Staff Kiosk Toolbar
The Staff Kiosk Toolbar is available in the top right corner of your screen for the entire duration of your session in Staff Kiosk. It includes shortcuts for the Student Search, displays alerts for notifications, and provides a shortcut to TrackOne (if your school has this API enabled). Additionally, you can access the TASS Knowledge Base and a Login menu drop-down list from the toolbar. You also have the option to log out of Staff Kiosk and hide the banner to enlarge the page.
Student Search
Use the 'Student Search' to find a student and access the Student Profile page.
For more information, refer to Student Search.
The 'Alerts' icon in the top right corner of the screen will display in red when you have one or more current Notifications. Hover over this icon to display your current notifications.
To acknowledge that you have read a notification, click the 'Acknowledge' box. The notification will no longer be visible.
The Staff Kiosk programs that can initiate notifications include:
Pastoral Care > PC Entries
Staff > Meetings/Communications
Staff > Notifications
Events > Approving an Event and Payments
Video Library
Use the 'Video Library' icon to access the TASS Video Library. An extensive range of short instructional movies are available for you to watch covering various aspects of Staff Kiosk.
Accessing TrackOne
Use the 'TrackOne' icon to access TrackOne Analytics. This icon is only visible to schools with a TrackOne licence.
Accessing webBook
Click the 'webBook' icon to access webBook.
From v01.060.01.200, webBook is no longer accessible. The webBook icon has been removed from the Staff Kiosk toolbar. The features previously offered by webBook are now available in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Markbook and Enter Results and Comments.
User Help
The ‘question mark’ icon is used to access Staff Kiosk online help in the TASS Knowledge Base.
Login Menu
Hover over your Profile Name to access the login menu options:
Login History
This provides a history with dates and times of your recent Staff Kiosk logins, including failed login attempts.
Displays the version of TASS that is running.
Change Password
Allows users to update their passwords.
Homepage Year Group Preferences
Several Staff Kiosk homepage programs will filter the data that is returned based on the 'Year Level Preferences' that you enter here, e.g. If you teach in the Senior school, you could select years 11 and 12. Program Homepage > Today's Absentees will only display the absentee records for students in Years 11 and 12.
My Email Signature
If your school uses SMTP (simple mail transfer protocol) for emails that are generated from Staff Kiosk, you need to enter your email signature here. The rich text editor can be used to format the appearance of your email signature (for example bold, italics and underlined).
This field accepts text and images.
If your school has enabled the 'Ghosting' feature in Staff Kiosk, it means that potentially you can 'Ghost' in and operate another staff member's Staff Kiosk, or another staff member can ghost in and operate your Staff Kiosk.
The level of functionality that is available to someone 'Ghosted' in as you is determined by your system administrator.
Click the ‘power switch’ symbol in the Preferences drop-down menu or the Logout icon to log out of the program.
Hide Banner
Click the 'up-arrow' icon to hide the banner. This provides a larger working frame for your Staff Kiosk.