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ACR - Reporting Parameters Tab


The ‘Reporting Parameters’ tab in Reporting Setup displays reporting parameters for student academic reports and results in the preparation of student reports. These parameters will affect the operation of TASS.web, webBook and Staff Kiosk Assessment.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

User Security Permissions

Access to this tab is regulated by the ‘Reporting Setup' permission point. This user security permission can be enabled in TASS.web Student Admin > Users > User Maintenance or Security Role Permissions.

Student Reporting Parameters

Fields that require detailed explanation

* Maximum Student Comment Size

This field displays the maximum number of characters allowed in webBook and Staff Kiosk Assessment for each student's subject comment.

This is a mandatory field.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

The comment sizes/character limits used in webBook, Staff Kiosk Assessment are set by your school. 

There are multiple possibilities for how the program determines this:

Comment Size Hierarchy


Reporting Setup

TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Reporting Setup on the ‘Reporting Parameters’ tab, in the 'Maximum Student Comment Size' field.

  • Sometimes referred to as the ‘Global Comment Size’.

  • This field displays the maximum number of characters allowed in webBook/Markbook for each student's subject comment.’

  • The system allows a 'Maximum Student Comment Size' entry of 4000 characters.


Assessment Setup

TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the 'Result Periods’ tab, in the 'Max. Comment Size' field.

  • A maximum comment size unique to a specific Results Period.

  • Your school may have used this if the length of the comment is different between an interim report and an end-of-semester report.

  • Leave this field blank if you would like to use the comment size defined set up in Reporting Setup.

If there is a 'Max Comment Size' number on this tab it will override size limits set in Reporting Setup.


Year Group specifications

Your web server

tassportal\webBook > webBook.ini file.

  • A comment size that is unique to a Year Group.

  • Located in the tassportal\webBook directory on your webserver.

  • Open the file using Notepad.  You will need to add one year level per line with the corresponding comment size, e.g. Year_12=300.

  • Example webbook.ini file:


  • You do not need to add a line for all year levels, just the ones that have a different comment size.

  • Save the file and check the comment size for a student in a particular year level in webBook or Markbook.

Comment sizes set up this way will override size limits setup using Assessment Setup and Reporting Setup.

  • Contact your system administrator for further information.

* Validate Student Results During Entry

This field indicates if results are to be validated during the entry process.

When the box is ticked, teachers will be forced to enter only valid entries.
When unticked, no validations will occur during entry.

This is a mandatory field.

It is advisable to tick this box to ensure that only results within a set range can be entered into the system. The valid result range can be created automatically from the 'Assessment Method'.

* Use Alternative NAME Keyword Substitution

The system substitutes the keyword '[NAME]' with the students given or preferred name within subject comments.

If this setting is enabled, then the system will automatically resolve the first instance of '[NAME]' to the student's name, and the subsequent ones to 'He' or 'She'.

If this setting is disabled, then the system will resolve each instance of '[NAME]' to the student's name only.

This is a mandatory field.

* NAME keyword substitution format

Select the name that you want to appear when the 'Format Comment' button/icon is clicked in the following programs:

This is a mandatory field.

Statement Email Settings

Sender Email

Displays the Email Address from which Academic Reports will be sent; when implementing the 'Send Via Email Where Possible' facility.

CC Email

Displays a second or 'copy' email address. A copy of all the Academic Reports sent will also be sent or copied to the email address displayed here.

Subject Text

Displays the text that will appear in the 'Subject' field when emailing Academic Reports.

Contact Details

Name, Email, Phone, Fax, Website / URL

These fields would be used to include school details where it is necessary to have a different school name, phone, fax etc printing on the academic report. This will only apply to your CUSTOM DEVELOPED academic report and only if it has been designed to look at these fields. The TASS.web Customisable Reports do not look at these fields.

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