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ACR - Result Formats Tab


A 'Result Format' is a specific subject's configuration of:

  • Objectives (or criteria, e.g. Effort).

  • The method in which the Objective can be assessed (e.g. A to E).

  • The way in which each Objective can be used (i.e. for use in Progressive Assessment and Final Results).

Result Formats are a major factor in determining the layout for how each subject is displayed on your school's academic reports.

This program is used to:

A Result Format for a subject consists of the following elements:

Report Type

This allows your school to create and reuse different result formats for the same subject for different types of academic reports.

  • Report Type 'I' for 'Interim reports'.

  • Report Type 'S' for 'Semester reports'.

The 'Report Type' is then added against an academic result period using program Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the 'Results Periods' tab. This is how webBook and the Academic Reporting module determines the correct Result Format to use for a given result period.


The Objectives. Objectives can be grouped under school defined headings (Objective Groups).
Objective Group — Academic Learning (made up of the following Objectives):

  • Objective Writing.

  • Objective Content

  • Objective Course material completed.

The order in which Objectives display within each Objective Group can be determined by using the Objective 'Sort Order' field.

  • Analytics flag for each Objective. This indicates whether the Objective is used in the Staff Kiosk Academic Analytics. In most cases, this will only be ticked for the Objective(s) that are set up as 'Overall Subject Grade(s)'.

Click here to view an Administrator Note.

For more information, refer to 'How to Setup for Staff Kiosk Academic Analytics'.

The program assumes that in most cases the 'Overall Subject Grade' Objectives(s) will be used in analytics. Therefore, it produces a warning when an 'Overall Subject Grade' Objective is incorrectly setup. Refer to the 'How to' guide in the Administrator Note above.

Assessment Codes

Assessment codes are setup for each Objective to determine the marking options available to teachers in webBook, e.g. A+ to E-.

Progressive Assessment Types

Progressive Assessment Type are setup for each Objective. This is only required if this subject will be available to teachers in webBook Progressive Assessment and Staff Kiosk Assessment > Markbook.

The setup time to create Result Formats for multiple subjects can be reduced by completing the setup for one subject, and then using the ‘Bulk Action’ button > 'Clone' function to duplicate this setup across other subjects (that have similar result requirements).


The Result Formats landing screen will show Result Formats based on the filters selected.


Report Type

The All Report Types checkbox will be selected be default. Choose the report types you want to display.

Year Level

The All Year Levels checkbox will be selected by default. Choose the year levels you want to display.


This will filter based on Subject Department.  The All Departments checkbox will be selected by default. Choose the departments you want to display.

Subject Area

This will filter based on Subject Area.  The All Subject Areas checkbox will be selected by default. Choose the subject areas you want to display.


The All Subjects checkbox will be selected by default. Choose the subjects you want to display.


Click on the 'View', 'Edit' and 'Delete' Action Link to display the 'Result Formats Summary' screen.

Altering result formats will not delete student result data. It may, however, alter the system's access to the result data for viewing or editing. If an Objective is removed from a subject after student results have been entered for that Objective, then the Objective will need to be added against the subject again for that result to be maintained.

Add a New Result Format

Two options are available to create the result formats for a subject:

  • Click the '+ Add Result Format' icon to display a blank 'Result Formats Summary' screen. The fields required are explained in the section 'Result Formats Summary' screen below.

  • Use the 'Clone' function within the 'Bulk Actions' button to copy the result formats from one subject to another or multiple subjects. The process is explained in the section 'Cloning From Existing Result Formats' below.

Bulk Actions

This button will allow you to perform three bulk actions on Result Formats including:

  • ‘Edit Objectives’

  • ‘Delete Result Formats’

  • ‘Clone’

Edit Objectives

Selecting the Edit Objectives Bulk Action will display an editable list of Objectives for the selected Result Formats. It allows data to be edited within the grid, copied and pasted from Microsoft Excel® (into an empty row) or uploaded. 

Use the filters on the Result Formats landing page to display specific Result Formats.   The filters on the Edit Objectives screen will allow the objectives for the selected result formats to be filtered.  These filters will be disabled while there are unsaved changes on the screen.

Filters that require further explanation


This filter will only display the objectives that have been used in the selected result formats. The All Objectives checkbox will be selected be default. Choose the objectives you want to display.

Objective Groups

This filter will only display the objective groups that belong to the selected result formats.  The All Objective Groups checkbox will be selected by default. Choose the objective groups you want to display.

Assessment Code

This filter will only display the assessment codes that belong to the selected result formats.  The All Assessment Codes checkbox will be selected by default. Choose the objective groups you want to display.

Fields that require further explanation


A display field only.

When a row has been added, modified or flagged for deletion the appropriate status will be displayed in this column.

Report Type

This field includes the Report Type.


This field includes the Subject.

Year Level

This field includes the Year Level.


This field includes the Objective Code and Description.


Use this field to select the Objective Group.

This is a searchable column. Click on the field, and start typing in an Objective Group and it will appear.


This is a display-only field.

It will indicate whether results for this Objective will be used in the Staff Kiosk Academic Analytics.

In most cases, this will only be ticked for the Objective that is set up as 'Overall Subject Grade'.

Click here to view an Administrator Note.

For more information, refer to 'How to Setup for Staff Kiosk Academic Analytics'.

Sort Order


This will determine the order that Objectives will be displayed within 'Objective Groups' for inquiry screens, reports and in webBook and Staff Kiosk. If no sort order is entered, then the Objectives will be sorted alphabetically on 'Objective Code'.

Assessment Code

A mandatory field.

This is the 'Assessment Method' to be used. This will determine the valid results that can be entered against the Objective by teachers in webBook and Staff Kiosk.

The valid results are not saved to the database until the 'Save' button on the 'Result Formats' screen is clicked.

Display on Academic Report

Untick this checkbox if this Objective for this Subject is to be excluded from printing on the TASS.web Customisable Academic Reports.  

Unless specifically requested by your school, this will not affect customised reports.

Progressive Assessment Type

Select one of the following from the drop-down list:




This Objective will not be used in Progressive Assessment. Calculations cannot be performed. Results can be entered in webBook Enter Results and Staff Kiosk Assessment > Enter Results and Comments.


This Objective can be included in multiple Activities. Calculations can be performed to arrive at a Final Result for this Objective and the Activity Total Score. Results can be entered in webBook Progressive Assessment and Staff Kiosk Assessment > Markbook > Activity Assessment. Objective Weightings and Calculation Rules can then be added to determine how the Final Result is calculated for this Objective and how the Activity Total Score is calculated.


This is the Objective that will be used for the Overall Subject Grade. Calculation Rules can then be added to determine how the Overall Subject Grade is calculated for this Objective in webBook Progressive Assessment and Staff Kiosk Assessment > Markbook > Activity Assessment.


This Objective can be included in multiple Activities. Calculations will NOT be performed to arrive at a Final Result for this Objective. Results can be entered in webBook Enter Results and Staff Kiosk Enter Results and Comments. These results cannot be calculated.

OSG Calc

This field controls which objectives will be used for calculating Overall Subject Grades.  It will only be active when Progressive Assessment Type is set to 'QS'.


The following Action icons are available:

Delete: flag the Objective for deletion.

Restore: when an Objective has been modified or deleted the Restore icon will be displayed.

When clicked, modified records will be restored to the ‘Last Save’ or unflagged for deletion.  Any validation alerts on the selected row will also be cleared.

The ‘Last Save’ is the state the record was in when the screen was lasted saved.  If the record has not been saved in the current session it will be rolled back to the state it was in when the screen was loaded.


This button will only be active when changes have been made in the grid.

When clicked, the following will occur:

  • Unsaved data will be lost.

  • The data will be restored back to the last 'Save'.

  • If you have not yet saved, the data will be restored back to the way it was when you loaded the Grid.

If you select 'No' you will be returned to the grid without any changes.

When you select ‘Yes’ the grid will be rolled back to the ‘Last Save’. The ‘Last Save’ is the state the grid was in when the screen was lasted saved.  If no data has been saved in the current session it will be rolled back to the state it was in when the screen was loaded.

Fill Down

When clicked, fill down the column from the position of the cursor.


This will take you back to the 'Result Formats' landing screen with unsaved changes being discarded.


This will save the changes you have made.

Cloning From Existing Result Formats

To clone a result format from one subject to another (or multiple) subjects, click the checkbox to select a result format, the 'Bulk Actions' button will be available. Click 'Clone' from the drop-down list to display the 'Clone' screen.

Cloning allows you to quickly copy result formats from one (source) 'Result Format' to multiple (target) 'Result Formats' or from multiple (source) 'Result Formats' to multiple (target) 'Result Formats'.

You can now clone from multiple source 'Result Formats' to multiple target 'Result Formats'.  For example selecting the year 8 & 9 English & Mathemetics subjects as the source and a new 'Report Type' as the target would create a copy of each of the four 'Result Formats' in the new 'Report Type'.  Alternatively you clone all the 'Result Formats' from one 'Report Type' to another.

Only 'active' subjects will be included when cloning.

The 'Clone' screen uses the selected Result Format(s) as the source to clone. It identifies the Year Level, Subject Code and Subject Description.

Target Report Type

Choose the target report type from the drop-down list.

Target Subject

Allows you to select a 'Subject' to target.  This field will be disabled when multiple source 'Subjects' have been selected. 

To select multiple target 'Subjects' hold down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options.

Holding down the 'Ctrl' key enables the selection of multiple individual target 'Subjects'.

Target Year Group

Allows you to select a 'Year Group' to target.  This field will be disabled when multiple source 'Year Groups' have been selected.

To select multiple target 'Year Groups' hold down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options.

Holding down the 'Ctrl' key enables the selection of multiple individual target 'Year Groups'.

Year groups are not used if the 'Unitised / Vertical' flag is set to 'Yes' in Student Admin > Timetable > Setup Information > Timetable Setup.

Delete Result Formats

Use the 'Delete Result Formats' from the drop-down list to permanently delete 'Result Formats'. You can 'Delete' or 'Delete and Validate', which deletes the Result Format records as well as the associated Validation records.


Click the 'Validate' icon to update all result validations (in bulk) for all Objectives for the subject range you have selected on the screen.

An example of how this could be used.

You need to make a change to an Assessment Method that is used across multiple subjects. 

You may have an Assessment Method called AE where the valid result options (Validations) are A+ to E-.

You decide to create an additional valid result option for this Assessment Method of N/A.

You can make the change to Assessment Method AE using TASs.web program Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the Assessment Methods Tab.

You then use the 'Validate' option on this screen to update all of the validations for a particular 'Report Type' in bulk.

This process will check all of the Objectives for these subjects and create the correct validations based on the Assessment Methods. 

Therefore, any changes that have occurred to these subjects (e.g. New Objectives added or different Assessment Codes used will be updated).

Print Result Formats

You would use this function to check the Result Format setup before opening your result period to webBook and Staff Kiosk users. 
From the 'Result Formats' screen, select the 'Report Type', 'Subject(s)' and 'Year Level(s) that you want to check and click 'GO'.
Once the results from your search are displayed, click the 'Print' button at the top of the screen.

Sort by

Use these options to order the records that are displayed in the report.

Formatting Options

Choose the 'destination' of the report. This can be to Adobe® PDF viewer, Microsoft Excel® or Microsoft Word®.

Use the checkboxes on the right side of the screen to indicate your preference for displaying 'Alternate Row Colours' and 'Table Borders'. These can enhance the readability of the report but are not available if the listing destination is Excel®.

Progressive Assessment Filters

Use these options to filter the Objectives that are displayed, based on how they are configured for use in webBook Progressive Assessment and Staff Kiosk Markbook.

These options can be used to check Objectives that are flagged for used in analytics and to ensure they are configured correctly. 

Click 'GO' to produce the report.

Result Formats Summary Screen

Fields that require detailed explanation

Report Type

This allows your school to create and reuse different result formats for the same subject for specific types of academic reports.


Report Type 'I' for 'Interim reports'.

Report Type 'S' for 'Semester reports'.

Using this scenario for English Year 11 there would be two Result Formats:

Interim Report

Semester Report

Report Type



Subject Code



Year Level



The 'Report Type' is then added against an academic result period using program Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the Result Periods Tab

This is how webBook, Staff Kiosk Assessment and the Academic Reporting module determine the correct Result Formats for a given reporting period.

Subject Code

Must be a valid TASS subject code. It is the combination of 'Report Type', 'Subject Code' and 'Year Level' (except if your school is set up to run a Unitised/Vertical Timetable) that determines this Result Format.

Year Level

Must be a valid TASS Year Level (except if your school is set up to run a Unitised/Vertical Timetable).

Activity Assessment Code

The Activity Assessment Code is specifically used when you want to use the Activity Total Score option on activities with non-numeric results. E.g. A - E, VHA, HA, etc.

The Academic Reporting module can calculate the Activity Total Score when it is numeric, however, for non-numeric assessment methods you need to assign a specific assessment method. 

Activity Assessment Range

This field will automatically populate when an 'Activity Assessment Code' is selected.

Allow Activities from the previous year to be included in webBook Progressive Assessment

Certain subjects may require Progressive Assessment results from two years to be available for Overall Subject Grade calculation in the markbook.

If your school is running a non-unitised timetable, tick this box to allow teachers to use Activity results from the previous year, whilst operating in the current year's markbook.

If your school is running a unitised timetable, you will need to select the correct subject code for this subject in the previous year.

For example, if you are setting this up for Year 12 English, nominate the subject code for Year 11 English (last year). 

If the Subject contains multiple classes, this option will only load subject-based assigned activities.

Objectives Grid

When adding a new Result Format or when editing an existing one, data can be entered directly into the Objectives Grid.

Objectives Grid fields

+Add Objective

Clicking this button will open the 'Objective Details' screen to allow you to add the new Objective details into the Objectives Grid.


A display field only.
When a row has been added, modified or flagged for deletion the appropriate status will be displayed in this column.


Use this field to select the Objective Code and Description.

This is a searchable column. Click on the field, and start typing in an Objective and it will appear. 


Use this field to select the Objective Group.

This is a searchable column. Click on the field, and start typing in an Objective Group and it will appear.


This is a display-only field.
It will indicate whether results for this Objective will be used in the Staff Kiosk Academic Analytics.
In most cases, this will only be ticked for the Objective that is set up as 'Overall Subject Grade'.

Click here to view an Administrator Note.

For more information, refer to 'How to Setup for Staff Kiosk Academic Analytics'.

Group Code

Use a 'Group Code' if Objectives need to be grouped on the academic report.
Objectives can be grouped under school defined headings.


Objective Group    >

ACC – Academic Learning

Objective               >


Objective               >


Objective               >

Course material completed



This will determine the order that Objectives will be displayed within 'Objective Groups' for inquiry screens, reports and in webBook or Staff Kiosk. If no sort order is entered, then the Objectives will be sorted alphabetically on 'Objective Code'.

Assessment Code

A mandatory field.
This is the 'Assessment Method' to be used. This will determine the valid results that can be entered against the Objective by teachers in webBook or Staff Kiosk Markbook.

The valid results are not saved to the database until the 'Save'  button on the 'Result Formats' screen is clicked.

Display on Academic Report

Untick this checkbox if this Objective for this Subject is to be excluded from printing on the TASS.web Customisable Academic Reports.  

Unless specifically requested by your school, this will not affect customised reports.

Progressive Assessment Type

Select one of the following from the drop-down list:




This Objective will not be used in Progressive Assessment. Calculations cannot be performed. Results can be entered in webBook Enter Results and Staff Kiosk Assessment > Enter Results and Comments.


This Objective can be included in multiple Activities. Calculations can be performed to arrive at a Final Result for this Objective and the Activity Total Score. Results can be entered in webBook Progressive Assessment and Staff Kiosk Assessment > Markbook > Activity Assessment. Objective Weightings and Calculation Rules can then be added to determine how the Final Result is calculated for this Objective and how the Activity Total Score is calculated.


This is the Objective that will be used for the Overall Subject Grade. Calculation Rules can then be added to determine how the Overall Subject Grade is calculated for this Objective in webBook Progressive Assessment and Staff Kiosk Assessment > Markbook > Activity Assessment.


This Objective can be included in multiple Activities. Calculations will NOT be performed to arrive at a Final Result for this Objective. Results can be entered in webBook Enter Results and Staff Kiosk Enter Results and Comments. These results cannot be calculated.


The following Action icons are available:
   Delete: flag the Objective for deletion.
   Restore: when an Objective has been modified or deleted the Restore icon will be displayed.

When clicked, modified records will be restored to the ‘Last Save’ or unflagged for deletion.  Any validation alerts on the selected row will also be cleared.

The ‘Last Save’ is the state the record was in when the screen was lasted saved.  If the record has not been saved in the current session it will be rolled back to the state it was in when the screen was loaded.

+ Create New Objective

Clicking this button will open the 'Objective Details' screen to allow you to create a new 'Objective' without having to leave the 'Result Format Summary' screen.  Once you have created the new objective it will be immediately available in the 'Result Format Summary' screen.

+ Create New Objective Group

Clicking this button will open the 'Objective Group' screen to allow you to create a new 'Objective Group' without having to leave the 'Result Format Summary' screen.  Once you have created the new objective group it will be immediately available in the 'Result Format Summary' screen.

+ Create New Assessment Method

Clicking this button will open the 'Assessment Method' screen to allow you to create a new 'Assessment Method' without having to leave the 'Result Format Summary' screen.  Once you have created the new assessment method it will be immediately available in the 'Result Format Summary' screen.


Clicking this button will save any changes you have made to the Result Format without updating the Result Validations. 

Result Validations are necessary for the operation of webBook or Staff Kiosk Markbook so you should only use this option if there is a specific reason why you don't want to create the Result Validations at this time

Save and Validate

Clicking this button will save any changes you have made to the Result Format and update the Result Validations in one step.

Result Format Details – Progressive Assessment Options

The options in this section of the screen determine how this Objective will function (for this subject) for teachers in webBook Progressive Assessment.

Objectives that are not to be included in webBook Progressive Assessment for this subject should be set with the 'This Objective is NOT to be used in Progressive Assessment' option.

The screenshot below is an example of a teacher's webBook Progressive Assessment with some of the important concepts highlighted:

QS - This Objective can be included in multiple Activities and calculations can be performed to arrive at a Final Result for this Objective.

Select this option if teachers will use this Objective (for this subject) to enter raw scores for Activities in webBook Progressive Assessment and Staff Kiosk Assessment.

This Progressive Assessment Type will also automatically appear in the 'Final Results' column (regardless if it has been used in an Activity).

Referring to the example above, Objectives 'WR' and 'CO' are set up with this Progressive Assessment Type.

If you select this Progressive Assessment Type you can also nominate if this Objective for this subject will be used when an 'Overall Subject Grade' objective is calculated. 

To do this, tick the 'Use the result(s) for this Objective when calculating the Overall Subject Grade(s)' option.

'Overall Subject Grade' objectives can be calculated using the results in 'Activities' or the results in the 'Final Results' columns.

QO - This Objective can be included in multiple Activities and calculations will NOT be performed to arrive at a Final Result for this Objective.

Select this option if teachers will use this Objective (for this subject) to enter raw scores for Activities in webBook Progressive Assessment and Staff Kiosk Assessment.

This Progressive Assessment Type will NOT appear in the 'Final Results' column when a teacher includes it on an Activity.

Any results for this Objective will also be ignored when calculating

'Overall Subject Grade' objectives (that have been set up to use Activity Raw Scores when calculating).

You would use this option where teachers want to record raw scores for this Objective, but do not want them to be used for calculations for academic reports.

Referring to the example above, Objective CM is setup with this Progressive Assessment Type.

QT - This is the Objective that will be used for the Overall Subject Grade

Select this option if this Objective will be used as an 'Overall Subject Grade' for this subject.

You can have multiple 'Overall Subject Grade' Objectives.

'Overall Subject Grade' Objectives can be calculated using:

  • The results in the 'Final Results' columns, or

  • The results in Activities (ignoring Final Results).

Referring to the example above, Objective 'OG' and 'OR' are set up with this Progressive Assessment Type.

This Objective will not be used in Progressive Assessment

Select this option if this Objective (for this subject) is not to be used at all in webBook Progressive Assessment and Staff Kiosk Assessment.

To make changes to an existing Result Format the 'View', 'Edit' and 'Delete' functions are available to maintain Objectives.

Once you have finalised the Result Formats for all Objectives for this Report Type/Subject/Year Level combination, click the 'Update' button. This will generate all the valid results in the 'Result Format Details' panel. If there are valid results already defined a message will prompt you with the following text 'Replace existing validations using the assessment method'.

If a Result Format is changed after the Academic Reporting Result Period has been archived, the changes made won't appear in Staff Kiosk program Assessment > Markbookand Enter Results & Comments. For the Result Format changes to appear in Markbook, you must re-archive the Result Period using TASS.web program Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Special Processes > Copy data to Archive.  

It is recommended that you create validations, as the system will generate all the valid results from the assessment methods used.

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