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Enter Results and Comments


Staff Kiosk Enter Results and Comments is the new and improved version of webBook Final Assessment.

While webBook's functionality has been maintained, enhancements have been made to create a seamless and modern interface.

As webBook is scheduled to be decommissioned in January 2025, your school must switch over and start using Staff Kiosk as soon as possible.

For more information, refer to:

This menu item offers alternative access path to the Staff Kiosk Assessment > Markbook program. The data entry options vary based on user permission applied in TASS.web.

For more information, refer to the Administrator Notes below.

When you open the Enter Results and Comments program, the Reporting Periods Selection Screen will appear.

From this screen, you can choose the specific 'Reporting Period' that you want to open in the Markbook.

Then, the Subject Class Selection Screen will be displayed.

On this screen, you will see all the Subject Classes that have been assigned to you for the selected Reporting Period.

Each Subject Class has three different options for entering results and comments: Activity Assessment, Enter Results and Comments and the Results Grid.

Student-based data entry can also be completed via the Search Final Assessment button.

You can also set up activities from this screen via the Activity Setup link.

Refer to the information below for details about each data entry option.

Activity Setup


Coming Soon!

This new feature will be available to all schools in the v01.059.08.200 software update. Refer to the Release Notes for more information.

From the Activity Setup screen, you can:

  • Create new Assessment Activities for the selected Subject Class.

  • View, edit, unassign or change dates for Assessment Activities that have already been assigned to the selected Subject Class.

  • View, edit, assign or delete Assessment Activities that are available to the selected Subject Class but have not yet been assigned.

  • View, edit, assign or delete Past Assessment Activities that the selected Subject Class has completed.

  • Send an email to the Teacher who created the Assessment Activity.

Refer to Activity Setup for more information.

The ‘Activity Assessment’ option may or may not appear. Access to this data entry option is controlled by the TASS.web user permissions. Refer to the Administrator Notes below for more information.

Activity Assessment


From the Activity Assessment screen, you can:

  • View Student Names, Class Details, Student Codes, ID photos, Dates of Birth and Genders.

  • Enter and maintain raw score results for Assessment Activities.

  • Calculate Activity Total Scores, Final Results and Overall Subject Grades automatically using a combination of Objective Weightings, Maximum Results and Calculation Rules.

  • Enter and maintain Activity Total Scores

  • Enter and maintain Final Results

  • Enter and maintain Overall Subject Grades.

  • Export your data to an existing Excel® spreadsheet.

  • Upload Final Results and Overall Subject Grades from an Excel® spreadsheet.

  • View Statistics for Average and Standard Deviation.

  • Enter and maintain Activity Comments.

  • Enter and maintain Subject Comments.

  • Print to PDF, Excel® or Word®.

This is the screen that most people think of when they hear the term ‘Markbook’.

Refer to Activity Assessment for more information.

The ‘Activity Assessment’ option may or may not appear. Access to this data entry option is controlled by the TASS.web user permissions. Refer to the Administrator Notes below for more information.

Enter Results and Comments

From the Enter Results and Comments screen, you can:

  • View Student Names, Student Codes, ID photos, Form Classes, PC/Tutor Groups, Genders, Year Groups and Enrolment Status.

  • Enter and maintain Final Results.

  • Enter and maintain Overall Subject Grades.

  • Enter and maintain Subject Comments.

  • Print to PDF, Excel® or Word®.

Refer to Enter Results and Comments for more information.

Results Grid

From the Results Grid screen, you can:

  • View Student Names and Student Codes.

  • Enter and maintain Final Results rapidly in a grid-style display.

  • Enter and maintain Overall Subject Grades rapidly in a grid-style display.

Refer to Results Grid for more information.

Search Final Assessment

From the Search Final Assessment screen, you can:

  • Search for Students and review the Results and Comments that have been entered for all of their assigned Subject Classes during the selected reporting period.

  • Apply filters to refine your search criteria by Student Name/s, Year Groups, Subject Class, House, Form Class, Campus and PC/Tutor Group.

  • Include or exclude Results (Final Results, Overall Subject Grades), Comments (Subject-based Comments) and Non-Current Students on the screen.

Refer to Subject Class Selection Screen for more information.

For Administrators

Click here for Administrator Notes.

How to Setup Markbook

For more information about the process to follow for setting up Markbook see How to Setup Markbook.

User Permissions

Users can access Activity Setup and Activity Assessment when the 'Markbook’ permission is assigned in TASS.web program System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions > Teacher Kiosk > Assessment section.

Users can access Enter Results and Comments and Results Grid when the 'Enter Results and Comments' permission is assigned in TASS.web program System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions > Teacher Kiosk > Assessment section.

These permissions also grant access in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Enter Results and Comments.

If users do not require access to Activity Setup or Activity Assessment, they can access the Enter Results and Comments and Results Grid through an alternative menu pathway: Staff Kiosk Assessment > Enter Results and Comments.

Reporting User Access Levels

User access to the Reporting Period along with designated levels of user access are assigned in TASS.web program Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Reporting User Maintenance > Maintain User Access Levels.

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