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STR - Houses Tab (SU)


The ‘Houses’ tab in Student Records Setup allows you to enter and maintain the following when your school uses a 'House' based system:

  • House names.

  • The Head of House (one per House).

  • The House Administrators (multiple per House).

Students can be allocated to their 'Houses' using TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Student on the 'General' tab, or in bulk using TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Student Grid Entry.

Adding Houses

To add a new House, click the 'Add House' button.

When satisfied with your entry, click on the 'Save' button to commit your changes to the TASS.web database.

Viewing and Editing Houses

To 'View', 'Edit' or 'Delete' a House, click on the associated link.

A House cannot be deleted when it is in use, e.g. Students have been allocated into it.

Fields that require detailed explanation


Enter up to 2 alphanumeric characters to identify this department.


This field may be up to 20 characters, including spaces.

Head of House

Use this field to indicate the staff member (teacher or employee) who is the Head of this House.

Various functionality is available in Staff Kiosk and TASS.web for this Head of House

Staff Kiosk Pastoral Care > PC Entries:

  • The Head of House can optionally be notified via email, Staff Kiosk notification or SMS when a 'Pastoral Care Entry' with a particular 'Conduct' is recorded for a student who belongs to this house.

  • A 'My House' option is available as a filter when displaying Pastoral Care Entries. This provides the Head of House with a quick way to identify 'Pastoral Care Entries' that relate to students who belong to his/her House.

Staff Kiosk Listings.

  • Various listings provide 'My House' as a filter. This provides the Head of House with a quick way to produce listings for students who belong to his/her House.

TASS.web program My Saved Lists:

  • On TASS.web User Interface> Bookmarks tab, the My Saved Lists program allows users to generate and schedule reports to be emails to the Head of Year. 

House Administrators

A House Administrator will have access to the same set of functionality as the 'Head of House', outlined above.

Enter a 'Teacher Code' or 'Employee Code', or use the 'Binoculars' icon to look for a teacher's record.

Click the 'Add' button to add the selected teacher to the list of House Administrators.

A House can have multiple House Administrators.

To delete a teacher, select their name from the list and click the 'Remove Selected' button.

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