How to Amend Student Academic Results in a Previous Reporting Period
This guide will outline the steps to change a student's academic result and regenerate an academic report for a previous reporting period (also referred to as Result Period).
Very Important! - DO NOT ‘Archive’ the Result Period after amending Student Academic Results.
Step | Menu Path | Details | ✅ |
1 | TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the 'Result Periods' tab. | Change the ‘IA Lock' to 'Unrestricted Supervisor Access’ to enable access to the Result Period. Important! Ensure that the user who will be amending results has 'Unrestricted Supervisor Access' allocated in TASS.web System Admin > Users > Reporting User Maintenance. | 🔲 |
2 | TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students. |
This step is only required if changes to academic results are for a prior year. Using TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students, search for the student who you need to change results for and edit the 'Year Group' to be the student's Year Group from the Previous Year (to reflect the Result Period that needs to be changed). For example, if the student is currently in Year 9 and the result that you need to change is from when the student was in Year 8, update the 'Year Group' field to 8. | 🔲 |
3 | Staff Kiosk program Assessment > Markbook or Staff Kiosk program Assessment > Enter Results and Comments | Make the required changes to academic results. Use the 'Search Final Assessment' button to locate the student and subject combination needing changes. | 🔲 |
4 | TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the 'Result Periods' tab. | Change the ‘IA Lock' to 'Staff Kiosk Only’. This will stop further access to this Result Period. Very Important! - DO NOT ‘Archive’ the Result Period after amending Student Academic Results. | 🔲 |
5 | TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Report Processing > Generate Student Reports. or TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Report Processing > Generate Interim Reports. or TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Report Processing > Generate Exit Statement. |
Important! This step is only required if a new academic report showing amended results needs to be generated.
Ensure parents who don't have an email, receive a hard copy by re-running the reports to PDF with 'Exclude Parents with Email Addresses' ticked. Important! Regenerating the updated report using the 'Publish to the Web' option will back up the report to the TASS document management system enabling it to be re-printed using TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Special Processes > Published Student Reports. | 🔲 |
6 | TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students. |
This step is only required if changes to academic results are for a prior year. Using TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students, edit and change the student’s 'Year Group' back to the correct 'Year Group' for the current year. | 🔲 |
7 | TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the 'Result Periods' tab. | Change the ‘IA Lock' to 'Staff Kiosk, Student Cafe, Parent Lounge Only’ to make all reports (including the amended report) available to:
Users will only be able to access the published reports if they have been granted permission to through TASS.web System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions. Very Important! - DO NOT ‘Archive’ the Result Period after amending Student Academic Results. | 🔲 |
Very Important! - DO NOT ‘Archive’ the Result Period after amending Student Academic Results.