.

If you decide to use a numeric code, we recommend using a 6 digit code for the student record and a 5 digit code for the parent record.

The 'Student Code Format' can be up to 8 digits/characters in length.

Once this format has been defined it can't be altered in any way.

To define the structure of your code you need to enter one of the following for each character/digit.

A = Alphabetic character.

9 = Numeric digit.


Here are some examples of 'Student Code Formats':

Numeric Only (recommended)

If you decide on a 6 digit numeric code you would enter 999999 in this field.

Alphabetic/Numeric combination

AAAA999 – This indicates to the system that the Student Code will be 7 characters long comprising of 4 alphabetic and 3 numeric digits.

The system has a mechanism when adding a student record that will find the next available numeric digit based on the alphabetic code entered, e.g. SMIT001, next SMIT002, next SMIT003 etc.

Surnames that are only 3 characters long will require a 'filler' character', e.g. Surname of Yee would require a code such as YEEZ001.

Auto Numbering

Ticking the box for Auto Numbering will allow automatic generation of Student Codes.

The format only contains numeric characters in this mode, and therefore is not available if the Student Code Format is setup with Alphabetic or Alphanumeric characters.

Leaving the box blank will allow you to allocate Students Codes manually.

Next Student Code

This is used if the 'Auto Numbering' box has been ticked. The next number setup must be greater than any existing code.

Default Gender

This field indicates which gender should be used as the default when entering new students. This is particularly useful for single-gender schools.

Options include:

  • Male

  • Female

  • None.

Use Preferred Name

If this box is ticked, the student's preferred name will appear in various reports and listings in place of their given name.

Student Surname Display Preference

Select the preference for displaying a student's surname. The options available are:

  • 'Surname',

  • 'Preferred Surname'

  • 'Surname (Preferred Surname)'

This preference will be used in the following locations in Staff Kiosk: Student Search, Student Profile (General Details section), Roll Call and Markbook.

Omit Non-current Students from Lookup

Tick this so that the 'Student Picker' will exclude non-current students by default.

Users can then elect to include non-current students in the 'Additional Criteria' section of the 'Student Picker'.

*Order Student Lookup by

Select the order in which student names will be displayed in student lookup lists:

  • By 'Code', or

  • By 'Name' (default).

Enable SMTP Emails

Tick this option to enable direct emailing out of TASS.web from the Students module using SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) format.

This would be an alternative to using external email products to send email communication (i.e. Outlook) to send email communication.

All SMTP Emails generated are recorded in a Communication Log.

Click here for more information on Communication Log.

The following student based communications are recorded in a Communication Log:

  • SMS generated in TASS.web and Staff Kiosk.

  • SMTP Emails generated in Staff Kiosk and the Enrolments module in TASS.web.

  • Notifications generated in Staff Kiosk.

  • Notes entered in TASS.web and Staff Kiosk (where the Note Category has been flagged for display in the Communication Log).

Internal teacher/non-teacher communications generated in Staff Kiosk are also recorded in a Communication Log.

The categories for Student Notes visible in the Communication Log are determined by user permissions.

The Communication Log allows you to track and monitor the details of communications including who it has been sent to and whether the communication has been viewed by the recipients.

The Communication Log for a student can be viewed using Staff Kiosk Student Profile > Communication Log.

The Communication Log for an enrolled student can be viewed using TASS.web Student Admin > Enrolments > Enrolment Information > Enrolments on the ‘Communication Log’ tab.

This option is only available where your school is enabled for Communication Rules.

Enable Special Name Field

Tick to add an additional format for Student names, e.g. Hebrew names. 

When enabled: 

  • A new row will appear on each Student Record allowing you to enter their Special Name accordingly. 

  • The Special Name Description will appear as an Additional Field option on Enrolment and Student Details Listing exports. 

  • The students' Special Name will be printed on Interim Reports, Student Reports and Exit Statements. 

Description for Special Name

This field will display when 'Enable Special Name Field' is ticked.

Enter the description of the Special Name.  
The Special Name Description will appear in the following places: 
- as the field name on a Student Record for entry of the student’s Special Name. 
- as an Additional Field option on the Enrolment Details Listing and Student Details Listing.

Special Name Text Direction

This field will display when 'Enable Special Name Field' is ticked.

Select ‘Left to right’ or ‘Right to left’.
The Special Name Text Direction will apply to any data in the Special Name field when rendered in a Details listing or when used on Student Reports, Interim Reports and Exit Statements.

Multiple languages are not supported. 

Apply Text Direction to Special Name Description

This field will display when 'Enable Special Name Field' is ticked.

Tick this box if you wish the Description to have the same direction as the Special Name Text.

Reference Year Group

This allows for Year Groups 0, -1, -2, -3 to have an alternative 2 character descriptor, e.g. 0 = P,  -1 = K.

Description for Semester/Term


Maximum Number of Semester/Terms

These are important settings for the TASS software. It is highly recommended that you discuss these with your TASS Trainer before proceeding.

If you run a three-term based academic year you can change 'Description' to Term and 'Maximum Number' to 3.

If you run a four-term based academic year you can change 'Description' to Term and 'Maximum Number' to 4 etc.

If you run a two semester-based academic year you can change 'Description' to Semester and 'Maximum Number' to 2.

Even though some schools have a curriculum that operates in a semester mode, they have adopted a 'hybrid' approach by setting up TASS.web Student Records using a Term based method, e.g. 2 Semester – 4 Term. This documentation will refer to this type of setup as 'hybrid'.

There are some advantages and disadvantages in a 'hybrid' approach and therefore it is very important that this is considered carefully before proceeding further.

These settings should never be changed mid-year.

Here are some of the questions to consider before taking a 'hybrid' approach (electing to go Term based if you operate a semester-based curriculum).

  1. Are you a NSW Senior school?
    Recommended: If 'Yes' set this field to Term based (hybrid).  This will help cater for Year 12 students commencing Year 12 in term 4 Year 11.

  2. Do you have a significant amount of term based subjects that rotate within a semester? For example, students take History in Term 1 then take Geography in Term 2.
    Recommended: If 'Yes' consider Term based (hybrid). 

  3. Do you have a significant amount of student subject changes after academic results have been entered?
    This is not a reference to students who change subjects within a week or two into the semester.  It refers to students who change subjects well into the semester and teachers have already entered academic results.
    Recommended: If 'Yes' consider Term based (hybrid).

If you answer 'No' to these questions, then setting TASS.web Student Records up as 'Semester' based may be a better option.

Advantages of a Term (Hybrid) Based Approach

  • If your students have a lot of mid-semester subject changes (e.g. In term 2), a new timetable can be loaded whilst still preserving student and teacher subject data from Term1.

  • Class lists will be more accurate for each Term.

  • TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Auto Account Billing can select term based subject levees.  

Disadvantages of a Term Based Approach

  • If the school is using Progressive Assessment, classes will need to be duplicated (but not timetable) from Term 1 to Term 2 for subjects that are rotated between Terms.
    This is to allow teachers to be able to access Activities from both Terms in a Semester.

Advantages of a Semester Based Approach

  • If the school is using Progressive Assessment and does not have rotational subjects it is easier to maintain.

Even if you elect to run Term based the school can still run with Semester based reporting periods.

Short Description/Abbreviation

The abbreviated description will be used on certain screens where there is not enough room to print the full 'Description of Semester/Term' entered in the field above.

Contact Details


Use this field to store the name of the person who is the main contact for this module at your school.


Use this field to store the email address of the person who is the main contact for this module at your school.


Use this field to store the phone number of the person who is the main contact for this module at your school.


Use this field to store the fax number of the person who is the main contact for this module at your school.


Use this field to store the web address of any website relating to student information at your school.

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