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Academic Results Analysis – Student

Academic Results Analysis (Student) Overview

This program allows you to produce a report detailing the academic results achieved by students for a single reporting period.

The program can be used to view student results for:

  • A single student (for single or multiple subjects).
  • A group of students (for single or multiple subjects).

The listing can be run for reporting periods within the current school year.

There is also an option to access reporting periods from previous years if your school has utilised the academic reporting archiving option in TASS.web

By using the export to Excel® option, this provides a tool to assist with the calculation of class, subject and year level student rankings.

Results Period Search

Selection Criteria

The current school year will be the default in this drop-down list.

Previous years will be available if the school has utilised the archiving facility in TASS.web

Refer to Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Special Processes > Copy Data to Archive

To display previous years (from archived data) in this drop-down list you will need to tick the 'Generate for previous years using archived data' checkbox.

Click the 'Search' button to proceed to the next step.

Please Select a Valid Reporting Period to Continue

This screen will display a list of valid reporting periods for the 'Year' you nominated in the previous screen.

Select the 'Reporting Period' you would like to include in your report.

Academic Results Analysis

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria can be entered in this section of the screen to filter the student results that will be included on your report.

'Year Group' is a mandatory field.

By default, the report will display all students including those who are no longer at the school. Untick the 'Include Non-Current Students' checkbox to only display students who are current.

Formatting Options

This section of the screen allows you to choose the destination of the report. This can be to Adobe® PDF viewer, Microsoft Excel® or Microsoft Word®.

Select from a range of formatting options specific to your choice of the technology used.

These options include: 'Show Table Borders', and 'Alternate row Colours'.

The drop-down list allows you to determine whether the report will display the students' 'Given Name', 'Preferred Name' or 'Both'.

Sort Students By

Sort the order in which student records are displayed by nominating your preference for 'Student Name' or 'Student Code'.

Sort Subjects By

Sort the order in which subject records are displayed by nominating your preference for 'Subject Name', 'Subject Abbreviation', 'Subject Sort Code' or 'Subject Code'.

Include Additional Fields

Select 'Additional Fields' to include in the listing by highlighting them with a mouse-click.

The 'Student Code' and 'Student Name' are automatically included and are not available for selection.

Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options permits a range selection, holding down the 'Ctrl' key enables selection of discrete (individual) criterion.

Select the 'Next' button to proceed to the 'Student Comparison Listing Subject/Objective Inclusion' screen.

Academic Results Analysis - Subject/Objective Inclusion

This screen will display a table with the subjects and objectives for the Year Group you nominated in the previous screen.

For each subject chose the objective(s) that you want to include in your report/file by ticking the appropriate checkboxes.

Select the 'GO' button to generate the report.

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