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Reporting User Maintenance


The Reporting User Maintenance program is used to:

  • Provide teachers with access to individual Reporting Periods.

  • Remove teacher access to a Reporting Period.

  • Assign an 'Access Level' to each teacher who will use webBook and/or Staff Kiosk Assessment to enter comments and results during the Reporting Period.

This program is also available in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Report > Setup Information > Reporting User Maintenance.

In version v01.059.05.200, this program was renamed from 'WebBook User Maintenance' to 'Reporting User Maintenance'.

Assign Reporting Periods

Teachers need to be assigned to each new reporting period that is created. Teacher allocations from a previous reporting period have no effect on the current reporting period. Refer to ‘Academic Reporting Checklist - Beginning of Reporting Period’ for more information.

  1. Navigate to TASS.web System Admin > Users > Reporting User Maintenance or Student Admin > Academic Report > Setup Information > Reporting User Maintenance.

  2. Select the 'Assign Reporting Periods' option, then click 'GO'.

  3. Select the 'Reporting Year and Period' to which you will be assigning teachers, then click 'Next'.

The ‘Reporting Year and Period' will default to the current period as defined in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the 'Result Periods’ tab, however, you can select another reporting period from the drop-down box.

  1. The program will display a list of current Teachers who do not have access to this Reporting Period in the 'Teachers not Assigned to the Reporting Period' column. Teachers who already have access will be displayed in the 'Assigned Teachers' column.

  2. To grant or remove access to a reporting period, highlight the required teacher name(s) and use the 'Selected' and 'All' buttons to move them between the 'Teachers not Assigned to the Reporting Period' and 'Assigned Teachers' columns.

Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking with your mouse, enables a range selection. Holding down the 'Ctrl' key while clicking with your mouse, enables multiple individual selections.

  1. Click 'Save' to assign the selected teachers to the nominated reporting period.

Maintain User Access Levels

  1. Navigate to the TASS.web program System Admin > Users > Reporting User Maintenance or Student Admin > Academic Report > Setup Information > Reporting User Maintenance.

  2. Select the 'Maintain User Access Levels' option, then click 'GO'.

  3. The ‘Users without access’ section will display a list of current Teachers who have been assigned to any reporting period but do not have an Access Level. Teachers who already have an Access Level assigned will be displayed in one of the following ‘Access Level’ sections. Refer to the ‘Access Levels Summary’ section below for more information about what each Access Level does in webBook and/or Staff Kiosk Assessment.

  4. To grant or remove Access Levels, highlight the required teacher name(s) and use the ‘Add >>' and '<< Remove' buttons, to move teachers in and out of the required 'Access Levels’.

Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking with your mouse, enables a range selection. Holding down the 'Ctrl' key while clicking with your mouse, enables multiple individual selections.

  1. Select 'Save' to apply your changes to the database.

Access Levels Summary

Access Levels

Access provided to webBook users

Access provided to Staff Kiosk Assessment users

Unrestricted Supervisor Access

This is the highest level of user access in webBook.

A Teacher with this level can:

  1. Access the webBook 'Search Final Assessment' button and be able to perform searches on all subjects and students within the selected Reporting Period.

  2. Access the webBook 'Teacher' button and be able to select any teacher and his/her subjects within the selected Reporting Period.

This is the highest level of user access in Staff Kiosk Assessment (final proofing and entry of Form/Tutor Group comment).

A Teacher with this level can:

  1. Access the ‘Search Final Assessment' button on the Markbook > Subject Class Selection Screen and perform searches on all subjects and students within the selected Reporting Period.

  2. Access the 'Teacher Selector' on the Markbook > Subject Class Selection Screen and select any Teacher and his/her subjects within the selected Reporting Period.

  3. Access the Reporting Period when the ‘IA Lock' is set to ‘Unrestricted Supervisor Access’, ‘Restricted Supervisor Access’ or ‘Teacher Class Access’ in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the ‘Result Period’ tab.

Restricted Supervisor Access

This is the second-highest level of user access in webBook

A Teacher with this level can:

  1. Access the webBook 'Search Final Assessment' button but can only perform searches on:

    • The subjects and students that belong to his/her department(s) within the selected Reporting Period.

    • Other subjects and students that he/she teaches within a selected reporting period.

  2. Access the webBook 'Teacher' button. He/she will only be able to:

    • Select Teachers who take subjects in his/her department(s) within a selected Reporting Period.

    • Access the subjects (for the selected teacher) that belong to their department(s).

Teacher Departments are assigned in TASS.web Student Admin > Teacher Records > Teacher Information > Teachers on the General Tab in the ‘Teacher Departments’ field.

Subject Departments are assigned in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the ‘Subjects’ tab.

This is the second-highest level of user access in Staff Kiosk Assessment (normally first level proofing).

A Teacher with this level can:

  1. Access the ‘Search Final Assessment' button on the Markbook > Subject Class Selection Screen but can only perform searches on:

    • The subjects and students that belong to his/her department(s) within the selected Reporting Period.

    • Other subjects and students that he/she teaches within the selected Reporting Period.

  2. Access the 'Teacher Selector' on the Markbook > Subject Class Selection Screen with the ability to:

    • Select Teachers who take subjects in his/her department(s) within a selected Reporting Period.

    • Access the subjects (for the selected teacher) that belong to their department(s).

  3. Access the Reporting Period when the ‘IA Lock' is set to 'Restricted Supervisor Access’ or ‘Teacher Class Access’ in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the ‘Result Period’ tab.

Teacher Departments are assigned in TASS.web Student Admin > Teacher Records > Teacher Information > Teachers on the General Tab in the ‘Teacher Departments’ field.

Subject Departments are assigned in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the ‘Subjects’ tab.

When accessing the Markbook for another Teacher:

  • To access ‘Enter Comments and Results' and 'Results Grid’ the user must have the ‘Enter Comments and Results’ permissions ticked in TASS.web System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions under Program: Teacher Kiosk, Section: Assessment.

  • The ‘Activity Assessment’ link is only accessible to Teachers with ‘Unrestricted Supervisor Access’.

Teacher Class Access

This is the third level of user access in webBook

A Teacher with this level can:

  1. Access the webBook 'Search Final Assessment' button and will be able to perform searches on only the subjects and students he/she teaches within a selected reporting period.

  2. Not access the webBook 'Teacher' button.

This is the third level of user access in Staff Kiosk Assessment (for Teachers).

A Teacher with this level can:

  1. Access the ‘Search Final Assessment' button on the Markbook > Subject Class Selection Screen and will be able to perform searches on only the subjects and students that he/she teaches within the selected Reporting Period.

  2. Not access the 'Teacher Selector' on the Markbook > Subject Class Selection Screen

  3. Access the Reporting Period when the ‘IA Lock' is set to ‘Teacher Class Access’ in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the ‘Result Period’ tab.

To use Staff Kiosk Assessment > Markbook, Teachers must have ‘Teacher Kiosk Access’ field enabled in TASS.web Student Admin > Teacher Records > Teacher Information > Teachers and will also need permissions granted in TASS.web System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions under Program: Teacher Kiosk, Section: Assessment, Permission: ‘Markbook’.

Reporting Period access is controlled by the ‘IA Lock’ setting in TASS.web Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the ‘Result Period’ tab.

The IA (Internet Access) Lock flag is the access control (or gate) for student reporting information. The ‘IA Lock' flag can be changed to reflect the level of access for teachers and supervisors. Refer to the 'Result Periods Tab’ article on Knowledge Base for more information.

From the ‘Result Periods Tab’, you can also allow ‘Restricted Supervisor Access Users' and ‘Unrestricted Supervisor Access Users’ to Edit Comments and free form type their own comments during the Reporting Period.

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