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Email Settings

There are 2 ways that email correspondence can be generated:

  1. Using SMTP format (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), or

  2. Using your school's email product, e.g. Outlook.

SMTP will initiate (send) the email directly from the program that you are using in TASS.web or Staff Kiosk. It creates a separate email for each recipient; this may assist with SPAM filters that may stop the production of bulk emails from a single email address.

SMTP emailing is enabled for:

  • Teachers using Staff Kiosk in TASS.web program System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions.

  • TASS.web users using the Enrolments module in TASS.web program Student Admin > Enrolments > Setup Information > Enrolments Setup.

This is a multi-purpose program that allows you to:

  • Set up the school's default options when generating SMTP emails.

  • Customise the school's email signature.

  • Add an image that will display as part of the school's email signature.

  • Set up the email categories that are used to file SMTP emails in the Communication Log.

Click here for more information on the Communication Log.

The following student based communications are recorded in a Communication Log:

  • SMS generated in TASS.web and Staff Kiosk.
  • SMTP Emails generated in Staff Kiosk and the Enrolments module in TASS.web.
  • Notifications generated in Staff Kiosk.
  • Notes entered in TASS.web and Staff Kiosk (where the Note Category has been flagged for display in the Communication Log.

Internal teacher/non-teacher communications generated in Staff Kiosk are also recorded in a Communication Log.

The Communication Log allows you to track and monitor the details of communications including who it has been sent to and whether the communication has been viewed by the recipients.

The Communication Log for a student can be viewed using Staff Kiosk program Student Profile > Communication Log.

The Communication Log for an enrolled student can be viewed using TASS.web program Student Admin > Enrolments > Enrolment Information > Enrolments on the ‘Communication Log’ tab.

Parameters tab

Fields that require further explanation

Sender to receive copy Email

If you tick this box, the user who generates the email will receive a copy email.

If the generation process involves the sending of multiple emails, it won't generate multiple copy emails.

Instead it will create a single email that includes a list of the recipient emails, e.g. A teacher uses a function that creates emails to 30 parents. He/she will receive a single copy email that includes a list of the 30 parent email addresses'.

SMTP email programs use:

  • For teachers—The 'School Email' set up in program Student Admin > Teacher Records > Teacher Information > Teachers on the 'General' tab. 

  • For non-teachers—The 'School Email' set up in program Payroll/HRM > Employee/HR > Employee Information > Employees on the 'General' tab. 

Email Address for Administrator's Copy

Use this field to enter an email address that will receive a copy of all SMTP correspondence generated.

This could be a generic email account used only to record all outgoing SMTP emails.

Attachment File Size Limit

Use this field to indicate the size of files that can be attached to SMTP emails.

The SMTP Email screen supports multiple file attachments.

Enter the value in Bytes. The value entered will be the total maximum size of all files attached to an email.


The value entered here should be lower than the value defined on your school's email server. See your systems administrator if you require assistance with this field.

Default Font

Select the font that all SMTP emails will be written in.

Each font option contains more than one font as a fall-back to ensure maximum compatibility between browsers/operating systems.

Default Font Size

Select the font size that all SMTP emails will be written in.

Default Font Colour

Enter the hexadecimal colour code that all SMTP emails will be written in.

Alternatively, use the colour picker to select a colour.

Default Layout

Use this field to nominate whether emails will be left-justified (to achieve an email look similar to that sent from a standard email product, i.e. Outlook, or centred with a light grey background (to achieve a look similar to that sent from a marketing or email automation solution).

Footer Setup tab

The email signatures that are displayed when using SMTP can consist of four sections:

  1. The teachers email signature.

    Teachers can set up their own personal email signature in Staff Kiosk (e.g. Their name and position) using the 'Preferences' option under the Login menu (this becomes available when they hover over their name).

  2. The school's email signature.

  3. The school's email signature image.

  4. The school's email footer message (usually a disclaimer).


-The teacher's personal email signature

Email Signature

Use this field to enter the school's email signature (usually name, address and contact details).
This signature will be displayed below the teacher's email signature and above the 'Email Signature Image' (where one is attached in the field above).

The 'Rich Text Editor' can be used to change fonts, size and colours of the school's email signature text.

Use the 'insert social media' icon in the 'Rich Text Editor' to insert icons and links to your school's social media offerings (i.e Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc.)

Email Signature Image

An image can be uploaded that will be below the school's email signature and above the footer message.

Use the 'Choose File' button to locate the image and attach it to your email signature.

Once the image has been attached, click the 'Paperclip' icon to view the image.

To replace the 'Email Signature Image', use the 'Remove' tick box to delete the old image and the 'Browse' button to locate and attach the new image.

Recommendations for image:

Height (Pixels)

Width (Pixels)

File types




Footer Message

Enter the school's email disclaimer.

This text will be displayed separately at the bottom of the footer section under 'Email Signature Image' (where one is attached in the field above).

The 'Rich Text Editor' can be used to change fonts, size and colours of the footer message text.

Categories tab

This tab is used to set up the email categories that are used to file SMTP emails in the Communication Log.

Click here for more information on the Communication Log.

The following student based communications are recorded in a Communication Log:

  • SMS generated in TASS.web and Staff Kiosk.
  • SMTP Emails generated in Staff Kiosk and the Enrolments module in TASS.web.
  • Notifications generated in Staff Kiosk.
  • Notes entered in TASS.web and Staff Kiosk (where the Note Category has been flagged for display in the Communication Log.

Internal teacher/non-teacher communications generated in Staff Kiosk are also recorded in a Communication Log.

The Communication Log allows you to track and monitor the details of communications including who it has been sent to and whether the communication has been viewed by the recipients.

The Communication Log for a student can be viewed using Staff Kiosk program Student Profile > Communication Log.

The Communication Log for an enrolled student can be viewed using TASS.web program Student Admin > Enrolments > Enrolment Information > Enrolments on the ‘Communication Log’ tab.

Fields that require further explanation


Set this field to 'No' for email categories that are no longer in use.

Inactive email categories will not be available to select when generating emails from TASS.web or Staff Kiosk.

Use in TASS.web only

Tick this option to flag a category that can only be used when sending SMTP emails from TASS.web.

You can allow users in Staff Kiosk to view emails in categories flagged for TASS.web use only. They just can't send emails using these categories.

Permissions for TASS.web Users

Use the 'Roles' link to set up, view and edit permissions for TASS.web users for each email category.

Using the 'Selected' and 'All' buttons, move the roles setup in program System Admin > Users > Security Role Permissions into the respective columns.

Roles added to the 'Assigned Security Roles - Send Only' column will be able to send emails using the selected category, they will not be able to view any communication from this email category in the Communication Log.

Roles added to the 'Assigned Security Roles - Send & View' column will be able to send emails using the selected category and view any communication from this email category in the Communication Log.

Permissions for Staff Kiosk Users

To nominate the email categories that are visible when viewing records in Staff Kiosk program Student > Communication Log use TASS.web program System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions.

Teachers/non-teachers will be able to send emails using any email category that they have permission to view. 

The permissions that control the email categories that can be viewed are prepended with [Email Category] in the 'Student' section.

To allow teachers to send emails using any email category (not just the ones they can view), use the 'Send Email to all Categories' permission in the 'Other Permissions' section.

Generic Emails tab

This tab is used to set up and maintain generic email addresses that can be used when sending SMTP Emails in TASS.web and Staff Kiosk.

An example of a generic email address might be

A generic email address will be displayed in the 'FROM' field of an email and would be used where:

  • A user's email is not to be displayed to recipients.

  • Responses are to be sent to a centralised email address.

An example might be sending newsletters or whole school emails.

Adding a Generic Email

To add a new generic email, click the 'New Generic Email' button to display a blank 'Generic Emails' screen.

Viewing and Editing a Generic Email

To 'View' or 'Edit' a generic email, click on the associated link next to the relevant email address.

Fields that require further explanation

Generic Email Address

Enter a valid email address.

Generic From Name

Enter a description for this email address.

This will appear in the 'From' address in Staff Kiosk.

e.g. TASS IT Helpdesk.

Use in TASS.web only

Tick this option to flag that this email address can only be used when sending SMTP emails from TASS.web.

You can allow users in Staff Kiosk to view emails in categories flagged for TASS.web use only. They just can't send emails using these categories.


Set this field to 'No' for generic emails that are no longer in use.

Inactive generic emails will not be available to select when generating emails from TASS.web or Staff Kiosk.

Email Templates tab

This tab is used to set up and maintain email templates that can be used when sending SMTP emails in TASS.web.

Email templates will pre-populate the SMTP email based on the details entered in the fields below.

When used in conjunction with the PDF Conversion API, the attached Word Merge File is merged with student information and converted to a PDF document that will be attached to each SMTP email.

An example of an email template might be a 'Letter of Offer.'

Two email templates were created as part of the PTI Enhancements for Online Meetings. These are called 'Appointment Schedule - Email to Parents' and 'Appointment Schedule - Email to Students'. These templates can be edited and deleted as necessary.

To 'View' or 'Edit' an email template, click on the associated link next to the relevant template.

Fields that require further explanation

Template Name

Enter a description for this template.

Email Subject

Enter the subject of the email. This will display as the subject line to email recipients. (200 characters max).


The category will determine which programs that an email template will be available.

For example, only 'Enrolment' category email templates can be used in Student Admin > Enrolments > Enrolment Information > Enrolments Worksheet.


Availability of template

Academic Reporting

TASS.web program Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Report Processing > Generate Student Reports

TASS.web program Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Report Processing > Generate Interim Reports

TASS.web program Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Report Processing > Generate Exit Statements


Staff Kiosk program Listings > Student Absences (Lists/Emails)


TASS.web program Payroll/HRM > Employee/HR > Listings & Reports > Employee Details Listing


TASS.web program Student Admin > Enrolments > Enrolment Information > Enrolments Worksheet

Events and Payments

Staff Kiosk program Events > Events and Payments Listing > Event and Payment Details > View > Generate Emails

Extra Curricular

Staff Kiosk program Extra Curricular > Extra Curricular Groups > Hamburger menu > View > Hamburger menu > Generate Emails.


No current functionality. See Note Below.

Immunisation Register

TASS.web program Student Admin > Medical Records > Student Information > Student Medical

TASS.web program Student Admin > Medical Records > Listings/Reports/Merges > Immunisations Summary/Listings

Parent Accounts

TASS.web program Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Payment Schedules

TASS.web program Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Overdue Reminders

*Parent Lounge Licences

TASS.web program Student Admin > Parent Records > Parent Information > Parent Lounge Licences

Parent Teacher Interviews

TASS.web program Student Admin > Teacher Records > Parent Teacher Interviews > PTI Conferences

Staff Kiosk program Teacher > Parent Teacher Interviews


No current functionality. See Note Below.

Pastoral Care

Staff Kiosk program Pastoral Care > PC Entries (Lists/Emails)

Student Immunisations

TASS.web program Student Admin > Medical Records > Listings/Reports/Merges > Immunisations Summary/Listings

Student Records

TASS.web program Student Admin > Student Records > Listings/Reports/Merges > Labels/Letter Merges

Transfer Notes (WA)

for Western Australian Schools only

TASS.web program Student Admin > Student Records > Listings/Reports/Merges > Details Listing

Email categories are predefined by TASS.  

*More development is to occur in this area, with template functionality added to those categories marked with an asterisk.

Attachment File

Two options are available to attach files to this email:

  1. Drag and drop a file from your computer.

  2. Use the 'Choose' button to locate the file.

Word Merge File

Attach the prepared Word® mail document to be used as the template during the mail merge (this is automatically converted to a personalised PDF document and attached to each email sent out).


This field requires the PDF Conversion API to be enabled.

If the 'Attendance' Category was chosen, the 'Word Merge Template Fields' button displays. Click this to download a .txt file that lists the fields that can be used as merge fields in the word merge file.

Fields to be merged with student data must be formatted as a Word Merge field.

Click here for more information on Word Merge Files.

Word Merge

Word Merge export files are produced from various TASS.web or Staff Kiosk programs to extract a set of merge field codes and students/parents/employees details in a format required to insert into a Word Merge document.
Word Merge documents can be used for two purposes:

  1. To produce a personalised document for each recipient containing the recipient's own details in place of the merge fields.
    Example: School enrolment letters are printed for all incoming families. Each letter includes data extracted from TASS.web and is personalised for each recipient, such as the student and parent names and addresses, entry year group etc.

  2. To attach to an Email Template A PDF is attached as each email is sent containing the recipient's own details in place of the merge fields.
    Example: Attendance emails to parents regarding their child's attendance. A PDF attachment is generated and attached at the time of sending the emails, personalised for each recipient.

  • The PDF Conversion API is required to attach Word Merge Files to Email Templates.

  • Word Merge documents can be attached to the following Email Template categories:  Attendance, Enrolment, Immunisation Register, Parent Accounts, Parent Lounge Licences, Pastoral Care, Student Immunisations, Student Records, and Transfer Notes (WA).

Create a Word Merge document:

  1. Generate the Word Merge export file.
    Use the selection criteria from the appropriate program to produce a file that includes the desired merge fields headings and recipient details.
    Select the 'Word Merge file' export button, usually found on the Print tab. If no word merge button exists, use the Excel export option and save as a csv file.

A PDF report entitled 'Students with no Communication Rules' will display if there are issues with your selection. These must be fixed before the export can be processed.

  1. Create your Word Merge document.
    Follow the steps in Word using the Mailings > Step-by-Step Mail Merge Wizard. Select the word merge export file generated above, and insert merge fields into the document wherever the personalised data will be populated. Preview the document but do not select 'Complete the merge'.
    Save the document. Print if desired.

  2. To attach the Word Merge file to an Email Template:
    Create an email template and attach the Word Merge document created above.
    TASS.web program System Admin > Utilities > Email Settings


Two options are available to attach a banner an email template:

• Drag and drop a file from your computer.
• Use the 'Choose' button to locate the file.

Banners should be 580 pixels wide. If they are wider or narrower, they are resized automatically.  Keep in mind, narrower images may pixelate.

Banners are displayed above the text of the email.

Use in TASS.web only


Tick this option to flag a category that can only be used when sending SMTP emails from TASS.web.

You can allow users in Staff Kiosk to view emails in categories flagged for TASS.web use only. They just can't send emails using these categories.


Untick this box if this 'Email Template' is redundant and not to be used anymore.



Is this email template available to other users?

Email Message

This is the text that will be included in the message section of the email (4000 characters).

You can personalise each outgoing email by adding student and/or parent-specific details into the message text.

Click the 'Keywords' option in the toolbar and use the picklist to choose between:

  • Student Keywords.

  • Parent Keywords.

  • Category Related Keywords (e.g. Enrolment and Pastoral Care Keywords).

Click here to learn more about Keywords


Note the capitalisation used for each field.

The Keyword picklist will have one or more sections based on the Category of the template:




Student Keywords

  • Academic Reporting.

  • Attendance.
  • Enrolment.

  • Generic.

  • Immunisation Register.

  • Parents.

  • Parent Teacher Interviews.

  • Pastoral Care.

  • Student Immunisation.

  • Student Records.

  • Transfer Notes (WA).

  • Alternate ID.

  • Campus (The Campus keyword will only be available where the school has campuses setup).

  • First Name.

  • Form Class.

  • Given Names.

  • He/She.

  • he/she.

  • His/Her.

  • him/her.

  • himself/herself.

  • House.

  • Other Names.

  • PC/Tutor Group.

  • Preferred Name.

  • son/daughter.

  • Student Code.

  • Surname.

  • USI.

  • Year Group.

  • Date of Entry.

Parent Keywords

  • Academic Reporting.

  • Attendance.
  • Enrolment.

  • Generic.

  • Immunisation Register.

  • Parents.

  • Parent Accounts.

  • Parent Lounge Licences.

  • Pastoral Care.

  • Student Immunisation.

  • Student Records.

  • Parent Code.

  • Parent Name.  

  • Address Line1.

  • Address Line2.

  • Address Line3.

  • Town/Suburb.

  • State.

  • Postcode.

  • Country.

  • Salutation.

  • Home Phone.

  • Work Phone.

  • Mobile 1.

  • Mobile 2.

  • Email 1.

  • Email 2.

Enrolment Keywords

Enrolment Only

  • Current School.

  • Current Year Group.

  • Date of Application.

  • Date of Arrival in Australia.

  • Date of Birth.

  • Entry Year.

  • Entry Year Group.

  • Residency Status.

  • Visa Expiry Date.

  • Visa Subclass.

Events and Payments 

Events and Payments Only 

  • Event Description

  • Start Date

  • Start Time

  • End Date

  • End Time

  • Teacher

  • Department / Support Group

  • Venue / Supplier

  • URL

  • Organiser Name

  • Organiser Phone

  • Organiser Email

Immunisation Register Keywords

Immunisation Register Only

  • Immunisation Statement/Form As At Date.

  • Immunisation Status.

  • Next Immunisation Date.

Parent Accounts Keywords

Parent Accounts Only

  • Account Balance.

  • Last Receipt Amount.

  • Last Receipt Date.

  • Last Receipt Type.

  • Last Statement Balance.

  • Last Statement Date.

  • Overdue Portion.

  • Parent Mailing Name.

  • Salutation.

Payment Schedules
  • Instalment Amount
  • Instalment Date
  • Instalment Delay Date
  • Instalment List
  • Instalment Retry Date
  • Parent Code
  • Parent Mailing Name
  • Parent Salutation
  • Payment Method Nickname
  • Payment Schedule Name
  • Transaction Name

Parent Teacher Interviews Keywords

Parent Teacher Interviews Only

  • Appointment Date.

  • Appointment Note.

  • Appointment Schedule List.

  • Appointment Time.

  • Click here to review this Parent Teacher Interview Conference in Parent Lounge.

  • Click here to review this Parent Teacher Interview Conference in Staff Kiosk.

  • Conference Date.

  • Conference Description.

  • Join Online Meeting.

  • Original Teacher Name.

  • Parent Name.

  • Room.

  • Subject.

  • Teacher Name.

Pastoral Care Keywords

Pastoral Care Only

  • Calendar Event.

  • Comment for Parent.

  • Completed.

  • Completed On.

  • Conduct.

  • PC Entered By.

  • Outcome.

  • Parent Contacted Date.

  • Parent Acknowledged Date.

  • PC Entry Date.

  • PC Entry Time.

  • Points.

  • Recipient Student(s).

  • Subject Class.

  • Type.

Student Immunisation Keywords

Student Immunisation Only

  • Immunisation Type.

  • Immunisation Year.

Employee Keywords

Employee/HR Only

  • Date of Birth.

  • Driver’s Licence.

  • Employee Code.

  • Employment Status.

  • First Name.

  • Gender.

  • Indigenous Status.

  • Initials.

  • Main Activity.

  • Marital Status.

  • Name Suffixes.

  • Other Names.

  • Position Text.

  • Position Title.

  • Preferred Name.

  • School Email.

  • Start Date.

  • Supervisor.

  • Supervisor 2.

  • Supplier Code.

  • Surname.

  • Teacher Code.

  • Termination Date.

  • Title.

Employee Address Keywords

Employee/HR Only

  • Address Line 1.

  • Address Line 2.

  • Town/Suburb.

  • State.

  • Post Code.

  • Country.

  • Home Phone.

  • Work Phone.

  • Mobile Phone.

  • Email.

Academic Reporting Keywords

Academic Reporting Only

  • Year.

  • Period.

  • Semester/Term.

  • Period Description.

Attendance KeywordsAttendance Only
  • Absence Date.
  • Absence Reason.
  • Absence Type.
  • Comment.
  • Parent Notification Date.
  • Period.
  • Time Arrived.
  • Time Departed.
  • Click here to acknowledge absence/s in Parent Lounge.
  • Absences List.

System Email Templates Tab

This tab is used to set up and maintain system generated SMTP template emails.

An example of a system-generated SMTP email might be 'Credit Card Payment Declined' for use with Parent Lounge Payment Schedules.

Click 'Edit' for a system-generated SMTP email to adjust the text in the template.

Fields that require further explanation

Template Name

This field is not editable.


This indicates when the system-generated SMTP email will be sent.

This field is not editable.

Email Subject

This is the text that will be included in the 'Subject' line of the email (200 characters).


This field is not editable.

The current categories supported are:

Attachment File

Two options are available to attach files to this email:

  1. Drag and drop a file from your computer.

  2. Use the 'Choose' button to locate the file.


Two options are available to attach a banner an email template:

  • Drag and drop a file from your computer.
  • Use the 'Choose' button to locate the file.

Banners should be 580 pixels wide. If they are wider or narrower, they are resized automatically.  Keep in mind, narrower images may pixelate.

Banners are displayed above the text of the email.

Number of Days

This field displays in select templates, such as: Unexplained Absences Reminder, Timesheets Approval Reminder, Upcoming Payment Advice, and Payment Schedules Bulk Update.

This field indicates the number days prior to a trigger that a system-generated email will be sent or the minimum number of days that an email can be sent before an event.

Details about this field and its use in each template can be reviewed in System Email Templates.  

This field is editable. 


Untick this box if this 'Email Template' is redundant and not to be used anymore.

Email Message

This is the text that will be included in the message section of the email (4000 characters).

You can personalise each outgoing email by adding student and/or parent-specific details into the message text.

Click the 'Keywords' option in the toolbar and use the picklist to choose between:

  • Student Keywords.

  • Parent Keywords.

  • Category Related Keywords (e.g. Parent Account Keywords).

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