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How to Setup Markbook

This checklist is designed for Academic Reporting Administrators to complete in preparation for entering Assessment Activity and/or Academic Reporting Results and Comments into the Staff Kiosk Assessment > Markbook program.

'Markbook' is the default name used by TASS, but your school may call it something else.  An alternate name can be set in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Parameters (Setup).   This document refers to the program as 'Markbook'.

Certain steps must be completed by Teachers, Heads of Departments (HODs), or Department Administrators. Understanding these steps is important for an administrator to apply correct configurations and coordinate the Academic Reporting process.

The checklist below outlines the ‘general process’ to follow when setting up Markbook. Schools will have their own processes to follow, so some steps may not be required, or alternatively, other steps may be required.


Menu Path

Task / Details



TASS Knowledge Base > Staff Kiosk


Read the Staff Kiosk Assessment and Markbook program overviews.

It is very important that you read and understand the concepts that are outlined before attempting to set up this program.



TASS Knowledge Base > FAQ > Assessment FAQ

Determine your school's Academic Reporting and Assessment requirements.

Our dedicated Professional Services team can provide expert services for a chargeable fee. Contact our Professional Services team for personalised support tailored to your school’s needs.



TASS.web program System Admin > Users

Assign staff member(s) to the role of Academic Reporting Administrator(s) to complete the next steps in this checklist.

Ensure each Academic Reporting Administrator has the appropriate User Permissions to set up Academic Reporting, Markbook, and troubleshoot any related issues.

Click here for more information.

This is an example of the user permissions that Academic Reporting Administrators may require to set up Academic Reporting and Markbook, plus troubleshoot any related problems during the reporting period.

TASS.web Security Role Permissions

Staff Kiosk Portal Security Permissions

  • Student Records

    • Students

      • --- Student Café Ghosting

      • --- Subjects tab

    • Student Subject Listing

    • Student Subject Grid Entry

    • Class Lists

    • Student Records Setup

      • --- Subject Departments tab

      • --- Subject Categories tab

      • --- Subjects tab

      • --- Subject Types tab

      • --- Subject Classes tab

      • --- Subject Areas tab

      • --- Subject Grid

  • Academic Reporting

    • All Permissions

  • Teacher Records

    • Teachers

      • --- Subjects tab

      • --- Teacher Subject Listing

  • Parent Records

    • Parents

      • --- Parent Lounge Ghosting

    • Parent Lounge Setup

  • Administration

    • Reporting User Maintenance

      • --- Assign Reporting periods

      • --- Maintain User Access Levels

  • Portal Security Permissions

    • --- Student Café

    • --- Parent Lounge

    • --- Teacher Kiosk

Users may require both standard access and ghost access.

  • Assessment

    • All Permissions

  • Listings

    • Class List/Emails

    • Assessment Activity Results

    • Academic Comparative Results – Student

    • Academic Results - Student Profile

    • Academic Results Analysis – Student

    • Academic Results/Comments

  • Other Permissions

    • Student Café Ghosting

  • Student

    • Academic Reports

    • Curricular Activities

    • Standardised Testing

Academic Reporting Administrators may also need to be assigned to the roles of:

For more information on each additional role mentioned above along with other roles, refer to ‘What user permissions and access levels are required for Staff Kiosk Assessment?



TASS Knowledge Base > How To / Checklists > HOW – Academic Reporting

Set up the Academic Reporting Period(s) that Teachers will use to enter academic results. 

To complete this step, follow steps 1 to 16 of the ‘Academic Reporting Checklist - Beginning of Reporting Period’.

It is very important that you follow all of the steps from 1 to 16 in this checklist before proceeding to the next step.



TASS Knowledge Base > How To / Checklists > HOW – Assessment

Select a Markbook configuration:

Use this checklist alongside your preferred configuration link to set up and use your Markbook throughout each Reporting Period.

When using a Progressive Assessment configuration, Markbook relies on Timetable information to assign Activities and Assessment Criteria Objectives to Teachers and Students.  For example, you cannot allocate Assessment Activities to a Subject Class if no Teacher or Students are assigned to it.

You can create Assessment Activities before the Timetable is finalised, but you cannot assign them until after the Timetable rollover has occurred. 



Staff Kiosk Assessment > Parameters (Setup)

Review the ‘Assessment Parameters’ and ‘Markbook Options’ in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Parameters (Setup).

  • Enter the network location of the school's Assessment Repository.

  • Read the Parameters (Setup) article on TASS Knowledge Base to determine your preferences for each option. 



TASS Knowledge Base > How To / Checklists > HOW – Assessment


Review the allowable maximum file size limits for:

  • Activity files submitted by students using Student Café.

  • Resources uploaded by teachers using the Staff Kiosk Assessment program.

  • Feedback files attached by teachers using the Staff Kiosk Assessment program.

Modify if required.  Refer to 'How to Modify the File Size Limits for TASS.doc (Including Staff Kiosk Assessment' for details.



TASS.web program System Admin > Users > Reporting User Maintenance


TASS.web program Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Reporting User Maintenance

Assign Teachers to the ‘Reporting Period’ (also known as ‘Result Period').   Teachers must be assigned to a ‘Reporting Period’ to access the appropriate Subject Classes in Markbook.

Assign Access Levels to Teachers.  Teachers must be assigned the appropriate Access Level to access create, assign and assess Activities and enter results and comments in Markbook, based on a ‘IA Lock’ set for each Reporting Period in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the 'Result Periods' tab.



TASS Knowledge Base > FAQS  > Assessment FAQs

This step is essential for Progressive Assessment configurations and optional for Final Assessment configurations.

Determine how you wish to calculate your:

  • Activity Total Scores (Essential for Progressive Assessment configurations)

  • Final Results (Essential for Progressive Assessment configurations)

  • Overall Subject Grades (Essential for Progressive Assessment configurations, Optional for Final Assessment configurations)



TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the ‘Calculation Rules' tab.


Staff Kiosk Assessment > Assessment Setup on the ‘Calculation Rules' tab.

This step is essential for Progressive Assessment configurations and optional for Final Assessment configurations.

Review the ‘School Calculation Rules’ and determine which options will be available to all Teachers.  Add/edit as required.

Calculation Rules must be established if you intend to use non-numeric results and the 'Calculate Results' function in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Markbook to calculate Activity Total Scores, Final Results and Overall Subject Grades and also in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Activity Planner for Activity Total Scores only.



TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the ‘Rounding Rules' tab.


Staff Kiosk Assessment > Assessment Setup on the ‘Rounding Rules' tab.

This step is essential for Progressive Assessment configurations and optional for Final Assessment configurations.

Review the ‘Rounding Rules’ that can be used when calculating results.  Add/edit as required.

Rounding Rules allow Final Results and Overall Subject Grades containing decimal numbers to be calculated and rounded according to your preferences.



TASS Knowledge Base > How To / Checklists > HOW – Assessment


Setup Academic Analytics.

This step is optional.

If you prefer not to activate Academic Analytics, visit the menu paths mentioned in the setup guidelines to ensure that analytics are disabled in the relevant areas.



TASS.web program System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions > Teacher Kiosk

Go to the Portal Security Permissions and review the user permissions under the ‘Assessment' section for each relevant ‘User Role’ group or 'Individual User’.

Assign Staff Kiosk menu access to users involved in the Academic Reporting process.  Consider each role and the access they need to perform their tasks by referring to What user permissions and access levels are required for Staff Kiosk Assessment?

User permissions may vary based on the Markbook Configuration Option selected above in Step 5.



TASS.web program Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the ‘Result Periods’ tab.

Set the 'IA Lock' to 'Unrestricted Supervisor Access' or 'Restricted Supervisor Access', to enable an appropriate user/s to perform some quality checks in the Staff Kiosk Assessment and Markbook programs prior to opening reporting to Teachers.

For more information on ‘User Access Types’ and ‘IA Lock’ access, refer to Reporting User Maintenance.




Staff Kiosk program Assessment

Perform some quality checks in the Staff Kiosk Assessment program to ensure the Academic Reporting Period is set up correctly to meet your expectations.

Ghost into Staff Kiosk as a user who has been granted ‘Unrestricted Supervisor Access' and navigate to Markbook. Perform some checks. See Staff Kiosk Toolbar 'Ghosting’ section for more information about ghosting.

You may also like to perform some quality checks on users with ‘Restricted Supervisor Access' and 'Teacher Class Access', changing the 'IA Lock’ accordingly.

This step could also be completed by individual Teachers, Heads of Departments (HODs), Department Administrators, Reporting Users with ‘Restricted Access’ and ‘Unrestricted’ Supervisor Access, Academic Administrators or a combination of roles.  Each school is likely to have its own procedures in place for this. Please refer to your school’s Academic Reporting guidelines for further details.

Your quality checks may differ based on the Markbook Configuration Option that you selected above in Step 5.

Examples of Progressive Assessment quality checks.
  • Check Teachers can access the correct Subjects/Classes in My Classes.

  • Check Subject Classes contain the correct Students.

  • Check that Teachers can create or assign Activities to their Subject Classes in Learning Objects (Maintain and Assign).

  • Create a test Activity and see if it is visible and correct and delete when your checks are complete.

  • Check that Teachers can view their activities in the Activity Planner.

  • Check Teachers can access the Reporting Period(s) that were setup in Step 4 in Markbook or Enter Results and Comments programs, as per your Markbook configuration preferences in Step 5.

  • Check Teachers can access the ‘Activity Assessment', ‘Enter Results and Comments’ and 'Results Grid’ links for their Subject classes in the Markbook or Enter Results and Comments programs.

  • Check Markbook displays the correct Activities, Objectives in the Final Results and Overall Subject Grades sections.

  • Check the Reporting Period(s) display on the Markbook > Activity Assessment screen as per Markbook configuration preferences from Step 5.

  • Check Teachers can access ‘Markbook’ via the Staff Kiosk Assessment menu.

  • The correct ‘Reporting Periods’ appear for each Teacher on the Reporting Periods Selection Screen.

  • The correct ‘Subject Classes’ appear for each Teacher on the Subject Class Selection Screen.

  • The ‘Enter Results and Comments’ link appears for each Subject Class that needs to have results entered.

  • The ‘Results Grid’ link appears for each Subject Class that needs to have results entered.

  • The ‘Activity Assessment’ link appears for Subject Classes with Assessment Activities assigned to them.

  • The correct ‘Students’ appear in each Subject Class.

  • The correct ‘Activities’ appear on the Markbook > Activity Assessment screen.

  • The correct ‘Objectives’ appear for each Activity on the Markbook > Activity Assessment screen.

  • The correct ‘Objectives’ appear for each Activity on the Activity Planner > Assess Student Screen.

  • The correct ‘Objectives’ appear for each Final Result on the Markbook ‘Activity Assessment’, ‘Enter Results and Comments’ and ‘Results Grid’ screens.

  • The correct ‘Objectives’ appear for each Overall Subject Grade on the Markbook ‘Activity Assessment’, and ‘Enter Results and Comments’ screens.

  • Check Teachers can enter results appropriately, according to the Objective's Assessment Code (Assessment Methods).

  • Check Teachers can Calculate Final Results and Overall Subject Grades appropriately and that the Calculation Rules are correct.

Examples of Final Assessment quality checks.
  • Check Teachers can access the Reporting Period(s) that were set up in Step 4 in Markbook or Enter Results and Comments programs.

  • Check the correct Subjects/Classes appear in Markbook or Enter Results and Comments programs.

  • Check the Subject Classes contain the correct Students.

  • Check Teachers can access the ‘Enter Results and Comments’ and 'Results Grid’ links for their Subject Classes in the Markbook or Enter Results and Comments programs.

  • The correct ‘Objectives’ appear for each Final Result on the Markbook ‘Activity Assessment’, ‘Enter Results and Comments’ and ‘Results Grid’ screens.

  • The correct ‘Objectives’ appear for each Overall Subject Grade on the Markbook ‘Activity Assessment’, and ‘Enter Results and Comments’ screens.

  • Check Teachers can enter results appropriately, according to the Objective's Assessment Code (Assessment Methods).

To access the Markbook ‘Activity Assessment screen:

  • Navigate to Staff Kiosk Assessment > Markbook

  • Select the ‘Reporting Period’ you wish to access.

  • Click on the ‘Activity Assessment’ link next to a class to open the class to open the screen.

The Subject Classes and Class Lists that appear for each Teacher in Staff Kiosk Assessment come from the Timetable. Ensure the Timetable has been rolled over before opening the Reporting Period to Teachers.



TASS Knowledge Base > How To / Checklists > HOW – Assessment

Follow the instructions outlined in your preferred configuration guide (selected during Step 5 above) to use your Markbook throughout each Reporting Period:

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