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Activity (Standalone)

Standalone Activities that are Activities that are assessed using your own marking criteria and do not get transferred into Markbook.

This program uses the old style multi-stepped 'Activity Builder' program that would only be used to:

  • Include an Online Test.

  • Use 'Standalone' assessment.

  • Assign to a custom group (using student-based searching to create a new group or using an existing group created through 'My Groups).

Standalone Activities can only be created in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Learning Objects (Maintain & Assign) > Activity (Standalone).

You can use this section of the documentation in two ways:

  1. The table directly below is a sequential guide to creating different types of Activities. Each row in the table is a hyperlink to detailed information on the field in the program.
    After following a hyperlink and reading the detailed information on the field, you need to click the browser's 'Back' button to return to this table.

  2. Go straight to the detailed reference section of the help that includes each field's detailed information.

Activity Type

Online Test


Standalone Assessment

webBook Assessment

Fields to complete

Subject Area.

The Subject Area is important as it will determine the second level in the Learning Object Repository that this Learning Object will be filed under.

Subject Areas are set up in TASS.web program Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Subject Areas' tab.

Subject Area.

The Subject Area is important as it will determine the second level in the Learning Object Repository that this Learning Object will be filed under.

Subject Areas are set up in TASS.web program Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Subject Areas' tab.

Subject Area.

The Subject Area is important as it will determine the second level in the Learning Object Repository that this Learning Object will be filed under.

Subject Areas are set up in TASS.web program Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Subject Areas' tab.

Subject Area.

The Subject Area is important as it will determine the second level in the Learning Object Repository that this Learning Object will be filed under.

Subject Areas are set up in TASS.web program Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Subject Areas' tab.

Add to My Learning Objects or add to Central Repository.

Add to My Learning Objects or add to Central Repository.

Add to My Learning Objects or add to Central Repository.

Add to My Learning Objects or add to Central Repository.

Year Group.

This is important as it will determine the third level in the Learning Object Repository that this Learning Object will be filed under.

Year Group.

This is important as it will determine the third level in the Learning Object Repository that this Learning Object will be filed under.

Year Group.

This is important as it will determine the third level in the Learning Object Repository that this Learning Object will be filed under.

Year Group.

This is important as it will determine the third level in the Learning Object Repository that this Learning Object will be filed under.









Activity Name.

Activity Name.

Activity Name.

Activity Name.

Do you want to attach an ONLINE test….Yes

Do you want to attach an ONLINE test….No

Do you want to attach an ONLINE test….No

Do you want to attach an ONLINE test….No

Final Grading Type.

Will you be assessing this Activity - No

Will you be assessing this Activity - Yes

Will you be assessing this Activity - Yes

Are students required to submit a file Yes/No?

Are students required to submit a file Yes/No?

Are students required to submit a file Yes/No?

Please enter the outline or instructions for the Activity.

Please enter the outline or instructions for the Activity.

Please enter the outline or instructions for the Activity.

Please enter the outline or instructions for the Activity.

Attach Resource to Activity (Step 2 of 3).

Attach Resource to Activity (Step 2 of 3).

Attach Resource to Activity (Step 2 of 3).

Attach Resource to Activity (Step 2 of 3).

Attach Online Test to Activity (Step 3 of 3).

Will you be assessing this Activity using your own assessment criteria (standalone)? - Yes

Will you be assessing this Activity using your own assessment criteria (standalone)? - No

Number of Assessment Criteria.

Will you be assessing this Activity using webBook Objectives - Yes

Assessment Criteria Type.

Select the Subject from which the webBook Objective will be derived.

Assessment Criteria.


Score (conditional).


Final Grading Type.



What do you want to do next?

What do you want to do next?

Assign using 'Class Assign' or Custom Assign'.

Assign using 'Class Assign' or Custom Assign'.

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