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Markbook - Results Grid


To access the Results Grid screen:

  • Go to Staff Kiosk program Assessment > Markbook,

  • select the relevant Reporting Period, and

  • click the 'Results Grid' link next to the subject class for which you wish to enter data.

The Results Grid screen is also available in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Enter Results and Comments.

From the Results Grid screen, you can:

  • View Student Names and Student Codes.

  • Enter and maintain Final Results rapidly in a grid-style display.

  • Enter and maintain Overall Subject Grades rapidly in a grid-style display.

The Results Grid screen data can be accessed and modified in multiple program areas.

Click here for more information.

During the Reporting Period, the data in the Results Grid can be viewed and edited in:

When the Reporting Period has ended, the data in the Results Grid can be published to:

  • Student Cafe My History > Academic Reports

  • Student Cafe My History > Final Results

  • Parent Lounge Student Details > Academic Reports

  • Parent Lounge Student Details > Academic Results & Comments

  • Staff Kiosk Student > Academic Reports

  • Staff Kiosk Student > Academic Results & Comments

Refer to Academic Reporting Checklist - End of Reporting Period for more information.

Screen Elements

The Results Grid screen displays:

  • Each student within the subject class and their Student Code.

  • The ‘QT’ (Final Results) Progressive Assessment Type Objectives that thave been set up for this Subject Class.

  • The ‘QO’ (Overall Subject Grade) Progressive Assessment Type Objectives that thave been set up for this Subject Class.

  • Data filter options.

  • Column and row sorting options

  • A data entry grid with a cell to enter each student’s result.

Filter Options

Use the following filter options to refine the data displayed in your data entry grid.


Use the ‘Objectives’ drop-down list to select whichObjectives’ to display in your grid.

Include Non-Current Students

By default, only students that are currently at the school will be displayed. To display students who have left the school (non-current), tick this box.

Include Result Based Comment Bank

If your school uses ‘Result Based Comments ', you can include them on the Results Grid screen by ticking this box. 

If ‘Result Based Comments’ have been set up, the ‘book’ icon will display next to the field.   Click the ‘book’ icon to display a list of Result Based Comments that your school has set up. 

For more information see TASS.web program Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup > Result Based Comments.  

An example of a Result Based Comments could be:

Result - Comment on an academic report

A - The student is performing above expectation.

B - The student is performing to a satisfactory level.

C - Student needs to improve in this subject.

D - The student is not performing to a satisfactory level.

E - The student is performing well below a satisfactory level.

Column and Row Sorting Options

Click the ‘Student Code’ column heading to sort your grid numerically by student code.

Click the ‘Student Name’ column heading to sort your grid alphabetically by student name.

You can re-organise the column order by clicking on a column heading, then dragging and dropping it into your preferred order.

Data Entry Grid

Within the grid, you can:

  • Type the student result directly into the field.

  • Select the student result from the drop-down list.

  • Click the ‘book’ icon and select the student result and Result Based Comment from the list by clicking the ‘plus symbol’ icon in the same row as the result that you want to assign. Click the 'Save' button to commit the results you have entered.

Hover over the ‘info’ icon in each Objective column heading to view the ‘Objective Description’ and ‘Activity Assessment Range’ for each Objective in your grid. 

Use the 'Fill Down' button to replicate the same data down the column.

If you make a mistake, use the 'Restore' button to undo your changes. Unsaved data will be lost.

  • The data will be restored to the last 'Save'.

  • If you have not yet saved, the data will be restored to the way it was when you loaded the Grid.

If a student has a ‘Subject Date Range’ entered for the Subject, a ‘yellow alert’ icon will appear in the Student Name column. Hover over the icon to display details of the date range. 

For Administrators

Click here for Administrator Notes.

User Permissions

Users can access Enter Results and Comments and Results Grid when the 'Enter Results and Comments' permission is assigned in TASS.web program System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions > Teacher Kiosk > Assessment section.

Subject Data Range

For more information on ‘Subject Date Range’, see TASS.web program Student Admin > Student Information > Students > Subjects Tab.


Objectives and Result Formats for Progressive Assessment are setup in TASS.web programs:

  • Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup > Objectives Tab.

  • Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup > Result Formats.

Related Resources

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