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Activity Planner


The Activity Planner program is a planning tool that combines all the Activities (assessable and non-assessable) assigned to students into a single display, sorted by 'Due Date'.

Planners can balance the load for students during periods where there is an excessive concentration of Activities due. If the planner has been granted access to the relevant security point, they can drill down on relevant Activities to change dates and assess and review results and comments.

HODs, Subject, and Year-Level Coordinators can also use this program to check the Activities that teachers have assigned to their students, make changes if necessary, and generate analytics.

The Activity Planner is a versatile program that enables you to perform various functions:

Program Screens


Activity Planner Screen

  • View the Activities assigned to students for a designated department, year group, subject area or subject class.

  • Print a listing of Activities assigned to students for a designated department year group, subject area or subject class.

  • View a graphic progress bar that displays the 'number of students' at the following statuses for each Activity: Absent, Exempt, Not submitted, Completed (Draft and Final), or Assessed.

  • Generate class and cohort Analytics for Activities.

  • View individual student, class and cohort Analytics for Activities.

Activity Assessment Screen

  • View the Students who are assigned to the selected Activity.

  • Print a listing of Students who are assigned to the selected Activity.

  • Review and edit the Activity material created by Teachers.

  • Attach an assessment rubric for the Activity.

  • Change dates on the Activity.

  • Grant Extensions (to a group of students).

  • Add additional students to the Activity.

  • Transfer responsibility for the Activity to another Teacher.

  • Send Notifications to Students or Parents when:

    • A student has failed to submit the Activity.

    • A student has achieved a designated Final Grade for an Activity.

  • Access the 'Class Analysis Grid'.

  • Unassign the Activity.

  • Define the Calculation Rule used to calculate the 'Activity Total Score'.

  • Change the Activity status for students (including marking a student as absent from an Activity).

  • Flag non-file submission Activities as being completed by students.

  • Change the flag that determines if parents can see the Activity in Parent Lounge and Parent Orbit.

  • View or print an 'Activity Assessment Grid' showing the status of all Activities for all students in the class.

  • View all ‘Activity Assessment Files’ submitted by Students. Check for Word Count and Plagiarism and Add Annotations.

  • Download a copy of all Activity Assessment Files ‘Drafts’ or 'Finals'.

Assess Student Screen

  • View and download Activity files that a student has uploaded via Student Café.

  • Upload an Activity file on the student's behalf.

  • Mark the Rubric for the Activity using Annotations.

  • Provide feedback to students on Drafts and Final submissions using Comments or Annotations.

  • Upload Annotated Activity Feedback to Student Café, Parent Lounge and Parent Orbit.

  • Review and enter Comments for the Activity

    • Comments that are displayed in Student Café, Parent Lounge and Parent Orbit, and

    • Comments that are only visible to the Teacher.

  • Review and enter raw score Results for assessable Activities (that use Assessment Criteria Objectives or Standalone Criteria).

  • Calculate the 'Activity Total Score'.

  • Change the Activity status for students (including marking a student as absent from an Activity).

  • Remove a student from the Activity.

  • Grant Extensions (to a single student).

Assess Student Screen (Online Test Activity)

  • Review and mark Activities set up as Online Tests (and completed by students in Student Café).

  • Review student responses to Online Test Questions.

  • Mark the Online Test. Review the system-calculated score for the Online Test and adjust the final marks if required.

  • Provide feedback to students using Comments.

  • Review and enter Comments for the Activity:

    • Comments that are displayed in Student Café, Parent Lounge and Parent Orbit, and

    • Comments that are only visible to the Teacher.

  • Change the Activity status for students (including marking a student absent from an Activity, and allowing the student to retake the Online Test).

  • Remove a student from the selected Activity.

The Activity Planner screen displays Activities based on the filter options selected.

By default, the screen will display Activities for the current Year and Semester/Term. 

Click here for an Administrator Note.

The program uses the 'Current Year' and 'Current Semester (or Term)' defined in Staff Kiosk program Assessment > Parameters (Setup) to determine the default Activities to display.

If you have been given the security access to do so, click on the ‘Activity Name’ link or row to access the Activity Assessment Screen for the selected Activity.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

To view Activities requires 'Activity Assessment - Assigned / Responsible' or 'Activity Assessment - All' permission under Assessment to be assigned.  Use program System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions to update User Permissions.

The ability to drill down on to Activities and access the 'Activity Assessment' screen is controlled by the 'Activity Edit' security point. To apply this security point to Staff Kiosk users, use TASS.web program System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions.

When drilling down into the 'Activity Assessment' screen, you will be operating in the 'live' Activity record.

Filter Options

Activity Search

Use this to filter the Activities that will be displayed, based on a text search on the 'Activity Name'.

Teacher Search

Use this to search for Activities for a single teacher.

The picklist allows multiple teachers to be selected.

Use the ‘Teacher Search’ button to filter by ‘Activity Responsibility’ and ‘Current Classes’.

  • Activity Responsibility: By default, this checkbox will be selected.

  • Current Classes: Classes that have assigned activities in the current year and period will be displayed.


This filter is a multi-select checkbox picklist populated with specific classes based on the Department, Subject Area and Year Group applied.

Date Range

Use this filter to display Activities that were assigned in previous periods or to narrow the range of Activities displayed in the current Year and Semester/Term.


By default, Activities for all 'Departments' will be displayed. Use this to filter on one or more 'Departments'.

The 'Departments' that are set up on your teacher record are displayed at the top of the filter list.

Subject Area

By default, Activities for all 'Subject Areas' will be displayed. Use this to filter on one or more 'Subject Areas'.

Year Group

By default, Activities for all 'Year Groups' will be displayed. Use this to filter on one or more 'Year Groups'.


By default, Activities for all 'Subjects' will be displayed. Use this to filter on one or more 'Subjects'.

Use this filter in conjunction with the 'Department', 'Subject Area' and/or 'Year Group' filters and only 'Subjects' relevant to the other filters that you apply, will be displayed.


Use this filter in conjunction with the 'Subject' filter and only 'Classes' relevant to those subjects, will be displayed.


By default, all Activity types will be displayed. Use this to filter on one or more Activity 'Types'.

An example would be to only select 'Homework' to compare what each teacher has set within a particular 'Year Group' and 'Subject'.

Parent Lounge

By default, all Activities will be displayed (regardless of whether the teacher has nominated if the Activity is visible to parents in Parent Lounge and Parent Orbit). 

  • To view only the Activities that are visible in Parent Lounge and Parent Orbit, select 'Yes - With Date' and 'Yes - Without Date'.

  • To view only the Activities that have been set with a 'Delay Results' flag (hence a delayed date for parents to view results) select 'Yes - With Date' only.

Columns Displayed

To sort by a column, click on the column heading. To sort by multiple columns, hold down the 'Shift' key and click on the second and subsequent columns.

Columns that require further explanation

Activity Name

This is an active link. Click on this to access the 'Activity Assessment' screen. 

Click here for an Administrator Note.

The ability to drill down on to Activities and access the ‘Activity Assessment' screen is controlled by the 'Activity Assessment’ and 'Activity – Edit' security points. To apply this security point to Staff Kiosk users, use TASS.web program System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions.


The class or custom group that the Activity has been assigned to.


This is the teacher who is currently responsible for the Activity.

Assessment Type

Four 'Assessment Types' are possible:

  1. webBook (using Assessment Criteria Objectives).

  2. Standalone (Activities that are assessed this way use your own marking criteria and do not get transferred to Markbook > Activity Assessment).

  3. Not Assessable Activity.

  4. Homework (also a Non-assessable Activity).

For details on setting up an Activity with different assessment types, click here.

Start Date

This is the date that the full Activity details will be displayed to students in Student Café and (optionally) parents in Parent Lounge and Parent Orbit.

Draft Date

This is the date that students must submit a draft copy of this Activity.

Due Date

This is the date and time that students must submit a final copy of this Activity.


This indicates if parents can view this Activity in Parent Lounge and Parent Orbit. If the 'Delay Results' option for the Activity has been selected, a calendar icon will show, and the hover over will show the 'Delay Date'.

Progressive Assessment Analytics

Click here for information on Progressive Assessment analytics.

Progressive Assessment analytics can be generated by HODs and Department Administrators using Staff Kiosk program Assessment > Activity Planner.

When generated, they become visible to teachers in the Staff Kiosk program Assessment. 

They can also become visible in Parent Lounge or Student Café.

The flags that determine whether Progressive Assessment analytics are visible in Student Café and Parent Lounge are maintained in TASS.web program Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Reporting Setup on the 'Analytics' tab.


A student who has a 'Comparative Reporting' flag set to 'Exclude' in TASS.web program Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students on the 'General' tab, will not be included in analytics calculations.

A student who has a 'Comparative Reporting' flag set to 'Don't Include' in TASS.web program Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students on the 'General' tab, will be included in analytics calculations but these statistics will not be available in Parent Lounge or Student Café.

You can only generate analytics when all students in the class have completed the Activity or have been marked as 'Absent' for the Activity, and the teacher has assessed the entire class (only Activities where the 'Progress' bar is all green).

Hover over the ‘Graph’ icon and click 'Generate'.


The icon will change to a ‘green graph' when the analytics have been generated for the class. You can use the 'Print' button or 'Delete’ button in the drop-down list to print the generated analytics for the Subject Class.


If Activity Results change after the analytics have been generated the icon will change to a ‘red graph' and the ‘Refresh’ option will become available. Click ‘Refresh’ to re-generate the analytics based on changes made.


If the Activity has been assigned to multiple classes and a teacher of one of those classes has not completed the assessment, then the analytics can't be generated.

You can only generate analytics for subjects that you are a designated HOD or a Department Administrator. A ‘yellow alert’ symbol will be displayed for all other Subject Class/Activities.


This graphic progress bar shows the 'number of students' at the following statuses for this Activity. Hover over the graphic for:

  • Absent.
    The number of students who have been flagged as being absent (or not having to complete this Activity).

  • Exempt.
    The number of students who have been flagged as not having to complete this Activity.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

'Exempt' Activity statuses are maintained in Staff Kiosk program Assessment > Exempt Activity Status (Setup).

  • Not Submitted (Draft).
    The number of students who have access to this Activity (after the 'Start Date/Time), and who have not yet submitted a draft file.

  • Not Submitted (Final).
    The number of students who have access to this Activity (after the 'Start Date/Time), and who have not yet completed the work or submitted a final file).

  • Completed.
    The number of students who have completed this Activity but have not yet been marked.

  • Assessed.
    The number of students who you have marked (entered raw scores) for this Activity.


Click the 'Print' button to produce a listing of Activities currently displayed on the screen.

Sort by

  • Activity Name

  • Start Date

  • Due Date

Export to

  • PDF

  • Excel

  • Word

Formatting Options:

  • Show Table Borders

  • Alternate Row Colours

Click ‘GO’ to generate and print the report.

For Administrators

Click here for Administrator Notes.

User Permissions

To view the 'Activity Planner', the 'Activity Planner' permission under the LMS needs to be assigned.  Use program System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions to update User Permissions.

To view Activities requires 'Activity Assessment - Assigned / Responsible' or 'Activity Assessment - All' permission under the LMS to be assigned.  Use program System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions to update User Permissions.

The ability to drill down on to Activities and access the ‘Activity Assessment' screen is controlled by the 'Activity Assessment’ and 'Activity – Edit' security points. To apply this security point to Staff Kiosk users, use TASS.web program System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions.

To generate Analytics, users must be either a Department HOD or Department Administrator. These roles are defined in the TASS.web program Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Subject Depts' tab.

Related Resources

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