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STR - Subject Depts. Tab (SU)


The ‘Subject Departments’ tab in Student Records Setup is used to add, view, edit and delete subject departments.

  • All subjects are assigned to a department in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Subjects' tab to group like subjects together.

  • All teachers are assigned to one or more departments in TASS.web Student Admin > Teacher Records > Teacher Information > Teachers to define the department/s to which they belong.

Each subject department can have one H.O.D. (Head of Department) and multiple Department Administrators. HODs and Department Administrators will be able to create, assign and assess Activities for multiple classes in a subject that belongs to this subject department.

Add Subject Departments

To add a new subject department:

  • Click on New Department

  • Enter the details

  • Save

Fields that require detailed explanation


Enter up to 3 alphanumeric characters to identify this department.


  • 'ENG'

  • 'MAT'


This field may be up to 30 characters, including spaces.


  • ENG = English Department

  • MAT = Mathematics Department

(Head of Department)

Use this field to indicate the Teacher who is the head of this department.

The Teacher selected will:

  • Have access to the 'Subject Based' field in webBook Progressive Assessment.
    This means they will be able to create, assign and assess Activities for multiple classes in a subject.
    For example, Year 11 English, classes A, B and C.

  • Be able to create and assign Activities for multiple classes in a subject in Staff Kiosk Assessment.

  • Be able to access the ‘Include all subject classes’ checkbox in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Markbook > Activity Assessment.

  • Be able to modify 'Final Results' Weightings for 'Overall Subject Grade' calculations when the appropriate checkbox is ticked in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Parameters (Setup).

This functionality will only apply to subjects that have been linked to this department using TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Subjects' tab or TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Subject Grid.

Department Administrator

A Department Administrator will have access to the same set of functionalities as the 'H.O.D (Head of Department)', outlined above.

Enter a 'Teacher Code' or 'Employee Code', or use the 'Binoculars' icon to look for a teacher's record.

Click the 'Add' button to add the chosen teacher to the list of Department Administrators.

A subject department can have multiple Department Administrators.

To delete a Department Administrator, select their name from the list and click the 'Remove Selected' button.

View, Editing or Delete Actions

Select 'View' to view the details without being able to edit the details.

Select 'Edit', make the required changes, click Update.

Select 'Delete' to delete the category, and select 'Yes' when prompted.

If a Subject Department is in use it cannot be deleted. This will be indicated by a message displaying 'Subject Department is in use – Unable to delete'.

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