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Academic Reports


This section of the Staff Kiosk Student Profile:

  • Displays a list of the last 5 Academic Reports produced for this student.

  • Allows you to view the student's Academic Reports. (Click the 'document' icon)

  • Allows you to view the student's Academic Report in 'Draft' mode (prior to publishing).

On the Academic Reporting List (accessible via the Student Profile left-menu), a warning icon with a tooltip will be displayed next to a report which is available in draft. Hover over the icon to reveal the following message 'Warning: This report has not been finalised and may not reflect the student's actual marks. Do not distribute this report'.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

To be able to view 'Draft' reports, the following must be set:

  • The teacher must have permission to view Academic Reports.

Access to the Staff Kiosk Academic Reports program is controlled by Student permissions on the 'Academic Reports' security point.

To enable this function use TASS.web program System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions.

  • The option 'Allow Draft Academic Reports in Staff Kiosk' (or 'AR Draft') flag is set to 'Yes' in program Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Reporting Setup on the 'Result Periods' tab.

  • The IA Lock is set to one of the following:

    • Teacher Class Access (M).

    • Teacher Class Access (Disable Progressive Assessment) (D).

    • Restricted Supervisor Access (R).

    • Unrestricted Supervisor Access (U).

For more information on IA Locks, refer to System Admin > Users > Reporting User Maintenance

  • Displays a list of all Academic Reports across all years for this student (use the 'See All' button).

Click here for an Administrator Note.

In order for Academic Reports to be displayed in Staff Kiosk, reports must have been generated using the 'Publish to Web' option in one of the following TASS.web programs:

Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Report Processing >

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