The ‘Result Period' tab in Assessment Setup allows you to maintain the 'Result Periods' (also known as 'Reporting Periods’) that appear in webBook and Staff Kiosk Assessment.
All student Results and Comments must be entered against a 'Result Period'.
Click here for an Administrator Note.
User Security Permissions
Access to this tab is regulated by the ‘Assessment Setup' and '--- Result Periods’ permission points. These user security permissions can be enabled in TASS.webStudent Admin > Users > User Maintenanceor Security Role Permissions.
Result Periods Grid
The 'Result Periods Grid' appears when you first open this tab, providing a summary of the details for the 'Result Periods' that have already been set up.
Grid Column
This read-only field displays the 'Year' that the 'Result Period' has been set up for.
This read-only field displays the 'Period'/identification number of the 'Result Period'.
This field name is customisable.
This read-only field displays the 'Semester' that the 'Result Period' has been set up for.
The title of the ‘Semester’ field is school-definable (therefore, it may not necessarily be 'Semester'). For example, your school may be term-based (as opposed to semester-based); accordingly, this screen may display a description of 'Term'. The setup for this is done in TASS.webStudent Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup.
Default Ind.
This read-only field displays displays a 'C' in the 'Result Period' row that is marked as 'Current' and is to be used as the default 'Result Period'.
This read-only field displays the 'Description' of the 'Result Period'.
Report Type
This read-only field displays the 'Report Type' used when generating Academic Reports for this 'Result Period'.
IA Lock
This read-only field displays the current 'IA Lock' status.
AR Draft
This read-only field displays the current 'AR Draft' status.
This read-only field displays the current 'Archived' status.
Click the ‘View' icon to display the ‘Result Period’ screen.
When done, click ‘Cancel’ to return to the ‘Result Periods’ tab.
Click the ‘Edit' icon to display the ‘Result Period’ screen and make any required changes.
When done, click ‘Save’.
Click the ‘Delete' icon to delete a Result Period.
A Result Period can't be deleted when it is being used in other areas of TASS.web.
If the Result Period has not been used yet, you will be asked to confirm whether you wish to proceed with deleting it.
Add a New Result Period
Select the '+ Add Result Period' button to create a new Result Period.
Fields that require further explanation
* Year
Enter the year of the Result Period.
Enter a number to identify the Result Period between 1-99.
The ‘Year’ and ‘Period’ combination must be unique, however each new year, you can reuse the same Result Period numbers.
This field also determines the display order of Reporting Periods in Staff KioskAssessment > Markbook and Staff KioskAssessment > Enter Results and Comments.
This field name is customisable.
Enter the ‘Semester’ for the Result Period.
The title of the ‘Semester’ field is school-definable (therefore, it may not necessarily be 'Semester'). For example, your school may be term-based (as opposed to semester-based); accordingly, this screen may display a description of 'Term'. The setup for this is done in TASS.webStudent Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup.
Default Indicator
Place a 'C' against this result period to flag it as being the current default period.
This Result Period will then default on various Academic Reporting screens. However, you can use the drop-down list within these programs to select an alternative result period.
Only one Result Period may have the Default Indicator. If you have multiple report periods open at same time, this section can be left blank to avoid confusion.
This indicator is not related to determining the Reporting Periods that are accessible to teachers in webBook and Staff Kiosk Assessment. The 'IA Lock' flag determines which periods are open. It is possible to have multiple result periods open simultaneously in webBook and Staff Kiosk Assessment, such as Junior, Senior, etc.
Result Flag
Staff Kiosk Assessment
Tick this checkbox to allow users to enter results in webBook (Assessment/Marking Options, Final Enter Results and Grid Entry) for this Result Period. This doesn't affect Progressive Assessment.
Untick this checkbox to prevent users from entering results in webBook for this Result Period.
Tick this checkbox to allow users to enter Final Results for this Result Period in Staff Kiosk programs:
Untick this checkbox to prevent users from entering Final Results for this Result Period in the Staff Kiosk programs mentioned above.
This feature is for Staff Kiosk AssessmentFinal Assessment programs ‘Enter Results and Comments’ and ‘Results Grid' only, and it does not change/affect the Progressive Assessment program 'Activity Assessment’. When the checkbox is unticked, users can still enter Final Results in Staff Kiosk programs:
Tick this checkbox to allow users to enter comments in webBook (Assessment/Marking Options, Final Enter Results and Grid Entry) for this Result Period. This doesn't affect Progressive Assessment.
Untick this checkbox to prevent users from entering comments in webBook for this Result Period.
Tick this checkbox to allow users to enter Subject-based Comments for this Result Period in Staff Kiosk programs:
Untick this checkbox to remove the Comments section and prevent users from entering Subject Comments for this Result Period in the Staff Kiosk programs mentioned above.
Tick this checkbox to allow users with 'Teacher Class Access', Restricted Supervisor Access' and 'Unrestricted Supervisor Access' to edit comments in webBook.
Untick this checkbox to prevent users with 'Teacher Class Access', Restricted Supervisor Access' and 'Unrestricted Supervisor Access' from editing comments in webBook, but they can view Comments.
Untick this checkbox to prevent users with 'Teacher Class Access' from editing Subject Comments for this Result Period in the Staff Kiosk programs mentioned above.
Tick this checkbox to allow users with Restricted Supervisor Access' and 'Unrestricted Supervisor Access' to edit comments in webBook.
Untick this checkbox to prevent users with 'Restricted Supervisor Access' and 'Unrestricted Supervisor Access' from editing comments in webBook, but they can view Comments.
Untick this checkbox to prevent users with 'Restricted Supervisor Access' from editing Subject Comments for this Result Period in the Staff Kiosk programs mentioned above.
Untick this checkbox to prevent users with 'Unrestricted Supervisor Access' from editing Subject Comments for this Result Period in the Staff Kiosk programs mentioned above.
Where this field is unticked', then webBook will suppress the 'Personal Comment Bank' button from appearing in the 'Enter Results' area in webBook. This setting also applies to 'Search' and search by 'Teacher' (for this result period).
Tick this checkbox to allow users to access the 'Personal Comment Bank' button when entering Subject Comments for this Result Period in Staff Kiosk programs:
Untick this checkbox to hide the 'Personal Comment Bank' button and prevent users from using personal comment banks for this Result Period in the Staff Kiosk programs mentioned above.
A report type usually relates to a physical report format, i.e. An interim report will generally have a different look to a semester report and therefore require different setups. The Report Type allows a school to create multiple result formats, and then reuse them over and over again for future result periods.
Use report type 'I' for Interim reports, report type 'S' for Semester reports, 'M' for Music reports, 'B' for Boarder's Reports etc.
* IA Lock
The IA (Internet Access) Lock flag is the access control (or gate) for student reporting information. A typical academic reporting cycle moves through a number of phases. Therefore, as one phase of the academic reporting cycle is finished the 'IA Lock' flag is changed and the level of access for teachers and supervisors may also change.
Phase 1 — Teachers are in the marking phase. The 'IA Lock' flag is set to 'Teacher Class Access'.
Phase 2 — Teachers are finished with the marking phase and the Department Heads are proofing the results and comments. The 'IA Lock' flag is set to 'Restricted Supervisor Access'.
Phase 3 — Department Heads have finished proofing and the Principal is adding his/her comments to the reports. The 'IA Lock' flag is set to 'Unrestricted Supervisor Access'.
Phase 4 — The Principal has finished and Teachers are given a chance to review student results in Staff Kiosk before parents and students are given web access. The 'IA Lock' flag is set to 'Staff Kiosk Only'.
Phase 5 — Final results and comments are made available to Parents through Parent Lounge and to Students through Student Café. The 'IA Lock' flag is set to 'Staff Kiosk, Student Cafe, Parent Lounge Only'.
The Reporting Access Levels 'Unrestricted Supervisor Access', 'Restricted Supervisor Access' and 'Teacher Class Access' are set up in TASS.web program System Admin > Users > Reporting User Maintenance.
*The ‘IA Lock' will only affect Activities with the 'Will you be assessing this Activity?' field set to 'Yes' and Objectives defined as the Assessment Criteria and in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Learning Objects (Maintain & Assign). The 'IA Lock' does not affect non-assessable Activities (Activities with the 'Will you be assessing this Activity?' field set to 'No’) and Activities (Standalone).
The effect of the 'IA Lock' flag in each program is summarised in the table below:
Staff Kiosk Assessment*
Teacher Class Access (M)
This means that this Result Period is open in webBook to licensed teachers for:
Progressive Assessment (Activity Setup and Assessment).
Final Assessment (Result and/or Comment entry).
Activities can be created and assigned using this Result Period.
Raw scores can be entered against Activities that have been assigned using this Result Period.
The Result Period is open to all Reporting Access Levels.
Users with 'Teacher Class Access', 'Restricted Supervisor Access' and 'Unrestricted Supervisor Access':
Can view the Result Period in Staff Kiosk Assessment.
Can create and assign Activities with Assessment Criteria within this Result Period in Staff Kiosk programs:
Teacher Class Access (Disable Progressive Assessment) (D)
This means that this Result Period is open in webBook to licensed teachers for:
Final Assessment (Result and/or Comment entry) only.
Activities (that contain Objectives) can NOT be created and assigned using this Result Period.
Raw scores can NOT be entered against Activities (that contain Objectives) that have been assigned using this Result Period.
The Result Period is open to all User Access Levels, but Activities with Assessment Criteria cannot be created, assigned or have results and comments. Final Results and Overall Subject Grades and Comments can be entered.
Users with 'Teacher Class Access', 'Restricted Supervisor Access' and 'Unrestricted Supervisor Access':
Can view the Result Period in Staff Kiosk Assessment.
Cannot create and assign Activities with Assessment Criteria within this Result Period in Staff Kiosk programs:
This means that this Result Period is open in webBook to Restricted and Unrestricted Supervisors only.
Activities (that contain Objectives) can NOT be created and assigned using this Result Period.
Raw scores can NOT be entered against Activities (that contain Objectives) that have been assigned using this Result Period.
The Result Period is open to users with 'Restricted Supervisor Access' and 'Unrestricted Supervisor Access'. The Result Period is closed to users with 'Teacher Class Access'.
Users with 'Restricted Supervisor Access' and 'Unrestricted Supervisor Access':
Can view the Result Period in Staff Kiosk Assessment.
Can create and assign Activities with Assessment Criteria within this Result Period in Staff Kiosk programs:
This means that this Result Period is open in webBook to Unrestricted Supervisors only.
Activities (that contain Objectives) can NOT be created and assigned using this Result Period.
Raw scores can NOT be entered against Activities (that contain Objectives) that have been assigned using this Result Period.
The Result Period is open and can be edited by users with 'Unrestricted Supervisor Access' only. The Result Period is closed and cannot be edited by with 'Teacher Class Access' and 'Restricted Supervisor Access'.
Users with 'Unrestricted Supervisor Access':
Can view the Result Period in Staff Kiosk Assessment.
Can create and assign Activities with Assessment Criteria within this Result Period in Staff Kiosk programs:
This is an optional phase in the academic reporting cycle where the reports have been finalised and the school wants to give the Teachers a chance to review Final Results data before releasing to Parent Lounge and Student Café.
This means that this Result Period is locked out for all editing in webBook of result and comment data, and that information is available for teachers in Staff Kiosk program Listings > Academic Results / Comments.
Activities (that contain webBook Objectives) can NOT be created and assigned using this Result Period.
Raw scores can NOT be entered against Activities (that contain Objectives) that have been assigned using this Result Period.
The Result Period is closed to all Reporting Access Levels.
This is an optional phase in the academic reporting cycle, and can be used:
while the reporting period setups are being made to stop staff from editing areas in Staff Kiosk. Users will be able to view their assessment activity but will not be able to edit it.
when reports have been finalised and the school wants to give the Teachers a chance to review Results and Comments before releasing it on Parent Lounge and Student Café.
Users with 'Teacher Class Access', 'Restricted Supervisor Access' and 'Unrestricted Supervisor Access':
Cannot view the Result Period in Staff Kiosk Assessment.
Cannot create and assign Activities with Assessment Criteria within this Result Period in Staff Kiosk programs:
This is normally the final phase of the reporting cycle where the academic reports have been delivered and the final results and comments are available in Staff Kiosk, Parent Lounge and Student Café.
This means that this Result Period is locked out for all editing in webBook of result and comment data.
Activities (that contain Objectives) can NOT be created and assigned using this Result Period.
Raw scores can NOT be entered against Activities (that contain Objectives) that have been assigned using this Result Period.
The Result Period is closed to all Reporting Access Levels.
This is normally the final phase of the reporting cycle where the academic reports have been delivered and the final results and comments are available in Staff Kiosk, Parent Lounge and Student Café. For more information on publishing reports see to How do I publish reports to Parents in Parent Lounge?
Users with 'Teacher Class Access', 'Restricted Supervisor Access' and 'Unrestricted Supervisor Access':
Cannot view the Result Period in Staff Kiosk Assessment.
Cannot create and assign Activities with Assessment Criteria within this Result Period in Staff Kiosk programs:
Allow Draft Academic Reports in Teacher Kiosk (Staff Kiosk)
This indicates if an Academic Report is visible as a 'Draft' on the Staff Kiosk Student Search > Student Profile when the IA Lock is set to Teacher Access(M), Teacher Class Access (Disable Progressive Assessment) (D), Restricted Supervisor Access (R) or Unrestricted Supervisor Access (U).
Tick the checkbox (Y) to allow the report to be viewed as a 'Draft' report. The report will display a message to indicate that it is in 'Draft' state, i.e. Teachers are still marking, and the Reporting Period is still open — this is not a report that is published to Parents and Students.
Untick the checkbox (N) (the default value) to prevent the report from being viewed as a 'Draft' report.
If the 'IA Lock' is set to either 'Staff Kiosk Only' or 'Staff Kiosk, Student Cafe, Parent Lounge Only', teachers will be able to see the published report only; no 'Draft' indicator will be visible for the report on the Student Profile in Staff Kiosk.
This is a read only field indicating if reporting data has been archived for the corresponding reporting period.
Archiving should be completed at the end of each reporting period using program Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Special Processes > Copy Data to Archive.
A warning icon will appear if you attempt to advance the 'IA Lock' flag beyond the open stages and have not yet archived.
Archiving a result period immediately after reporting has been completed takes a snapshot of reporting setups and student data. This archived data is required by the system for critical functions including: Progressive Assessment, Analytic Dashboards and Reports. It can also facilitate the regeneration of a student's academic report. Refer to the Copy Data to Archive. article for more information.
Archiving a Result Period snapshots the current 'Year Level' of Students.
Do not archive after Students have rolled over into their next Year Level, as this can affect your non-current student data. Contact TASS Software Support for further guidance.
If Result Formats change after the Result Period has been archived, the changes made won't appear in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Markbook and Enter Results & Comments. For the Result Format changes to appear in Markbook, you must re-archive the Result Period using TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Special Processes >Copy Data to Archive.
A maximum comment size against a result period will (if used) override the global maximum comment size as defined in TASS.webStudent Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Reporting Setup.
Leave blank if the global comment size is acceptable.
If your ‘Comments’ display on Academic Reports, use TASS.webStudent Admin > Academic Reporting > Report Processing to generate an ‘Export To PDF’ and check that your ‘Comment' fits in the correct space. If not, adjust the ‘Max Comment Size’ or the Academic Reporting 'Stylesheet’ if required.
Click here for an Administrator Note.
The comment sizes/character limits used in webBook, Staff Kiosk Assessment are set by your school.
There are multiple possibilities for how the program determines this:
Comment Size Hierarchy
Reporting Setup
TASS.webStudent Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Reporting Setup on the ‘Reporting Parameters’ tab, in the 'Maximum Student Comment Size' field.
Sometimes referred to as the ‘Global Comment Size’.
This field displays the maximum number of characters allowed in webBook/Markbook for each student's subject comment.’
The system allows a 'Maximum Student Comment Size' entry of 4000 characters.
Assessment Setup
TASS.webStudent Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the 'Result Periods’ tab, in the 'Max. Comment Size' field.
A maximum comment size unique to a specific Results Period.
Your school may have used this if the length of the comment is different between an interim report and an end-of-semester report.
Leave this field blank if you would like to use the comment size defined set up in Reporting Setup.
If there is a 'Max Comment Size' number on this tab it will override size limits set in Reporting Setup.
Year Group specifications
Your web server
tassportal\webBook > webBook.ini file.
A comment size that is unique to a Year Group.
Located in the tassportal\webBook directory on your webserver.
Open the file using Notepad. You will need to add one year level per line with the corresponding comment size, e.g. Year_12=300.
Example webbook.ini file:
You do not need to add a line for all year levels, just the ones that have a different comment size.
Save the file and check the comment size for a student in a particular year level in webBook or Markbook.
Comment sizes set up this way will override size limits setup using Assessment Setup and Reporting Setup.
Contact your system administrator for further information.
Click ‘Save’ to save the Result Period.
Click ‘Cancel’ to return to the ‘Result Periods’ tab.
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