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ACR - Copy Data to Archive

This program allows you to copy Academic Reporting setup data that has been used in the production of student reports in an Academic Results Period to archive. This data can then be accessed in the future through programs:

Important! The ‘Copy to Archive’ program must be run at the end of each reporting period before any changes are made for the next reporting period.

Archiving is also a critical process for the webBook year-long markbook functionality and Staff Kiosk Assessment data analytics. It is extremely important that this program is run at the end of each reporting period.

This program will create a snapshot of the following data for the nominated reporting period:

  • Reporting Objective Information.

  • Reporting Objective Groups.

  • Report General Information:

    • Report Header.

    • Footer/Message Text.

    • Signatory Details.

  • Teacher Information.

  • Subject code and description.

  • Subject Outlines (Subject Outlines are able to be copied to other reporting periods).

  • Subject assessment defaults.

  • Subject results based comments.

  • Comments and Comment Categories (Comment Banks can be copied to other reporting periods).

  • Result formats.

  • Result validations.

  • Student data.

This means that if the 'live' data in any of the areas above is modified in the future (such as an 'Objective Description' is changed), then a Transcript of Academic Achievement that is run at that time (but against the archived period) will access the archived data.

Select a 'Result Year and Period' to archive and click 'GO' to run 'Copy Data to Archive'.

If this program has already been run for the selected 'Result Year and Period' you will receive a warning message. If you choose to continue, the data already archived for the selected 'Result Year and Period' will be overwritten.


Custom academic reports programmed by TASS.web do not automatically access archived reporting data unless specifically requested and included in the custom reports specification and quote. The Transcript of Academic Achievement is a generic report that may be used by your school in place of your custom academic report.

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