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Parameters (Setup) (Assessment)


Extreme caution should be taken before making changes to these parameters. Options available here may have been set to reflect your school's policies and should not be changed without due consideration.

Before teachers access Staff Kiosk Assessment, these parameters must be set up.

Assessment Parameters

Fields that require further explanation

Current Year / Current Semester (or Term)

This field is used to determine which ‘Result Period’ and ‘Timetable’ data the Assessment program will use to display the current Teacher, Student and Subject class, and Result Format information.

After your new year/semester (or term) timetable has been finalised in the TASS.web Timetable, this field must be changed to reflect the new year/semester.

The field is also used to determine the ‘Reporting Period’ that an Activity is assigned to when being created.

To assign an Activity to an alternate 'Result/Reporting Period’ you must change this parameter before creating the Activity.

Care should be taken in doing this prematurely, as students will be able to see their new classes once the parameter has been changed to reflect the new year/semester. Some schools don't like students viewing class lists before the start of the Year/Semester.

Activity Final Grade Objective

This is the Objective that is to be used as the Final Grade for Activities.

It is only relevant for Activities that Teachers create using Objectives as the Assessment Criteria, and the Activity Total Score option is not enabled.

The result that the Teacher records against this Objective for an Activity will appear in:

  • The 'Final Grade' column of the Staff Kiosk Assessment > Activity Planner > Activity Assessment screen.

  • The 'Class Analysis Grid' button in Staff Kiosk Assessment > My Classes.

  • The 'Class Analysis Grid' option in the hamburger menu of Staff Kiosk Assessment > Activity Planner > Activity Assessment screen.

  • The 'Notify' option in the hamburger menu of Staff Kiosk Assessment > Activity Planner > Activity Assessment screen.

Assessment Repository Location

This is a mandatory field that must be entered before teachers can access Staff Kiosk program Assessment.

Enter the network directory location for the Learning Objects Repository.

This network directory location will be x:\tasslms\FileStorage (where x:\ is the drive that contains the program files for TASS.web and the portals).

All Resources that are created by teachers and any files submitted by students or attached by teachers in the Assessment program, will be stored in this location.

Extreme caution should be taken when changing this as the program will modify all references to resources/files uploaded in the entire Learning Management System.

The physical files must be moved to the new location before changing this field.

Enable Assignment for entire year

If this checkbox is ticked students will be able to access Resources and Forums in Student Café regardless of Semester/Term rollovers.

It also sets the default in the 'Usage Panel' for Resources in Staff Kiosk program Staff Kiosk > Assessment > Learning Objects (Maintain & Assign) to display the usage for the entire year.

Display teacher Feedback files in Parent Lounge

You would untick this checkbox if your school only wants teacher feedback files (for file submission Activities) to be available to students through Student Café (and not to parents in Parent Lounge).

Hide unused Activity fields in Parent Lounge and Student Café

Tick this box to hide the following Activity fields in Student Café and Parent Lounge where no data is present:

  • 'Resource'.

  • 'Comment'.

  • 'Assessment Criteria'.

Display Plagiarism Details in Parent Lounge

Tick this checkbox to display 'Word Count' and 'Plagiarism Score' on student's file submission Activities in Parent Lounge.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

This requires the Plagiarism API to be enabled in TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > API Gateway Maintenance. The API will require a license. Please contact TASS Sales for more information.

Display Plagiarism Details in Student Café

Tick this checkbox to display 'Word Count' and 'Plagiarism Score' on student's file submission Activities in Student Café.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

This requires the Plagiarism API to be enabled in TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > API Gateway Maintenance. The API will require a license. Please contact TASS Sales for more information.

Enforce authorisation of Student Comments in Blogs

This provides a way to ensure that student responses to Blogs are approved by a teacher before they become visible to other students.

Tick this checkbox to enforce this for all Blogs for all teachers.

Untick the checkbox if authorization is to be at the discretion of the teacher when he/she creates the Blog.

Default authorisation of Student Comments in Blogs

If the 'Enforce authorisation of Student Comments in Blogs' checkbox directly above is unticked, you can nominate the default that teachers will see in the 'Student Comment Approval Required' field when creating a new Blog.

Tick this checkbox if the default is to indicate approval of student comments is required.

Untick this checkbox if the default is to indicate approval of student comments is not required.

Either way, the teacher will be able to override the default when entering a new Blog.

Allow Central Repository Topic creation in Learning Objects

Use this option to stop teachers from creating 'Topics' on-the-fly in the school's 'Central Repository'. 

You would do this to exercise control over the number and quality of the 'Topics' that become available to all users in the school's 'Central Repository'.

Untick this checkbox to stop teachers from creating new 'Topics' in the school's 'Central Repository' when using the following programs:

For more information, refer to Staff Kiosk Assessment > Topics (Maintain).

When unticked, new 'Topics' will need to be created by 'Central Repository Coordinators' using Staff Kiosk Assessment > Topics (Maintain).

Click here for an Administrator Note.

'Central Repository Coordinators' are set up in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Subject Areas' tab.

Consider this carefully before ticking this checkbox. Refer to Staff Kiosk > Assessment > Learning Objects (Maintain & Assign) to see how 'Topics' appear in the Learning Object Repository.

Allow overwrite of Max. Results in Assessment Activities

Tick this option to allow teachers to change the numeric value that Objectives are marked out of when creating Activities in:

For example, the Objective 'Achievement' has been set up with an assessment range of 1 to100. Enabling this option means that a teacher will be able to change this and mark the Objective out of 70 instead.

This only applies to Activities that use 'Objectives' with a 'Range' set as the Assessment Method, for the Assessment Criteria of the Activity.

Careful consideration should be taken when enabling this option. Once it is enabled, it cannot be changed.

Number of weeks to display Activities in Staff Kiosk Homepage

This field will determine the number of weeks ahead that Activities will be displayed in the following gadgets on the Staff Kiosk Home Page:

  • Curricular Activities Upcoming - Activities starting in the next NN weeks.

  • Curricular Activities Due - Activities due in the next NN weeks.

For example, I want to display Activities that are due in the next 2 weeks.

Markbook Options

Allow teachers to add My Calculation Rules

Tick this option to allow teachers to create and maintain their own 'Calculation Rules' in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Assessment Setup > Calculation Rules.

This setting allows My Calculation Rules to be used in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Markbook > Activity Assessment.

Careful consideration should be taken when enabling this option. Once it is enabled, it cannot be changed.

User Permissions for ‘Calculation Rules' must also be granted in TASS.web program System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissionsunder the Assessment > Assessment Setup section.

Allow HODS and Department Administrators to modify 'Final Results' Weightings for 'Overall Subject Grade' calculations

This setting affects the options available to HODs and Department Administrators on the Overall Subject Grade ‘Calculation Rules’ screen.  This screen can be accessed through the ‘Overall Subject Grade’ Objective hamburger menus in Staff Kiosk program Assessment > Markbook > Activity Assessment

Tick this checkbox to activate the ‘Weighting’ column on the ‘Use Differential Weightings’ screen and allow HODs and Department Administrators to use differentialweightings of 'Final Results' to calculate the 'Overall Subject Grade' when the Calculation Method is set to use Calculation Method 1.

When this checkbox is unticked, the 'Overall Subject Grade' calculations will be calculated by  evenly  weighting the 'Final Results' when the Calculation Method is set to use Calculation Method 1.

Click here for an Administrator Note. 

HODs and Department Administrators are determined in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Subject Depts.' tab  

Allow all teachers to modify 'Final Results' Weightings for 'Overall Subject Grade' calculations

This setting affects the options available to HODs and Department Administrators on the Overall Subject Grade ‘Calculation Rules’ screen.  This screen can be accessed through the ‘Overall Subject Grade’ Objective hamburger menus in Staff Kiosk program Assessment > Markbook > Activity Assessment

Tick this checkbox to activate the ‘Weighting’ column on the ‘Use Differential Weightings’ screen and allow all Teachers to use differentialweightings of 'Final Results' to calculate the 'Overall Subject Grade' when the Calculation Method is set to use Calculation Method 1.

When this checkbox is unticked, the 'Overall Subject Grade' calculations will be calculated by evenly  weighting the 'Final Results' when the Calculation Method is set to use Calculation Method 1.

Allow teachers to calculate 'Overall Subject Grade' Objectives based on Activity Raw Scores and their Weightings

This setting affects the options available to all Teachers on the Overall Subject Grade ‘Calculation Rules’ screen.  This screen can be accessed through the ‘Overall Subject Grade’ Objective hamburger menus in Staff Kiosk program Assessment > Markbook > Activity Assessment

Tick this checkbox to enable Calculation Method 2 and allow teachers to select it for the 'Overall Subject Grade' Calculation Method. 

Calculation Method 2 calculates ‘Overall Subject Grade(s)’ based on weighted Activity Raw Scores ONLY and ignores 'Final Results' in the calculation. 

Untick this checkbox to hide Calculation Method 2 and prevent teachers from selecting it as the 'Overall Subject Grade' Calculation Method. 

Default Overall Subject Grade calculations to use Activity Raw Scores and Weightings

This setting is connected to the Markbook Option directly above.  When the ‘Allow teachers to calculate 'Overall Subject Grade' Objectives based on Activity Raw Scores and their Weightings’ checkbox is ticked: 

Tick this checkbox to default the Calculation Method to  Calculation Method 2 when a teacher creates a new 'Overall Subject Grade' Calculation Rule. 

Untick this checkbox to default the Calculation Method to Calculation Method 1 when a teacher creates a new 'Overall Subject Grade' Calculation Rule. 

Allow teachers to calculate 'Final Results' objectives based on addition

This setting affects the options available to Teachers on the Final Results ‘Calculation Rules’ screen.  This screen can be accessed through the ‘Final Results’ Objective hamburger menus in Staff Kiosk program Assessment > Markbook > Activity Assessment

Tick this checkbox to activate the ‘Use Addition’ column on the Final Results ‘Calculation Rules’ screen and allow teachers to ‘Use Addition’ when setting the Calculation Rules for ‘Final Results’. 

Untick this checkbox to hide the ‘Use Addition’ column on the Final Results ‘Calculation Rules’ screen. 

Allow teachers to calculate 'Overall Subject Grade' objectives based on addition of Activity Raw Scores

This setting affects the options available to Teachers on the Overall Subject Grade ‘Calculation Rules’ screen.  This screen can be accessed through the ‘Overall Subject Grade’ Objective hamburger menus in Staff Kiosk program Assessment > Markbook > Activity Assessment

Tick this checkbox to enable Calculation Method 3 and allow teachers to select it for the 'Overall Subject Grade' Calculation Method. 

Calculation Method 3 calculates Overall Subject Grade(s) based on the addition of the Activity Raw Scores only and will ignore both the ‘Activity Objective’ weightings and 'Final Results' weightings. 

Untick this checkbox to hide Calculation Method 3 and prevent teachers from selecting it as the 'Overall Subject Grade' Calculation Method. 

*School Name for Kiosk Markbook

This field allows you to customise the menu name and screen titles for the Staff Kiosk Assessment > Markbook program.

Select the 'Save' button to commit your changes to the database.

For Administrators

Click here for Administrator Notes.

User Permissions

Users can access ‘Parameters (Setup)' when the 'Parameters (Setup)’ permission is assigned in TASS.web program System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions under Teacher Kiosk > Assessment.

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