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GL - Company Information (SU)


The General Ledger ‘Company Information' program in TASS.web is used to generate a 'Company Record’.

‘Company Records’ are used to:

  • Define an accounting entity for a school or associated company.

  • Define a distinct school/company entity for the purposes of student administration and Portal products access (Staff Kiosk, webBook, Parent Lounge and Student Café).

  • Record user-definable information relating to each company/school. This allows you to set up your own single flag, table referenced, text and date fields. These fields can include triggers that will display in the 'Company Details' screen.

Single-School Setup

You must create at least one 'Company' to operate TASS.web.

Multi-School Setup

If you use TASS.web as an organisation with multiple schools, one option is to use a single 'instance' of the database and to set up each school as a separate 'Company'.

There are other options available for setting up a multi-school environment and these should be discussed in detail with your TASS Project Manager before proceeding.

Company Tab

Company Details

This section will display all companies currently set up in this TASS database to which the user has access.

Click here to view an Administrator Note.

User access to companies is set up using program System Admin > Users > User Maintenance on the 'Company' tab.

Companies/schools that are set up to run in Enterprise mode are indicated with an '*' in the column next to the 'Phone' number.

When an alert is active for a company/school a yellow alert icon will be displayed in the '!' column.  

For details on how to create alerts, refer to section 'Extended UD Setups Tab' below.

Adding Companies

This is a chargeable service completed by the TASS Professional Services team.

To add a new company, please contact TASS Professional Services with the following information:

  • Which modules do you need?

  • Which existing company do you wish to copy setups from?

  • What is your preferred timeline, when do you need this completed by?

We will review your request and provide you with a quote.

Viewing and Editing Companies

To 'View' or 'Edit' a company, click on the associated link.

The 'Company Details' screen is then displayed.

When satisfied with your entry, click on the 'Update' button to commit your changes to the TASS.web database.

Permanently Disabled Companies

This section will display companies that were permanently disabled as part of the version 52 upgrade.

These companies are not able to be edited and will only be visible when the program is accessed using the 'root' user login.

Scheduled tasks will not run in the background for companies that have been permanently disabled.

General Tab

Fields that require detailed information

Company Code

Unique code for this company used by the system to maintain uniqueness.

Typically, your school would be assigned a company code of '01'.

Other companies may be set up where there are entities that are completely separate from the school (e.g. A foundation company).

Company Logo

This is the logo that is used by report and listing programs in TASS.web, Teacher Kiosk, webBook, Parent Lounge and Student Café for this company.

For more information, refer to 'School Logo Guidelines'.

Use the 'Choose File' button to locate the file that you want to attach as the logo image.

It is recommended that your logo is in a Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) and that it be no larger than 900 pixels high by 600 pixels in width.

Name of School/Company Name

The school or company's trading name.

Full Name

A detailed name for this school or company.

School Display Name

The name entered here will display in Parent Lounge and other portals.

Address Lines 1 and 2

Physical or mailing address for the school or company.

This can be up to 50 characters for each line.

Town / Suburb

Town or suburb for this company.


State code for this company.


Postcode for this company.


Country for this company.

Phone / Fax

Phone/facsimile number for this company.

If this field is left blank, the fax number will not print on receipts.

Country Code

This is the Country Code previously defined in this program (i.e. Finance > General Ledger > Setup Information > Company Information) on the 'Country' tab.

This is referenced by program Finance > Accounts Payable > Supplier Information > Suppliers (it determines the operation of the 'Payment Info' Tab).

Email address

Email address for this company.

No Reply Email address

This email will be used when system-generated emails are sent.

For example, Leave/Other Application notification emails.

Enter the email address that will be displayed in the 'From' field of system-generated emails.

For example,

Web Site

You can enter the URL for the school's website here. A subsequent user can then access the site directly from this page by clicking on the magnifying glass/page search icon.


You can use this field as a Google (and other) map reference for your school.

A subsequent user can then access this directly from this page by clicking on the magnifying glass/page search icon. 


Australian Business Number (ABN) assigned to your entity by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).

Must be a valid ABN entered in the format 'NN NNN NNN NNN' (you may append an optional branch number NNN).

CRICOS Provider Number

This field will print on the parent statement generated through program Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Parent Statements.

CRICOS Provider Name

This field is currently used for recording information purposes only

School Motto

The text entered in this field is printed as the footer on Receipts generated using programs:

  • Finance > Parent Accounts > Receipting > Print Receipts.

  • Finance > School Shop > Shop Transactions > Receipts (by ticking the 'Print Receipt' option when adding a receipt).

Extended UD Tab

Nine extended user-definable data areas are available to record information for each company/school with 50 fields in each area.

Examples of user-definable areas could be:

  • School Documents.

  • School History.

  • Current Year Media Coverage.

Within each of these areas, there are the following types of fields to store information relating to the company/school:

  • 10 x Single character flag fields (0-9, A-Z) which are often used as Yes / No fields.

  • 10 x Table referenced fields (Picklist).

  • 10 x Free form text fields (50 Characters).

  • 10 x Date fields.

  • 10 x Attachment fields for file attachments.

Click here to view an Administrator Note.

The fields displayed in this tab depend on the parameters set up by your school in the 'Extended UD Setups' tab in this program (i.e. Finance > General Ledger > Setup Information > Company Information).

It may be necessary to restrict the editing of data in an extended user-definable area to a single person. This can be done by using the responsibility field in the 'Extended UD Setups' tab in this program (i.e. Finance > General Ledger > Setup Information > Company Information).

'View' and 'Edit' links are available on each of the extended UD areas.

Notes Tab

'Company Notes' is used to store any notes of a general nature relating to the company/school.

New notes are entered using the 'Add Note' button in the top right corner of the screen.

The 'View', 'Edit' and 'Delete' links allow you to action existing notes individually.

Notes can also be categorised by the school.

Click here to view an Administrator Note.

'Note Categories' are set up using this program (i.e. Finance > General Ledger > Setup Information > Company Information) on the 'Note Categories' tab.

TASS.doc is a feature that allows the operator to attach documents to a note, which can be viewed by all authorised users of the 'Company Notes' screen. The 'Paperclip' icon signifies an attachment.

Attachments can be added to the note by clicking the 'Browse' button and selecting the required file to attach from within the school's network.

An example of using the notes attachment feature could be to attach a scanned copy of the school's insurance policy or registration as an education provider.

You can use the 'Print' button at the top of the screen to produce a PDF, Excel® or Word® file with a range of notes for the company that you are currently accessing.  

Enterprise Tab

This tab will only be active if the TASS.web instance is Enterprise enabled. 

Enterprise mode is only relevant if your organisation runs multiple schools/companies in a single 'instance' of the database.

Please contact the TASS Helpdesk if you are interested in TASS.web Enterprise.

Fields that require detailed information

Multi-Company Student and Parent numbering -is this the Source company?

Enterprise mode requires a single centralised numbering sequence for parent and student codes across multiple schools. 

As each student record is added into your 'organisation', regardless of the school he/she is being entered into, the system will allocate the next available student number based on the sequence in this company.

This functionality will only work if:

  • You have multiple schools/companies in the same instance of the database.

  • The 'Auto Numbering' field on the 'Student Records' tab in program Student Admin > Student Information > Setup Information > Student Records Setup is ticked for this company.

  • The 'Auto Numbering' field on the 'Parent' tab in program Student Admin > Parent Records > Setup Information > Parent Records Setup is ticked for this company.

Only one school/company in your organisation can be designated as the 'source'.

When Enterprise mode is enabled, TASS support staff will set this flag for your designated source company.

Multi-Company Student and Parent numbering – is this company to be included?

It will only become active if a single company in your organisation has been setup as a 'source' company. Refer to the definition of a 'source' company directly above.

By ticking this option, the selected school will be in Enterprise mode.

You would leave this box un-ticked if this school/company is to have its own numbering system and is not to be included in the organisations numbering system.

Multi-Company Financial Reports - Is this the Source Company?

When Enterprise mode is enabled multi-company Income Statement and Balance Sheet are based on the GL setups in the nominated 'source' company. Tick this box, if this is to be the 'source' company.

Program Finance > General Ledger > Multi Company Reports > Multi Coy Income Statement allows you to produce a single Income Statement for multiple companies.

Program Finance > General Ledger > Listings & Reports > Multi Coy Balance Sheet allows you to produce a single Balance Sheet for multiple companies.

Only one company in your organisation can be designated as the 'source'. 

Multi-Company financial reports - is this Company to be included?

It will only become active if another company in your organisation has been set up as a 'source' company. Refer to the definition of a 'source' company directly above.

You would leave this box un-ticked if this company is never to be included in the multi-company Income Statement or Balance Sheet.

School Region

Nominate the region within your group to which this school belongs.

This field is available to include when using the 'Print' function on the 'Company Information' screen.

Click here to view an Administrator Note.

Regions are defined on the 'School Regions' tab in this program (i.e. Finance > General Ledger > Setup Information > Company Information).

Diocese/Group School Code

The school code that your Diocese or Group uses to identify this school.  This field is for reference only.

Extended UD Setups Tab

UD (User Definable) fields enable you to create custom fields in your TASS database that may not necessarily be provided with the application.

Nine extended user-definable data areas are available to record information for each company/school with 50 user-definable fields in each area.

Examples of user-definable areas could be:

  • 'School Documents'.

  • 'School History'.

  • 'Current Year Media Coverage'.

To create a new Extended UD data area click on the 'Add EUD Area' button.

Enter a code and a description to identify the Extended UD area.  This is the label that the TASS software will display on the 'Extended UD' tab on the company record.

There are then 50 fields available to use within each Extended UD area:

  • 10 x Single character flag fields (0-9, A-Z) which are often used as Yes/No fields.

  • 10 x Table referenced fields (Picklist).

  • 10 x Free form text fields.

  • 10 x Date fields.

  • 10 x Attachment fields for file attachments.

In the 'Table Referenced Fields' collapsible panel, click on the 'Arrow' icon next to each field to enter the options that will be available in the picklists. To enter a new option for that field enter a 'Code' and 'Description' and click the 'Create' button. Use the 'Edit' button to change an existing 'Description'.


A 'Trigger' field can be created for any field in the following areas:

  • Flag Fields.

  • Table Referenced Fields.

  • Text Fields.

  • Date Fields.

In a 'Flag Field' (which is often used for Y/N), the trigger would normally be set as a 'Y'. Therefore when a company record has a 'Y' recorded in that field, a yellow alert icon will be displayed in the 'Company Tab'. The warning that is displayed is the field description.

For table referenced fields the trigger will be one of the valid data items within the associated table.

For text fields, the trigger must be an exact match between the text keyed here and the company record.

For date fields, the trigger will be where a date has been entered in that field and that date is equal to or less than the current date.

Note Categories Tab

TASS.web provides a facility for entering and retrieving company/school-related notes. A note category is mandatory for each note entered.

This tab is used to create and maintain 'Note Categories' for company-related information.

To create a new category click 'New' to add a new 'Code' and 'Note Category' description

Each 'Note Category' requires a unique alphanumeric code up to 3 characters long and a description up to 30 characters long.

Examples of company note categories could be:

  • General.

  • Certificates/Registrations.

  • Financial Related.

  • Campus Related.

To edit an existing category, highlight the appropriate line and click the 'Edit Selected' button to make description changes or the 'Delete Selected' button to delete the category.


Categories cannot be deleted after they have been used, and care should be taken when changing the description, as any existing notes entered against the category would be affected by the change.

Country Tab

This is where you may setup/maintain:

The country that is required for the 'Country Code' field on the 'Company' tab in this program.

A country record for overseas students. It is mandatory to include the SACC Code for each country. 

This is used by program Student Admin > Student Records > Government Returns > RYPS File Creation to convert the 'Country' field on the parent address for oversees students to a SACC code for inclusion in the RYPS file.

Adding Countries

To add a new country, click the 'New Country' button to display the 'Country Details' screen.

When satisfied with your entry, click on the 'Save' button to commit your changes to the TASS.web database.

Viewing and Editing Countries

To 'View' or 'Edit' a country, click on the associated link.

The 'Country Details' screen is then displayed. This includes the Standard Australian Classification of Countries (SACC) code as assigned by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).

When satisfied with your entry, click on the 'Update' button to commit your changes to the TASS.web database.

Fields that require detailed information

Country Code

Country code used by the system to maintain uniqueness.

Country Name

Name of the country.


Standard Australian Classification of Countries (SACC) code.

TIP: The system comes preloaded with the 282 different SACC codes defined for each country.

School Regions Tab

This functionality is only available for schools/companies that are running in Enterprise mode.

The regions that are set up here:

  • Can be used as a classification for schools that are set up in program Student Admin > Enrolments > Setup Information > Enrolment Setup on the 'Feeder Schools' tab.

  • Can be used as a classification on the company details record in this program (i.e. Finance > General Ledger > Setup Information > Company Information) on the 'Enterprise' tab. It can then be used as a filter when printing a company listing from this program.

Adding Regions

To add a new region, click the 'New School Region' button to display the 'School Region' screen.

When satisfied with your entry, click on the 'Save' button to commit your changes to the TASS.web database.

Viewing and Editing Regions

To 'View' or 'Edit' a region, click on the associated link.

The 'School Region' screen is then displayed.

When satisfied with your entry, click on the 'Save' button to commit your changes to the TASS.web database.

Fields that require detailed information

Region Code

A 4 character alpha/numeric field.

Region Description

Up to 35 characters, e.g. North Brisbane Cluster.

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