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Academic Results / Comments

This program allows you to produce a listing of academic results and comments a student has received for a nominated reporting period. It can be generated for a single student or for a group of students as defined in the 'Selection Criteria' section of the screen.

Select a 'Year' and 'Semester' from the drop-down menus in the 'Reporting Period Search' screen to view a list of all valid reporting periods available for selection.

Select a valid reporting period by clicking on the required link to view the 'Combined Results and Comments Listing Search' screen.

'Selection Criteria' can be entered into the 'Combined Results and Comments Listing Search' screen to filter the records that are displayed in the report.

The 'Formatting Options' section of this screen allows you to choose the destination of the report. This can be to Adobe® PDF viewer, Microsoft Excel® or Microsoft Word®.

You can include an indication on the report for every student who is a boarder by ticking the 'Indicate Boarders' box. Students who are boarders will print with an asterisk after their name.

The drop-down list below this allows you to determine whether the report will display the students' 'Given Name', 'Preferred Name' or 'Both'.

Select the 'GO' button to generate the report.

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