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Staff Kiosk Final Assessment Guide

Use this guide if Teachers are only to operate in Final Assessment configuration.

For example: At the beginning of Semester 1, you set up the Semester 1 Reporting Period, Teachers enter Final Results only, then enter or calculate Overall Subject Grades and add Comments to reflect. Academic reports are produced, and the Semester 1 Reporting Period is finalised. At the beginning of Semester 2, you set up Semester 2 and repeat the process, with the option to calculate year-long cumulative results for Overall Subject Grades only.

Use this checklist alongside the 'How to Setup Markbook' checklist to set up and use your Markbook configuration throughout the year:

'Markbook' is the default name used by TASS, but your school may call it something else.  An alternate name can be set in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Parameters (Setup).   This document refers to the program as 'Markbook'.

‘Semester’ is the default terminology used by TASS, but your school call it something else. e.g. Term. Alternative descriptions for the ‘Semester’ fields can be set in TASS.web Student Admin > Setup Information > Student Records Setup. This document refers to each relevant field as 'Semester'.

 The checklist below outlines the ‘general process’ to follow using Semester 1 and Semester 2 as an example. Schools will have their own processes to follow, so some steps may not be required, or alternatively, other steps may be required.


Menu Path

Task / Details


At the beginning of Semester 1

TASS Knowledge Base > How To / Checklists > HOW – Assessment

Complete Steps 1 to 6 of the ‘How to Setup Markbook’ checklist for Semester 1.

It is very important that you follow the steps outlined in this checklist before proceeding to the next step.


TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the 'Objectives' tab.

On the 'Objectives' tab, create Semester-based and Year-based Overall Subject Grade Objectives (if not already in existence).

Click here for an example.


  • Semester Result (SR)

  • Semester Overall Grade (SOG)

  • Year Result (YR)

  • Year Overall Grade (YOG)

You may not need both the Result and Overall Grade, however, this would allow for a numeric scale (e.g. 0-100) to be used as the Result and also for a converted alpha grade (e.g. A to E) as the Overall Grade.



TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the 'Result Formats' tab.

On the ‘Result Formats' tab, create Result Formats for each ‘Year Level’ and 'Subject’ that will be assessed in Staff Kiosk Assessment (if not already in existence).

Result Formats determine where each Objective appears in Staff Kiosk Assessment and Academic Reports.

Select the 'Assessment Method' to be used for marking, and specify the 'Sort Order' for screens in Staff Kiosk Assessment and printing on Academic Reports.

Your ‘Result Formats’ are matched to each ‘Result Period’ via the ‘Report Type’ field. Choose the same ‘Report Type' that you selected for the period on the 'Result Period' tab.

For each ‘Result Format’ select the same ‘Report Type’ that you selected in your Semester 1 ‘Result Period’ (Reporting Period) setup.

On the ‘Result Formats’ tab, review each ‘Year Level’ and ‘Subject’ and ensure that the correct ‘Result Type, ‘Objectives’ and ‘Progressive Assessment Types’ have been assigned.

  • 'QT' Progressive Assessment Objectives** allow Teachers to enter and/or calculate Overall Subject Grade(s).

Click here for an example.


This example is for a Markbook that uses the four Overall Subject Grade Objectives, similar to what we set up in Step 2.

Semester Result (SR):

  • Select the ‘SR’ Objective that you created in Step 2.

  • Enter a Sort Order value higher than you used on your 'QS' Objectives, e.g. 10.

  • Select a Numeric Range 'Assessment Code' (Assessment Method), e.g. 0-100.

  • Select Progressive Assessment Type: ‘QT’.

Semester Overall Grade (SOG):

  • Select the ‘SOG’ Objective that you created in Step 2.

  • Enter a Sort Order value higher than you used on Semester Result, e.g. 11.

  • Select a Non-Numeric Individual 'Assessment Code' (Assessment Method) if required, e.g. A- E.

  • Select Progressive Assessment Type: ‘QT’.

Year Result (YR):

  • Select the ‘YR’ Objective that you created in Step 2.

  • Enter a Sort Order value higher than you used on Semester Overall Grade, e.g. 12.

  • Select a Numeric Range 'Assessment Code' (Assessment Method), e.g. 0-100.

  • Select Progressive Assessment Type: ‘QT’.

Year Overall Grade (YOG):

  • Select the ‘YOG’ Objective that you created in Step 2.

  • Enter a Sort Order value higher than you used on Year Result, e.g. 13.

  • Select a Non-Numeric Individual 'Assessment Code' (Assessment Method) if required, e.g. A- E.

  • Select Progressive Assessment Type: ‘QT’.

This is only a suggestion, and it may be more applicable for your school to have only two Overall Subject Grade Objectives, Semester and Year results.

Use the ‘Department’ filter and ‘Print’ button to generate reports that can be sent to each Head of Department (HOD), Department Administrator for checking.

Use the ‘Subject Area’ filter and the ‘Print’ button to generate reports that can be sent to each Subject Area ‘Central Repository Coordinator’ for checking.



TASS Knowledge Base > How To / Checklists > HOW – Assessment

Complete Steps 6 to 15 of the ‘How to Setup Markbook’ checklist for Semester 1.

It is very important that you follow the steps outlined in this checklist before proceeding to the next step. 


TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the 'Result Periods' tab.

On the 'Result Periods' tab, for Semester 1 ensure the 'IA Lock' is set to 'Teacher Class Access' to open up the reporting period to all users, and allow them to enter results and comments in Staff Kiosk.

Apply 'C’ in the 'Default Indicator’ field to indicate that Semester 1 is the current result period.

If you have already created a Semester 2 ‘Result Period’, ensure that the ‘IA Lock' is set to ‘Restricted Supervisor Access' or ‘Unrestricted Supervisor Access'. This will stop Teachers from accessing the Markbook for this Reporting Period, as these flags will restrict access to the designated ‘restricted’ or 'unrestricted’ users. If you have not created a ‘Results Period' for Semester 2, don’t worry, this will be covered in a step below further down in the checklist.



Staff Kiosk Assessment > Parameters (Setup)

Set the 'Current Year' to the appropriate calendar year.

Set the 'Current Semester' to the current semester, e.g. Semester 1.

Inform Teachers, HODs, and Department Administrators that Semester 1 Academic Reporting is now open in Staff Kiosk Assessment, and share your school's Semester 1 Academic Reporting expectations, guidelines, and deadlines.


During Semester 1


Staff Kiosk Assessment > Markbook


Staff Kiosk Assessment > Enter Results and Comments

Teachers keep their own computer-based or paper-based Markbooks (not on Staff Kiosk), and enter or upload the Semester 1 Final Results for each Student to their assigned Subject Classes. 

Follow these links for instructions on how to enter or upload results from an Excel® spreadsheet using your preferred Markbook screen and data entry method:

For more information on how to select your preferred Markbook screen and data entry method, refer to the Markbook Overview article on Knowledge Base.

When ‘Markbook’ User Permissions are disabled, Enter Results and Comments and Results Grid screen can be accessed via the ‘Enter Results and Comments' option in the Staff Kiosk Assessment menu.


At the end of Semester 1


Staff Kiosk Assessment > Markbook > Activity Assessment > Enter or Calculate Overall Subject Grades


Staff Kiosk Assessment Markbook > Enter Results and Comments


Staff Kiosk Assessment > Enter Results and Comments


To enter Overall Subject Grades, you can either follow this step to manually enter or upload Overall Subject Grades from an Excel® spreadsheet, or follow Step 8b to automatically calculate Overall Subject Grades using Markbook.

Manually enter or upload Overall Subject Grades for Semester 1 from an Excel® spreadsheet, follow these links for further instructions:



Staff Kiosk Assessment > Markbook > Activity Assessment


To enter Overall Subject Grades, you can either follow this step to automatically calculate Overall Subject Grades using Markbook, or follow Step 8a to manually enter or upload Overall Subject Grades from an Excel® spreadsheet.

Teachers, HODs or Department Administrators apply ‘Calculation Rules’ and ‘Calculate Results’ for Semester 1 only.

Navigate to Staff Kiosk Assessment > Markbook > Activity Assessment and apply your preferred methods and rules via the ‘Calculation Rules’ option in the hamburger menu of the ‘Overall Subject Grade(s) column(s)’.  

Calculate the results by clicking the ‘Calculate Results’ option in the hamburger menu of your Overall Subject Grades columns.  

Click here for an example.


This example is for a Markbook that uses the same four Overall Subject Grade Objectives that we set up in Step 2 and 3.

Semester Result (SR):

  • Select ‘Calculation Rules’ from the SR hamburger menu.

  • Set ‘Calculation Rule’ as per grade translation requirements.

  • Select ‘Calculation Method 1’.

  • Set ‘Include Past Periods’ to ‘No'.

  • Set ‘Rounding Rule’ to ‘System Default’

Semester Overall Grade (SOG):

  • Select ‘Calculation Rules’ from the SOG hamburger menu.

  • Set ‘Calculation Rule’ as per grade translation requirements.

  • Select ‘Calculation Method 1’.

  • Set ‘Include Past Periods’ to ‘No'.

  • Set ‘Rounding Rule’ to ‘System Default’

Year Result (YR):

  • Select ‘Calculation Rules’ from the SOG hamburger menu.

  • Set ‘Calculation Rule’ as per grade translation requirements.

  • Select ‘Calculation Method 1’.

  • Set ‘Include Past Periods’ to ‘No'.

  • Set ‘Rounding Rule’ to ‘System Default’.

Year Overall Grade (YOG):

  • Select ‘Calculation Rules’ from the SOG hamburger menu.

  • Set ‘Calculation Rule’ as per grade translation requirements.

  • Select ‘Calculation Method 1’.

  • Set ‘Include Past Periods’ to ‘No'.

  • Set ‘Rounding Rule’ to ‘System Default’

This is only a suggestion, refer to your schools Academic Reporting guidelines for more information.

Calculation Rules Instructions

  • When working in Semester 1, calculation rules should have the ‘Include Past Periods’ field set to ‘No’.

Important! It is recommended that if you intend deploying year-long markbooks for Final Assessment, that Teachers, HOD's and Department Administrators use Overall Subject Grade Calculation Method 1 for both Semester 1 and 2.

You can limit who can apply and/or modify Calculation Rules in Markbook.  For more information refer to: Can I nominate which Calculation Rules and Methods are available to Teachers in Markbook?



Staff Kiosk Assessment > Markbook > Activity Assessment


Staff Kiosk Assessment Markbook > Enter Results and Comments


Staff Kiosk Assessment > Enter Results and Comments

Teachers enter ‘Comments’ for their Semester 1 Subject Classes. 

Follow these links for instructions on how to enter comments using your Markbook screen and data entry method:

For more information on selecting your preferred Markbook screen and data entry method, see the Markbook Overview article on Knowledge Base.

When ‘Markbook’ User Permissions are disabled, the 'Enter Results and Comments' screen can be accessed via the ‘Enter Results and Comments' option in the Staff Kiosk Assessment menu.



TASS Knowledge Base > How To / Checklists > HOW – Academic Reporting

Close the Semester 1 Academic Reporting Period.

Follow the steps outlined in ‘Academic Reporting Checklist - End of Reporting Period’ to close the Reporting Period and finalise your Academic Reports.

It is very important that you follow all of the steps in this checklist.

Ensure that the 'IA Lock' flag is set to a status that totally closes this Semester 1 reporting period to teachers on the ‘Result Periods’ tab in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup.

Important! It is essential that after the Academic Reporting period is complete, that the archive program is run in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Special Processes > Copy Data to Archive. Semester 1 Results cannot be calculated in Semester 2 without this. This program should only be run at the end of each semester, not during as it can interfere with reporting and result calculations.


At the beginning of Semester 2


TASS Knowledge Base > How To / Checklists > HOW – Assessment

Complete Steps 1 to 6 of the ‘How to Setup Markbook’ checklist Semester 2.

Create a ‘Result Period’ (Reporting Period) for Semester 2.

On the ‘Result Periods’ tab, for the Semester 1 Result Period, remove the ‘C' from the 'Default Indicator’ field, and in the Semester 2 result Period, apply the 'C’ in the 'Default Indicator’ field to indicate the current result period.

It is very important that you follow the steps outlined in this checklist before proceeding to the next step.

When creating your ‘Result Period’, you can either set the same ‘Report Type’ as Semester 1 or use a different ‘Report Type’.

If using the same ‘Report Type’, skip to step 15.

If using a different ‘Report Type’, proceed to the next step.



TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the 'Result Formats' tab.

On the ‘Result Formats' tab, create Result Formats for each ‘Year Level’ and 'Subject’ that will be assessed in Staff Kiosk Assessment for Semester 2 (if not already in existence).

Include the same ‘QT’ Objectives that were selected in Step 3.

If you are using a different ‘Report Type’ for Semester 2, you can either create new Result Formats or ‘Clone’ your Semester 1 Result Formats via the ‘Bulk Actions’ button on the ‘Result Periods' tab in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup.



TASS Knowledge Base > How To / Checklists > HOW – Assessment

Complete Steps 6 to 15 of the ‘How to Setup Markbook’ checklist for Semester 2.

It is very important that you follow the steps outlined in this checklist before proceeding to the next step.


TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the 'Result Periods' tab.

On the 'Result Periods' tab, for Semester 2 ensure the 'IA Lock' is set to 'Teacher Class Access' to open up the reporting period to all users, and allow them to enter results and comments in Staff Kiosk.



Staff Kiosk Assessment > Parameters (Setup)

Set the 'Current Year' to the appropriate calendar year.

Set the 'Current Semester' to the current semester, e.g. Semester 2.

Inform Teachers, HODs, and Department Administrators that Semester 2 Academic Reporting is now open in Staff Kiosk Assessment, and share your school's Semester 2 Academic Reporting expectations, guidelines, and deadlines.


During Semester 2


Staff Kiosk Assessment > Markbook


Staff Kiosk Assessment > Enter Results and Comments

Teachers keep their own computer-based or paper-based Markbooks (not on Staff Kiosk), and enter or upload the Semester 2 Final Results for each Student to their assigned Subject Classes. 

Follow these links for instructions on how to enter or upload results from an Excel® spreadsheet using your preferred Markbook screen and data entry method:

For more information on how to select your preferred Markbook screen and data entry method, refer to the Markbook Overview article on Knowledge Base.

When ‘Markbook’ User Permissions are disabled, Enter Results and Comments and Results Grid screen can be accessed via the ‘Enter Results and Comments' option in the Staff Kiosk Assessment menu.


At the end of Semester 2


Staff Kiosk Assessment > Markbook > Activity Assessment > Enter or Calculate Overall Subject Grades


Staff Kiosk Assessment Markbook > Enter Results and Comments


Staff Kiosk Assessment > Enter Results and Comments


To enter Overall Subject Grades, you can either follow this step to manually enter or upload Overall Subject Grades from an Excel® spreadsheet, or follow Step 17b to automatically calculate Overall Subject Grades using Markbook.

Manually enter or upload Overall Subject Grades for Semester 2 from an Excel® spreadsheet, follow these links for further instructions:



Staff Kiosk Assessment > Markbook > Activity Assessment


To enter Overall Subject Grades, you can either follow this step to automatically calculate Overall Subject Grades using Markbook, or follow Step 17a to manually enter or upload Overall Subject Grades from an Excel® spreadsheet.

Teachers, HODs or Department Administrators apply ‘Calculation Rules’ and ‘Calculate Results’ for Semester 2 only.

Navigate to Staff Kiosk Assessment > Markbook > Activity Assessment and apply your preferred methods and rules via the ‘Calculation Rules’ option in the hamburger menu of the ‘Overall Subject Grade(s) column(s)’.  

Calculate the results by clicking the ‘Calculate Results’ option in the hamburger menu of your Overall Subject Grades columns.  

Click here for an example.


This example is for a Markbook that uses the same four Overall Subject Grade Objectives that we set up in Step 2, 3 and 12.

Semester Result (SR):

  • Select ‘Calculation Rules’ from the SR hamburger menu.

  • Set ‘Calculation Rule’ as per grade translation requirements.

  • Select ‘Calculation Method 1’.

  • Set ‘Include Past Periods’ to ‘No'.

  • Set ‘Rounding Rule’ to ‘System Default’

Semester Overall Grade (SOG):

  • Select ‘Calculation Rules’ from the SOG hamburger menu.

  • Set ‘Calculation Rule’ as per grade translation requirements.

  • Select ‘Calculation Method 1’.

  • Set ‘Include Past Periods’ to ‘No'.

  • Set ‘Rounding Rule’ to ‘System Default’

Year Result (YR):

  • Select ‘Calculation Rules’ from the SOG hamburger menu.

  • Set ‘Calculation Rule’ as per grade translation requirements.

  • Select ‘Calculation Method 1’.

  • Set ‘Include Past Periods’ to ‘Yes'.

  • Set ‘Rounding Rule’ to ‘System Default’.

Year Overall Grade (YOG):

  • Select ‘Calculation Rules’ from the SOG hamburger menu.

  • Set ‘Calculation Rule’ as per grade translation requirements.

  • Select ‘Calculation Method 1’.

  • Set ‘Include Past Periods’ to ‘Yes'.

  • Set ‘Rounding Rule’ to ‘System Default’

This is only a suggestion, refer to your schools Academic Reporting guidelines for more information.

Calculation Rules Instructions

  • When working in Semester 2, calculation rules could have the ‘Include Past Periods’ field set to ‘Yes’ when a cumulative Final Result or Overall Subject Grade is required.

Important! It is recommended that if you intend deploying year-long markbooks for Final Assessment, that Teachers, HOD's and Department Administrators use Overall Subject Grade Calculation Method 1 for both Semester 1 and 2.

You can limit who can apply and/or modify Calculation Rules in Markbook.  For more information refer to: Can I nominate which Calculation Rules and Methods are available to Teachers in Markbook?



Staff Kiosk Assessment > Markbook > Activity Assessment


Staff Kiosk Assessment Markbook > Enter Results and Comments


Staff Kiosk Assessment > Enter Results and Comments

Teachers enter ‘Comments’ for their Semester 2 Subject Classes. 

Follow these links for instructions on how to enter comments using your Markbook screen and data entry method:

For more information on selecting your preferred Markbook screen and data entry method, see the Markbook Overview article on Knowledge Base.

When ‘Markbook’ User Permissions are disabled, the 'Enter Results and Comments' screen can be accessed via the ‘Enter Results and Comments' option in the Staff Kiosk Assessment menu.



TASS Knowledge Base > How To / Checklists > HOW – Academic Reporting

Close the Semester 2 Academic Reporting Period.

Follow the steps outlined in ‘Academic Reporting Checklist - End of Reporting Period’ to close the Reporting Period and finalise your Academic Reports.

It is very important that you follow all of the steps in this checklist.

Ensure that the 'IA Lock' flag is set to a status that totally closes this Semester 2 reporting period to teachers on the ‘Result Periods’ tab in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup.


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