To access the Activity Setup screen:
Go to Staff Kiosk program Assessment > Markbook,
Select the relevant Reporting Period and
Click the 'Activity Setup' link next to the Subject Class to create, maintain, or assign Assessment Activities.
From the Activity Setup screen, you can:
Create new Assessment Activities for the selected Subject Class.
View, edit, unassign or change dates for Assessment Activities that have already been assigned to the selected Subject Class.
View, edit, assign or delete Assessment Activities that are available to the selected Subject Class but have not yet been assigned.
View, edit, assign or delete Past Assessment Activities that the selected Subject Class has completed.
Send an email to the Teacher who created the Assessment Activity.
Only assessable activities with assessment criteria assigned to them will appear on this screen.
Staff Kiosk has several other programs that allow you to create Activities.
Click here for more information.
Staff Kiosk Home Page > My Timetable. Use the Hamburger menu and select 'Create Activity'.
Staff Kiosk Home Page > My Timetable. Use the Hamburger menu and select 'Create Homework' (this would only be used for Homework Activities that are non-assessable).
Staff Kiosk Rollcall > Class Rollcall. Use the Hamburger menu and select 'Create Activity'.
Staff Kiosk Assessment > Learning Objects (Maintain & Assign). Use the 'Create Learning Object' button and select 'Activity'.
Click here for an Administrator Note.
User Permissions
Users can access Activity Setup when the ‘Markbook’ permission is assigned in TASS.web System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions for Staff Kiosk in the 'Assessment’ section.
New Activity
Click the ‘+ New Activity' button to load the ‘Create Activity’ screen for the selected Subject Class.
The name of the Subject Class is prepopulated based on the class you selected on the previous screen.
For more information, refer to the Create Activity article.
The ‘Assigned’ section displays the Assessment Activities assigned to the selected Subject Class in the selected Reporting Period.
In this section, you can view the Activity Name, Start Date, Due Date, who created the Activity, and access actions that allow you to edit, unassign, and change dates.
Activity Name | The Activity Name includes a link to the Activity Details screen, where you can view the Activity Outline, Activity Resources and the Assessment Criteria. |
Start Date | The Start Date of the Activity. |
Due Date | The Due Date of the Activity. |
Created by | The Created by column displays the name of the person who was the Owner when the Assessment Activity was assigned to the Subject Class. Their name includes a link that will launch a new email in the user's default email program addressed to the owner of the activity. |
Actions | Edit | Use the ‘Edit’ Action to launch the ‘Edit Activity’ screen. From here, you can modify Activity Details, Resources, Rubrics, and Assessment Criteria. This ‘Edit Activity’ screen can also be accessed from the 'Edit Activity' hamburger menu option in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Activity Planner > Activity Assessment Screen. For more information, refer to the Create Activity article. |
Unassign | Use the ‘Unassign’ action link to unassign the activity from the subject class. This will remove the activity from the students in Student Café and delete any recorded results. Upon clicking the link, you will be prompted to confirm if you want to proceed. To confirm the unassignment, click the ‘Proceed’ button. Please note that any recorded results for this activity will be deleted if you proceed. To confirm the unassignment, enter 'yes' and click the 'Proceed' button. |
Change Dates | Use the ‘Change Dates’ action link to change the 'Preview Date', 'Start Date', 'Draft Date' (if applicable), 'Due Date' and 'Delay Date' for this Activity. You can also change the flag that determines whether parents can see the Activity in Parent Lounge Student Details > Curricular Activities, and the 'Allow Late Submissions' flag. This ‘Change Dates’ screen can also be accessed from the 'Edit Activity' hamburger menu option in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Activity Planner > Activity Assessment Screen. Fields that require further explanation |
Display in Parent Lounge | Use this field to indicate if parents will be able to see this Activity in Parent Lounge program Student Details > Curricular Activities.
The ‘Display in Parent Lounge’ checkbox only controls the visibility of the Activity in Parent Lounge Student Details > Curricular Activities program. When the ‘Display in Parent Lounge’ checkbox is unticked, the Activity information will still be available in the 'My Assessments' Calendar Feed within the Parent Lounge Calendar > eDiary program.
Click here for an Administrator Note. The ability to view this information in Parent Lounge Student Details > Curricular Activities is controlled by the 'Curricular Activities' user permission in TASS.web System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions for Parent Lounge. The ability to view the Parent Lounge Calendar > eDiary program is controlled by the 'eDiary' user permission in TASS.web System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions for Parent Lounge. | Allow Late Submissions | This field is only active when the 'Are students required to submit a file' is set to 'Yes' for the Activity. By default, this will be ticked, and students will be allowed to submit this Activity in Student Café past the designated due date and time. Untick this to disallow late submissions of this Activity by students.
Students will receive the following message when they submit their work late: 'The Due date has passed, and your work will be flagged as Late.' When you access the student's Activity via Staff Kiosk Assessment > Activity Planner > Activity Assessment Screen. and click the 'Assess' button in the 'Action' column, a 'red alert' symbol will be displayed indicating that the student file was submitted late. When a parent accesses the student's Activity via Parent Lounge Student Details > Curricular Activities and clicks the active link on the 'Activity Name', a 'red alert' symbol will be displayed indicating that the student file was submitted late.
| Preview Date and Time | This is the date and time that basic details relating to this Activity will be displayed to students in Student Café and (optionally) parents in Parent Lounge. From this date and time until the 'Start Date' and 'Start Time' (that you enter directly below), the following Activity details will be available to students and (optionally) parents: 'Start Date'. 'Due Date'. 'Subject'. 'Teacher'. 'Activity Name'.
Basic details for this Activity will also be visible to students in their eDiary (Student Café) on the date and time you enter here.
| Start Date and Time | This is the date and time that the full Activity details will be displayed to students in Student Café and (optionally) parents in Parent Lounge. If this is a 'File Submission' Activity, students can use Student Café to submit a file after this date and time.
A full record for this Activity will also be visible to students in their eDiary (Student Café) on the date and time you enter here.
| Draft Required | Tick this checkbox if you require students to submit a draft for this Activity. | Draft Date and Time OR select Draft Date by timetable lesson | If you ticked the 'Draft Required' checkbox directly above, you must enter the date and time that students must submit a draft copy for this Activity. An alternative to entering a draft date and time (above) is to have the system calculate them based on an upcoming lesson. Use the drop-down list to select the lesson by which the students must complete the draft for this Activity, and the program will automatically calculate the date and time. Click here for an Administrator Note. To determine the periods that are available for the Teachers to choose from, the program uses: The 'Current Year' and 'Current Semester (or Term)' are defined in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Parameters (Setup) and the 'Year Group' of the Subject Class. Then the corresponding Timetable in TASS.web Student Admin > Timetable > Setup Information > Timetable Setup on the 'Year/TT Definitions' tab.
| Due Date and Time OR select Due Date by timetable lesson | This is the date and time that students must submit a final copy of this Activity. If this is a 'File Submission' Activity, students will not be able to use Student Café to submit a file after this date and time (unless late submissions have been allowed).
An 'Activity Due' reminder will also be visible to students in their eDiary (Student Café) on the date and time you enter here.
An alternative to entering a due date and time (above) is to have the system calculate them based on an upcoming lesson. Use the drop-down list to select the lesson by which the students must complete the Activity, and the program will automatically calculate the date and time. Click here for an Administrator Note. To determine the periods that are available for the teachers to choose from, the program uses: The 'Current Year' and 'Current Semester (or Term)' are defined in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Parameters (Setup) and the 'Year Group' of the Subject Class. Then the corresponding Timetable in TASS.web Student Admin > Timetable > Setup Information > Timetable Setup on the 'Year/TT Definitions' tab.
| Delay Results | By default, at the time that you enter results and comments against each student's completed work, they will be visible to students in Student Café and (optionally) parents in Parent Lounge. Use this field to nominate the same delayed date and time that all students in the class will be able to see their results and comments for this Activity. For example, the Activity is due on Tuesday, and the results will be available on Friday, giving you a few days to complete marking for the entire class. | Delay Date and Time | This is the date and time that results and comments for this Activity will be visible to students in Student Café and (optionally) parents in Parent Lounge. |
Click the 'Save' button to apply the changed dates to the Activity. |
The ‘Unassigned’ section displays the Assessment Activities that have been assigned to the selected Reporting Period but have not been assigned to the selected Subject Class.
Activity Name | The Activity Name includes a link to the Activity Details screen, where you can view the Activity Outline, Activity Resources and the Assessment Criteria. |
Created by | The Created by column displays the name of the current Activity owner. Their name includes a link to launch a new email in the user's default email program addressed to the activity owner. |
Actions | Edit | When the ‘Edit’ Action link is clicked, the ‘Edit Activity’ screen launches. This is the same screen from the 'Edit Activity' hamburger menu option in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Activity Planner > Activity Assessment Screen. For more information, refer to the Create Activity article. |
Assign | When the ‘Assign’ action link is clicked, the ‘Activity Assign’ screen launches. This screen allows you to assign the Subject Class Assessment Criteria and Activity Dates. When an Activity is assigned using this link, it will automatically be assigned to the Reporting Period selected on the ‘Reporting Period Selection Screen’ you clicked on when opening the Markbook program.
If your school has multiple Reporting Periods open for the current year and semester, you can click the ‘Edit' link to change the reporting period to which the activity will be assigned. This can be done via the 'Select the Reporting Period from which the Objectives will be derived’ drop-down list. The Reporting Period you select in this field will determine the Objectives available for selection in the Assessment Criteria section when you assign the activity. After changing the Reporting Period for an activity, return to the ‘Reporting Period Selection Screen’ and open the newly assigned Reporting Period that you wish to assign the activity to.
The ‘Assign to all Subject Classes’ checkbox will only appear for HODs and Department Administrators for the Subject. When ticked, a row will appear for each class in the Draft Date/Time and Due Date/Time fields below. Click the ‘View Classes’ link to see a list of these classes and the name of the Teacher who is responsible for marking the Activity. Assessment Criteria The Assessment Criteria section displays the Objectives your Academic Reporting Administrator has defined as the ‘Result Format’ for the Subject Class, Reporting Period and Report Type, in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Result Formats. Assessment Criteria fields that require further explanation | Objective | The name of the Objective. | Assessment Range | This field displays the allowable results that can be entered when marking each Objective. For example, A+ to E– or a score out of 100.
Your school may have set up some Objectives that are not used in calculations. These Objectives will be appended with an asterisk (*).
| Max. Result | This field displays the maximum allowable result that can be entered when marking each Objective. For example, A+ to E– or a score out of 100.
Your school may have set up some Objectives that are not used in calculations. These Objectives will be appended with an asterisk (*).
| Use in Activity | Select the Objectives that you would like to use for this Activity by ticking the corresponding 'Use in Activity' checkbox.
Click the 'grid with a tick' icon to tick all Objectives displayed.
| Overwrite Max. Result | If you have selected an Objective that uses a numeric 'Range' (for example a score out of 100), a box will be displayed in this column with the 'Max Score' value. You can change the maximum score for this Objective by changing the value in this field. For example, you want to mark an Objective out of 80 instead of the original 'Max Score' of 100. | Objective Weighting |
If you intend to use the ‘Calculate Results’ (automatic calculation tool) in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Markbook > Activity Assessment to calculate results, this field is important.
For each Activity you can nominate: The 'Final Results' calculation tool uses: The students' raw score for this Objective on each Activity. The weighting for this Objective on each Activity. The calculation rule for this Objective (set up in the 'Final Results' column of the Markbook).
….to calculate a final result for this Objective. It is much simpler to set up the subject so that the total of the 'Weightings' for each Objective equals 100%. If however, the total does not equal 100%, then the calculation will still correctly calculate the 'Final Results' for each Objective by apportioning the individual percentages to equal a total of 100% (apply an adjusted weighting).
This only applies if you intend to use the Calculation Rules. There is also an option in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Markbook > Activity Assessment that allows you to export your raw scores to an Excel® sheet to perform more complex calculations.
If this is your preferred way of working, the 'Weighting' that you enter here is for reference purposes only. If the weighting is to be the same for all Objectives in this Activity, enter the first one and use the 'down arrow' icon.
These weightings for each Objective can also be adjusted in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Markbook > Activity Assessment in the ‘hamburger’ menu for each Objective.
Click here for an Administrator Note. The Objectives the teacher can access in this screen are set up in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the ‘Result Formats' tab. Objectives that are to contribute to Final Results and Overall Subject Grade(s) for this subject in Markbook > Activity Assessment are set up as 'QS - This Objective can be included in multiple Activities and calculations can be performed to arrive at a Final Result for this Objective. Using the example above, these are the Objectives without the (*). Objectives that DO NOT to contribute to Final Results and Overall Subject Grade(s) for this subject in Markbook > Activity Assessment are set up as 'QO - This Objective can be included in multiple Activities and calculations will NOT be performed to arrive at the Final Result for this Objective. Using the example above, this is the Objectives with the (*). Overwrite Max. Results The ability for teachers to change the maximum score of an Objective is determined by: Activity Dates Activity Date fields that require further explanation |
Preview Date and Time | This is the date and time that basic details relating to this Activity will be displayed to students in Student Café and (optionally) parents in Parent Lounge. From this date and time until the 'Start Date' and 'Start Time' (that you enter directly below), the following Activity details will be available to students and (optionally) parents: 'Start Date'. 'Due Date'. 'Subject'. 'Teacher'. 'Activity Name'.
Basic details for this Activity will also be visible to students in their eDiary (Student Café) on the date and time you enter here.
| Start Date and Time | This is the date and time that the full Activity details will be displayed to students in Student Café and (optionally) parents in Parent Lounge. If this is a 'File Submission' Activity, students can use Student Café to submit a file after this date and time.
A full record for this Activity will also be visible to students in their eDiary (Student Café) on the date and time you enter here.
| Draft Required | Tick this checkbox if you require students to submit a draft for this Activity. | Draft Date and Time OR select Draft Date by timetable lesson | If you ticked the 'Draft Required' checkbox directly above, you must enter the date and time that students must submit a draft copy for this Activity. An alternative to entering a draft date and time (above) is to have the system calculate them based on an upcoming lesson. Use the drop-down list to select the lesson by which the students must complete the draft for this Activity, and the program will automatically calculate the date and time. Click here for an Administrator Note. To determine the periods that are available for the teachers to choose from, the program uses: The 'Current Year' and 'Current Semester (or Term)' are defined in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Parameters (Setup) and the 'Year Group' of the Subject Class. Then the corresponding Timetable in TASS.web Student Admin > Timetable > Setup Information > Timetable Setup on the 'Year/TT Definitions' tab.
| Due Date and Time OR select Due Date by timetable lesson | This is the date and time that students must submit a final copy of this Activity. If this is a 'File Submission' Activity, students will not be able to use Student Café to submit a file after this date and time (unless late submissions have been allowed).
An 'Activity Due' reminder will also be visible to students in their eDiary (Student Café) on the date and time you enter here.
An alternative to entering a due date and time (above) is to have the system calculate them based on an upcoming lesson. Use the drop-down list to select the lesson by which the students must complete the Activity, and the program will automatically calculate the date and time. Click here for an Administrator Note. To determine the periods that are available for the teachers to choose from, the program uses: The 'Current Year' and 'Current Semester (or Term)' are defined in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Parameters (Setup) and the 'Year Group' of the Subject Class. Then the corresponding Timetable in TASS.web Student Admin > Timetable > Setup Information > Timetable Setup on the 'Year/TT Definitions' tab.
| Delay Results | By default, at the time that you enter results and comments against each student's completed work, they will be visible to students in Student Café and (optionally) parents in Parent Lounge. Use this field to nominate the same delayed date and time that all students in the class will be able to see their results and comments for this Activity. For example, the Activity is due on Tuesday, and the results will be available on Friday, giving you a few days to complete marking for the entire class. | Delay Date and Time | This is the date and time that results and comments for this Activity will be visible to students in Student Café and (optionally) parents in Parent Lounge. |
Delete | The ‘Delete’ Action link is only active when the Activity has not been assigned to a Subject Class. You cannot delete activities when they have been assigned to a class in the past.
Past Activities
The ‘Past Activities’ section displays the Assessment Activities that have been assigned to the same Subject Code and Year Group as the selected Subject Class, but have not been assigned to any class in the selected Reporting Period.
Date Created | The Date Created column indicates the date when the Activity was initially created. |
Activity Name | The Activity Name includes a link to the Activity Details screen, where you can view the Activity Outline, Activity Resources and the Assessment Criteria. |
Created by | The Created by column displays the name of the current Activity owner. Their name includes a link to launch a new email in the user's default email program addressed to the activity owner. |
Actions | Edit | When the ‘Edit’ Action link is clicked, the ‘Edit Activity’ screen launches. This is the same screen from the 'Edit Activity' hamburger menu option in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Activity Planner > Activity Assessment Screen. For more information, refer to the Create Activity article. |
Assign | When the ‘Assign’ action link is clicked, the ‘Activity Assign’ screen launches. This screen allows you to assign the Subject Class Assessment Criteria and Activity Dates. When an Activity is assigned using this link, it will automatically be assigned to the Reporting Period selected on the ‘Reporting Period Selection Screen’ you clicked on when opening the Markbook program.
If your school has multiple Reporting Periods open for the current year and semester, you can click the ‘Edit' link to change the reporting period to which the activity will be assigned. This can be done via the 'Select the Reporting Period from which the Objectives will be derived’ drop-down list. The Reporting Period you select in this field will determine the Objectives available for selection in the Assessment Criteria section when you assign the activity. After changing the Reporting Period for an activity, return to the ‘Reporting Period Selection Screen’ and open the newly assigned Reporting Period that you wish to assign the activity to.
The ‘Assign to all Subject Classes’ checkbox will only appear for HODs and Department Administrators for the Subject. When ticked, a row will appear for each class in the Draft Date/Time and Due Date/Time fields below. Click the ‘View Classes’ link to see a list of these classes and the name of the Teacher who is responsible for marking the Activity. Assessment Criteria The Assessment Criteria section displays the Objectives your Academic Reporting Administrator has defined as the ‘Result Format’ for the Subject Class, Reporting Period and Report Type, in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Result Formats. Assessment Criteria fields that require further explanation | Objective | The name of the Objective. | Assessment Range | This field displays the allowable results that can be entered when marking each Objective. For example, A+ to E– or a score out of 100.
Your school may have set up some Objectives that are not used in calculations. These Objectives will be appended with an asterisk (*).
| Max. Result | This field displays the maximum allowable result that can be entered when marking each Objective. For example, A+ to E– or a score out of 100.
Your school may have set up some Objectives that are not used in calculations. These Objectives will be appended with an asterisk (*).
| Use in Activity | Select the Objectives that you would like to use for this Activity by ticking the corresponding 'Use in Activity' checkbox.
Click the 'grid with a tick' icon to tick all Objectives displayed.
| Overwrite Max. Result | If you have selected an Objective that uses a numeric 'Range' (for example a score out of 100), a box will be displayed in this column with the 'Max Score' value. You can change the maximum score for this Objective by changing the value in this field. For example, you want to mark an Objective out of 80 instead of the original 'Max Score' of 100. | Objective Weighting |
If you intend to use the ‘Calculate Results’ (automatic calculation tool) in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Markbook > Activity Assessment to calculate results, this field is important.
For each Activity you can nominate: The 'Final Results' calculation tool uses: The students' raw score for this Objective on each Activity. The weighting for this Objective on each Activity. The calculation rule for this Objective (set up in the 'Final Results' column of the Markbook).
….to calculate a final result for this Objective. It is much simpler to set up the subject so that the total of the 'Weightings' for each Objective equals 100%. If however, the total does not equal 100%, then the calculation will still correctly calculate the 'Final Results' for each Objective by apportioning the individual percentages to equal a total of 100% (apply an adjusted weighting).
This only applies if you intend to use the Calculation Rules. There is also an option in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Markbook > Activity Assessment that allows you to export your raw scores to an Excel® sheet to perform more complex calculations.
If this is your preferred way of working, the 'Weighting' that you enter here is for reference purposes only. If the weighting is to be the same for all Objectives in this Activity, enter the first one and use the 'down arrow' icon.
These weightings for each Objective can also be adjusted in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Markbook > Activity Assessment in the ‘hamburger’ menu for each Objective.
Click here for an Administrator Note. The Objectives the teacher can access in this screen are set up in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the ‘Result Formats' tab. Objectives that are to contribute to Final Results and Overall Subject Grade(s) for this subject in Markbook > Activity Assessment are set up as 'QS - This Objective can be included in multiple Activities and calculations can be performed to arrive at a Final Result for this Objective. Using the example above, these are the Objectives without the (*). Objectives that DO NOT to contribute to Final Results and Overall Subject Grade(s) for this subject in Markbook > Activity Assessment are set up as 'QO - This Objective can be included in multiple Activities and calculations will NOT be performed to arrive at the Final Result for this Objective. Using the example above, this is the Objectives with the (*). Overwrite Max. Results The ability for teachers to change the maximum score of an Objective is determined by: Activity Dates Activity Date fields that require further explanation |
Preview Date and Time | This is the date and time that basic details relating to this Activity will be displayed to students in Student Café and (optionally) parents in Parent Lounge. From this date and time until the 'Start Date' and 'Start Time' (that you enter directly below), the following Activity details will be available to students and (optionally) parents: 'Start Date'. 'Due Date'. 'Subject'. 'Teacher'. 'Activity Name'.
Basic details for this Activity will also be visible to students in their eDiary (Student Café) on the date and time you enter here.
| Start Date and Time | This is the date and time that the full Activity details will be displayed to students in Student Café and (optionally) parents in Parent Lounge. If this is a 'File Submission' Activity, students can use Student Café to submit a file after this date and time.
A full record for this Activity will also be visible to students in their eDiary (Student Café) on the date and time you enter here.
| Draft Required | Tick this checkbox if you require students to submit a draft for this Activity. | Draft Date and Time OR select Draft Date by timetable lesson | If you ticked the 'Draft Required' checkbox directly above, you must enter the date and time that students must submit a draft copy for this Activity. An alternative to entering a draft date and time (above) is to have the system calculate them based on an upcoming lesson. Use the drop-down list to select the lesson by which the students must complete the draft for this Activity, and the program will automatically calculate the date and time. Click here for an Administrator Note. To determine the periods that are available for the teachers to choose from, the program uses: The 'Current Year' and 'Current Semester (or Term)' are defined in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Parameters (Setup) and the 'Year Group' of the Subject Class. Then the corresponding Timetable in TASS.web Student Admin > Timetable > Setup Information > Timetable Setup on the 'Year/TT Definitions' tab.
| Due Date and Time OR select Due Date by timetable lesson | This is the date and time that students must submit a final copy of this Activity. If this is a 'File Submission' Activity, students will not be able to use Student Café to submit a file after this date and time (unless late submissions have been allowed).
An 'Activity Due' reminder will also be visible to students in their eDiary (Student Café) on the date and time you enter here.
An alternative to entering a due date and time (above) is to have the system calculate them based on an upcoming lesson. Use the drop-down list to select the lesson by which the students must complete the Activity, and the program will automatically calculate the date and time. Click here for an Administrator Note. To determine the periods that are available for the teachers to choose from, the program uses: The 'Current Year' and 'Current Semester (or Term)' are defined in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Parameters (Setup) and the 'Year Group' of the Subject Class. Then the corresponding Timetable in TASS.web Student Admin > Timetable > Setup Information > Timetable Setup on the 'Year/TT Definitions' tab.
| Delay Results | By default, at the time that you enter results and comments against each student's completed work, they will be visible to students in Student Café and (optionally) parents in Parent Lounge. Use this field to nominate the same delayed date and time that all students in the class will be able to see their results and comments for this Activity. For example, the Activity is due on Tuesday, and the results will be available on Friday, giving you a few days to complete marking for the entire class. | Delay Date and Time | This is the date and time that results and comments for this Activity will be visible to students in Student Café and (optionally) parents in Parent Lounge. |
Delete | The ‘Delete’ Action link is only active when the Activity has not been assigned to a Subject Class. You cannot delete activities when they have been assigned to a class in the past.