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ACR - Generate Student Reports


The ‘Generate Student Reports’ program produces academic reports for students and publishes them on the Staff Kiosk, Parent Lounge, Parent Orbit, and Student Cafe.

The Customisable Academic Report produced by this program is based on Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) technology. This gives your school the ability to make changes to the general layout, content, colours and fonts used on the Customisable Academic Report by editing the style sheet.

The items that are included in a report are controlled by various runtime options (settings), configured in TASS.web. The CSS file is used to style those items.

Directly below you can find an example of the Customisable Academic Report (on the left) and the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) (on the right) that was used to produce it.

Master Sample — An example of a Customisable Academic Report and its Cascading Style Sheet (CSS).


To gain an understanding of the relationship between the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) and the Customisable Academic Report that it produces, we recommend completing the following steps:

  1. Click on the Customisable Academic Report example above. It will open as a PDF document. Print it.
    Note the red numbers. As an example on the first page E04, this is an element.

  2. Click on the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) example above. It will open as a PDF document.

  3. To find element E04 in the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS), hold down the 'Ctrl' and 'F' keys on your keyboard at the same time. This will open a 'Find' window that will allow you to search for element numbers in the CSS (Cascading Style Sheet).
    Key in E04. It will take you to the location in the CSS for this element. It will look like this:

    Example CSS

    /* Used to set the school name.*/
    /* In the online help sample this is style sheet element E04 */
    .title .companyTitle
        font-family:      Arial;
        font-size:        35pt;
        color:            RGB(31,50,98);
        font-weight :     normal;
        width:            550pt;
        height:           200pt;
        left:             25pt;
        bottom:           720pt;
        text-align:       center;

  4. To add a company title (or school name) on the 'First Page' of your report, go to the 'First Page' tab (in Student Admin > Academic Reports > Report Processing > Generate Student Reports (i.e. this program)) and locate the field (a checkbox) named 'Include School Name' — this option lets you decided whether to include the school name on the first page (or cover page) of the report.

You will also find these CSS element numbers in the standard style sheet that is shipped with TASS.web. Refer to section 'Modifying a Style Sheet' below.


This program enables you to produce a Student Academic Report that meets the Commonwealth comparative reporting requirements. 

Click here for an Administrator Note.

User Security Permissions

Access to this program is regulated by the ‘Generate Student Reports’ permission point. This user security permission can be enabled in TASS.web Student Admin > Users > User Maintenance or Security Role Permissions.

Modifying a Style Sheet

The academic report produced by this program is based on CSS technology. This gives your school the ability to make changes to the general layout, content, colours and fonts used on the report by editing the style sheet.

We recommend using Microsoft Notepad® as a convenient, no-cost tool to use as a style sheet editor.

The procedure for modifying a style sheet is:

  1. Locate the standard style sheet that is shipped with TASS.web. The file name is genericStudent_NN.css (where 'NN' = the current TASS.web version) and it is located in the tassweb\reportconfig\stylesheets directory.

  2. Take a copy of this file to a separate working directory. Leave a copy of the original file in the original directory in case you need to revert back.

  3. Modify the copy. We recommend that you make changes incrementally and always check your changes by generating a report using TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reports > Report Processing > Generate Student Reports (i.e. This program).
    You will need to remove the old style sheet (on the 'General' tab) and attach the modified style sheet after each change in order for the modifications to affect the generated academic report. The process for doing this is described below in the 'General' tab section.

  4. You need to ensure that your modified style sheet is regularly backed up.

Our Professional Services team can help create customisable stylesheets and implement or modify existing stylesheets. Visit the Services Menu on the TASS Customer Hub to schedule your session.

Additions to the Style Sheet

Future TASS.web software release may include enhancements to style sheet functionality. After taking a TASS.web Upgrade, it is important that you check the release notes to see if the TASS.web release does contain new style sheet enhancements.

The procedure for you to follow after taking a TASS.web Upgrade is:

  1. Click on the 'What's New' button to see if there are any Academic Reporting enhancements that affect the style sheet. If there are any changes to the style sheet in the new release, continue with Step 2 through 5.

  2. Take a copy of your working style sheet and save it in a safe location.

  3. Go to the tassweb\reportconfig\stylesheets directory and look for a file called genericStudentAdditionsNN.css (where NN equals the version of the TASS.web release you have just installed).

  4. Open the file and carefully follow the instructions contained in the file.

  5. Check that the changes are OK by generating a report using TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reports > Report Processing > Generate Student Reports (i.e. This program). If you get a TASS.web error, revert back to the style sheet that you saved in point 2 and start again.

  6. Save a comment at the top of your style sheet describing the TASS.web version number, e.g. Based on TASS.web v42.

Click the 'Stylesheets' button to display a list of downloadable style sheets.

The list of stylesheets contains the default stylesheets provided by TASS. These are not the school's customised stylesheets.

The report has extensive options that can be activated via run-time settings. These settings can be saved as a report 'Configuration' profile.

Click here for more information on Saving Configurations.

To use a previously saved report configuration, select it from the 'Use a Previously Saved Configuration' picklist and click 'Next'.

The 'Use a previously saved configuration' picklist will only be available if a saved configuration exists.

To create a new configuration, click the 'Next' button without selecting an option from the 'Use a Previously Saved Configuration' picklist.

Enter your runtime options for the program.

To save the runtime options that you have entered as a re-usable report configuration, enter a meaningful description into the 'Save this Configuration as' field on the 'Process' or 'Print' tab.

You can delete a report configuration by selecting it from the picklist, clicking the 'Next' button, and then clicking the 'Delete' option.

You can modify an existing configuration by selecting it, making the necessary changes to the run-time options, then clicking 'GO' on the 'Process' or 'Print' tab. You need to ensure the 'Save this Configuration as' field is populated with the report configuration name. This field is populated automatically when an existing configuration is selected.

An example of the report configurations at a school may be:

  • Primary Report.

  • Middle School Report.

  • Senior School Report.


There is no need to include the year or report period descriptions in the 'Configuration' name. This is a bad practice to introduce as you will end up with many saved configurations which are identical.

A report 'Configuration' will only save or update if a report is successfully run, i.e. If the report fails to generate due to invalid selection criteria in the 'General' tab then the report 'Configuration' will not be saved.

General Tab

General Selection Criteria

Use the 'General' tab to select the reporting period and students that the report will be generated for. The 'Reporting Year and Period' must be nominated and either a 'Year Group' or 'Student Code' must also be entered. 

The remaining fields in the 'General Selection Criteria' section on this tab are optional and can be used to create smaller batches of the report or to facilitate report distribution.

The 'Historical Reprint using Archived Data' checkbox can be used to print reports from previous reporting periods. When this option is ticked, the 'Reporting Year and Period' drop-down list will change to an 'Archived Year and Period' drop-down list. The drop-down list will display reporting periods where academic reporting data has been archived using TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Special Processes > Copy Data to Archive.

Selection Options

The 'Include Non-Current Students' checkbox can be used to print reports for students who have left the school.  

When ticked, a report will be generated for any students who have results in the 'Reporting Year and Period' selected above.

You would tick this option where all Year 12 students have had a 'Date of Leaving' entered using TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Year End Processing > Enter DOL for Seniors and the 'Date of Leaving' is less than the current day.

Layout Selection

Your school can have different style sheets for each report configuration. This gives you the flexibility of having different layouts, colours etc., on the academic reports for each configuration.

An example of the report configurations at a school may be:

  • Primary Report.

  • Middle School Report.

  • Senior School Report.

This section of the screen allows you to nominate the style sheet to use against this report configuration.

Current Stylesheet

The style sheet currently being used by this report configuration will be displayed in this field.

Click the 'Paperclip' icon to download the current style sheet.


Take a backup copy of this file to a separate working directory in case you need to revert back.


If this is a new report configuration, use the 'Browse' button to locate the style sheet that you intend to use.

If changes are made in the working style sheet then the procedure to update the report configuration is:

  • Use the 'Remove' checkbox to erase the old version of the style sheet in TASS.doc.

  • Use the 'Browse' button to open the new style sheet.

  • Run the report by clicking the 'GO' button on the 'Print' tab.


Refer to the stepped instructions above in the section 'Modifying a Style Sheet'.

This program uses 'TASS.doc', which means that once you have attached the style sheet, a copy of it is uploaded and saved on the web server.

It is still important to keep your working style sheet(s) in a network directory that is regularly backed up. You will need to get back to the working style sheet to make any future changes.

First Page Tab

First Page Options

The 'First Page' tab enables you to select which details will appear on the title page of the academic report. These details are able to be accurately positioned on the title page of the report using your working style sheet (Refer to the stepped instructions (above) in section 'Modifying a Style Sheet').

Print Cover page

Untick this checkbox if you do not want a cover page to print on your academic report. When this is unticked, most options on this tab are disabled.

Include School Name

This field gives you the ability to display the School's Name on the Title Page.

You would uncheck this if you will be using pre-printed stationary for the first page of the report that already includes the school name, or intend to have the program insert a graphic that includes the school name embedded within a logo image.

Click here to view the associated CSS element (E04).

You can change the formatting of this in the style sheet using the following element:

.title .companyTitle

School Name

This field allows you to override the school's name that has already been entered into the database.

You can add text such as 'Junior School' or 'Middle School' to your school name.

Logo Crest/Image #1

This field allows you to select a Logo or Crest Image for inclusion on the report at runtime.

Refer to the 'How To' guide 'School Logo Guidelines'.


This logo image can also be displayed in the header section of each subject page as required.

If the report configuration is saved, then the image selected will also be saved with the report 'Configuration'.

Click here to view the associated CSS element.

You can change the size and positioning of the logo by using the following style sheet element:

.title .logoImage

Logo Crest/Image #2

This field allows you to select a second Logo or Crest Image for inclusion on the report at runtime.


If the report configuration is saved, then the image selected will also be saved with the report 'Configuration'.

Click here to view the associated CSS element.

You can change the size and positioning of the 2nd logo by using the following style sheet element:

.title .logoImage2

Student Name Format

Select the format of how the students' names should appear on the reports. 

Options include:

  • 'Full Name' (John Anthony Jones).

  • '1st + Surname' (John Jones).

  • 'Preferred + Surname' (Johnny Jones).

Student names are setup and maintained in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students on the 'General' tab.

Click here to view the associated CSS element.

You can change the formatting of this in the style sheet using the following element:

.title .studentName

Include Total Number of Pages on Cover

Tick this checkbox to include 'Number of Pages: N' on the cover sheet.

Click here to view the associated CSS element.

You can change the wording and formatting of this in the style sheet using the following element:

.title .pages

Include Year Group

Tick this checkbox to include the student's year group on the cover sheet.

Click here to view the associated CSS element.

You can change the title and formatting of this in the style sheet using the following elements:

.title .studentYearGroup

.title .studentYearGroup .label

Include House

Tick this checkbox to include the student's house on the cover sheet.

Click here to view the associated CSS element.

You can change the title and formatting of this in the style sheet using the following elements:

.title .studentHouse

.title .studentHouse .label

Include Alt ID

Tick this checkbox to include the student's alternative identification number on the cover sheet.

Click here to view the associated CSS element.

You can change the title and formatting of this in the style sheet using the following elements:

.title .studentAltld

.title .studentAltld .label

Include Form Class

Tick this checkbox to include the student's form class on the cover sheet.

Click here to view the associated CSS element.

You can change the title and formatting of this in the style sheet using the following elements:

.title. studentFormClass

.title. studentFormClass .label

Include General Comment Teacher

Tick this checkbox to print the name of the teacher who takes the student for the subject that you select in the 'General Comments Subject' field on the 'Other Options' tab on the first page of this report.

You can print the teachers name without the actual comment that has been entered for the subject on the first page by:

  • Nominating the appropriate subject in the 'General Comments Subject' field on the 'Other Options' tab and

  • Making sure that the 'General Comments Position' field on the 'Other Options' tab is blank.

Click here to view the associated CSS element.

You can change the title and formatting of this in the style sheet using the following elements:

.title .generalComments .teacher

.title .generalComments .teacher .label

Include Photo

Tick this checkbox to include the student's photograph on the cover sheet.

Click here to view the associated CSS element.

You can change the size and positioning of this in the style sheet using the following elements:

.title. studentPhoto

Year Group Format

This field allows you to nominate if year groups are to be displayed as 'Numeric' (e.g. Year: 1) or 'Alphabetic' (e.g. Year: One).


If 'Alphabetic' is selected, then the substitute.ini file (located on the web server in \tassweb\reportconfig) will need to be populated with the alphabetic equivalents of the year groups (e.g. 12=Twelve).

Include PC Tutor Grp

Tick this checkbox to include the student's pastoral care/tutor group on the cover sheet.

Click here to view the associated CSS element.

You can change the title and formatting of this in the style sheet using the following elements:

.title .studentPCTutGrp

.title .studentPCTutGrp .label

Include Campus

Tick this checkbox to include the student's campus on the cover sheet.

Campus descriptions are maintained in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Campuses' tab.

Click here to view the associated CSS element.

You can change the formatting of this in the style sheet using the following element:

.title .studentCampus

Include Student Code

Tick this checkbox to include the student codes on the cover sheet.

Click here to view the associated CSS element.

You can change the title and formatting of this in the style sheet using the following elements:

.title .studentCode

.title .studentCode .label

Include Extra Curricular

By default this checkbox is unticked and the students' extra curricular details will print after the students' subject pages.

Tick this checkbox to print students' extra-curricular details on the cover sheet. This is reliant on the selections that you make in the 'Extra Curricular Options' section on the 'Other Options' tab.

Other Style Sheet Elements

Click here to view the associated CSS elements.

Other style sheet elements that can be modified on the first/cover page include:

Style Sheet Element



The reporting period description as defined in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Reporting Setup.

.title .userdef (1 to 10)

There are 10 user definable style sheet elements that allow you to insert additional labels and content on the first page.

From TASS.web Version 43.1 and later, you are able to specify the height and width of each of these elements. You will need to have inserted the V43.1 style sheet additions into your style sheet for this to work.  

For more information, refer to sections 'Modifying a Style Sheet and 'Additions to the Style Sheet'.

.title .vsn

This style sheet element is for Victorian Schools only and is used to format students' VSN numbers.





Controls the display of attendance information on the cover page.

This is reliant on the selections that you make for 'Attendance Options' on the 'Other Options' tab.

You can also display attendance information on the subject pages after the last subject. For more information, refer to the Subject Options Tab section below.

If you do not want attendance information to display on the first page, set the font-size for these elements to 0pt.

Summary Grid Options

This option allows you to print a summary grid of students' subjects on the first/cover page.

The results from 2 objectives, across all subjects can be displayed in the summary grid.

Objective 1

Select the first objective code to include in the subject summary grid.

Click here to view the associated CSS element.

You can change the formatting of this in the style sheet using the following elements:

.summary .title .obj1

.summary .grid .obj1

Objective 2

Select the second objective code to include in the subject summary grid. 

Click here to view the associated CSS element.

You can change the formatting of this in the style sheet using the following elements:

.summary .title .obj2

.summary .grid .obj2

Teacher Name Location

This field can be used to print the name of the teacher who takes each subject displayed in the summary grid.

You can choose to print teacher names:

  • Left of the Objectives (after the subject description and before the first objective).

  • Right of the Objectives (after the subject last objective).

Click here to view the associated CSS element.

You can change the formatting of this in the style sheet using the following elements:

.summary .columns .subject

.summary .title .teacher

.summary .grid .teacher

Other Style Sheet Elements

Click here to view an Administrator Note.

Other style sheet elements that can be modified in the subject summary grid include:

Style Sheet Element


.summary .title .heading

The heading that appears at the top of the subject summary grid.

For example 'Subject Summary'.

.summary .title .subject

The description for the first column.

Normally 'Subject' is used.

.summary .grid .subject

The full descriptions of subjects

Subject Options Tab

Header Options

The 'Header Options' allow for various items to be added (or removed) to the top section of subject pages of the report.

Include Page Title

A checkbox field that allows you to enable or disable the headers on each subject page that prints on the report.

Include House

Tick this checkbox to include the student's house in the subject page headers.

Click here to view the associated CSS element.

You can change the title and formatting of this in the style sheet using the following elements:

.header .studentHouse

.header .studentHouse .label

Include Campus

Tick this checkbox to include the student's campus in the subject page headers.

Click here to view the associated CSS element.

You can change the title and formatting of this in the style sheet using the following elements:

.header .studentCampus

.header .studentCampus .label

Include Year Group

Tick this checkbox to include the student's year group in the subject page headers.

Click here to view the associated CSS element.

You can change the title and formatting of this in the style sheet using the following elements:

.header .studentYearGroup

.header .studentYearGroup .label

Include PC Tutor Grp

Tick this checkbox to include the student's pc tutor group in the subject page headers.

Click here to view the associated CSS element.

You can change the title and formatting of this in the style sheet using the following elements:

.header .studentPCTutGrp

.header .studentPCTutGrp .label

Include Form Class

Tick this checkbox to include the student's form class in the subject page headers.

Click here to view the associated CSS element.

You can change the title and formatting of this in the style sheet using the following elements:

.header .classForm

.header .classForm .label

Include Alt ID

Tick this checkbox to include the student's alternate ID in the subject page headers.

Click here to view the associated CSS element.

You can change the title and formatting of this in the style sheet using the following elements:

.header .studentAltId

.header .studentAltId .label

Include Student Code

Tick this checkbox to include the student's code in the subject page headers.

Click here to view the associated CSS element.

You can change the title and formatting of this in the style sheet using the following elements:

.header .studentCode

.header .studentCode .label

If you want to display the 'Student Code' in the footer of the page instead of the header, use the following elements:

.footer .studentCode

.footer .studentCode .label


You will need to have inserted the v43 style sheet additions into your style sheet for the 'Include Student Code' functionality to work.  

Refer to the 'Modifying a Style Sheet and Additions to the Style Sheet' section of this documentation for details on adding new functionality into your style sheet.

Other Style Sheet Elements

Click here to view the associated CSS elements.

Other style sheet elements that can be modified in the subject page headers include:

Style Sheet Element


.header .studentName

The students' names.

.header .vsn

This style sheet element is for Victorian Schools only and is used to format students' VSN numbers.

.header .logoImage

The logo nominated in the 'Logo Crest/Image #1' field on the 'First Page' tab.

.header .yearPeriod

The reporting period description as defined in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Reporting Setup.

.header .userdef (1 to 10)

There are also 10 user definable style sheet elements that allow you to insert additional labels and content in the subject pages header:

Victorian Schools

For subjects that have been setup with a 'Category' of 'VCE”, two further elements are available to display in the header section of subject pages:

Style Sheet Element


.header .userdef1 [(sub_cat)="VCE"]


.header .userdef2 [(sub_cat)="VCE"]

UNIT #yr12_su# #sub_cat# REPORT #res_year#

#yr12_su# is The value entered in the 'Senior Semester Unit' fields on the subject record.

#sub_cat# is The 'Subject Category' used on the subject record.

#res_year# is The calendar year of the reporting period used to generate the report.

Subject Options

The 'Subject Options' allows for various items to be added (or removed) to the subject pages of the report.

Include Teacher Name

Tick this checkbox to display teacher names against each subject.

Click here to view the associated CSS element.

You can change the formatting of this in the style sheet using the following element:

.subject .teacher

Include Teacher Signature

Tick this checkbox to add the teacher's signature for each of the student's classes included in the report.

Include Subject Outlines

Tick this checkbox to print Subject Outlines at the beginning of each subject.

Subject Outlines are created using TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Subject Outlines or Staff Kiosk program Staff > Subject Outlines.

For school's that run a Unitised/Vertical Timetable, Subject Outlines are created for each subject using TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Subjects' tab.

An example of a subject outline might be 'During this unit of work, students will have studied……..'

Click here to view the associated CSS element.

You can change the formatting of this in the style sheet using the following element:

.subject .outline

Use Boxed/Grid Layout

Tick this checkbox to display the grids or boarders on each subject.

Selected Boxes/Grids can also be turned on/off from within the report's style sheet.

Alternate Result Shading

Use the options in the drop-down list to indicate whether shading will be displayed for alternate rows or columns on the reports.

The 'columns' option is reliant on choosing the 'tick box' layout on the 'Other Options' tab.

Click here to view the associated CSS element.

You can change the colours of the shading in the style sheet using the following elements:

.objective .altShading .color1

.objective .altShading .color2

Hide Objectives with No Results

Tick this checkbox to prevent objectives appearing on student reports where no results have been entered.

Click here to view an Administrator Note.

An example of how this could be used:

  1. Create an Objective Group called 'Elements that can be improved' using TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the 'Objective Groups' tab.

  2. Create the following Objectives:

    • 'Primary Research'.

    • 'Secondary Research'.

    • 'Argument Development'.

    • 'Logical Expression' …etc.

  3. Use TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Reporting Setup to set up an Assessment Code of 'Include on Report (= Y) '. 

  4. Make sure all of the Objectives are assigned to the ‘Objective Group' above using TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the 'Objectives’ tab.

  5. Teachers then use webBook or Staff Kiosk Assessment to indicate the Objectives that will appear on each student's report by entering an 'Include on Report (= Y)' result.

  6. Tick this checkbox ('Hide Objectives with No results') and nominate the 'Objective Group' that this is relevant for using the 'Objective Groups' field (below).

  7. Only the Objectives that the teachers have entered a result for ('Include on Report (= Y)'), will display on reports.

Objective Groups

This field allows you to specify specific Objective Groups that will be included in the 'Hide Objectives with No Result' option above.

If you do not specify an Objective Group here, the 'Hide Objectives with No Results' logic will be applied to all Objectives and Objective Groups.

Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options permits a range selection, holding down the 'Ctrl' key enables selection of discrete (individual) criterion.

Use Result Related Comments

A checkbox field that allows you to enable/disable the display of 'Result Related Comments'. 

If enabled, this option will increase the size of the area in which a result prints. If a result related comment exists it will print it in place of the actual raw result. If a result related comment does not exist, then the raw result will still be displayed.

Result Related Comments will be displayed:

  • Against students' Objectives.

  • In the distribution summaries against each subject (where applicable).

Result Related Comments can be created in either:

The ‘Result Based Comments’ tab is an updated version of 'Result Based Comment Translations'. Both programs currently work interchangeably.

Click here to view the associated CSS element.

You can change the formatting of this in the style sheet using the following element:

.objective .studentResult .comments

Print Objective Groups in Columns

This option enables the printing of Objective Groups, Objectives and Results in columns (side by side).

Choose the 'Objective Groups' that you would like to display in columns from the drop-down list.

Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options permits a range selection, holding down the 'Ctrl' key enables selection of discrete (individual) criterion.

Objective Groups must have a sort order defined and not use the 'Report in Columns' options in order for this to work.

Click here for further information on 'Objective Groups'.

Objective Groups with an even sort order number will print in the right hand column. Objective Groups with an odd sort order number will print in the left hand column.

Click here to view the associated CSS element.

You can change the formatting of this layout in the style sheet using style sheet elements prefixed with:

.objective .groupColumns. 

Distribution Summaries

Distribution summaries provide a visual comparison of a student's performance in a subject to their cohort peers.

Calculate Distribution Summary Using Objective Code

To print a distribution summary against each subject displayed on reports, nominate the Objective your school has set up for students' final subject results, e.g. Overall Grade [OG] or Level of Achievement [LOA]).

The distribution summary will display result related comments where applicable and where the 'Use Result Related Comments' option has been ticked above.

If an Objective/criterion is not selected, then a distribution summary will not display.

In the case of a 15 point scale (e.g. A+ to E -), the system will strip off the “+” and “-“ to convert the distribution into a 5 point scale (A – E).


The 'Comparative Reporting' flag on each Student's record ('General' Tab) will determine if a student receives the distribution summary on their report and also whether their results are included in the distributions. Options are: ('Include'=Include in data summary and Display, 'Don't Include'=Include in data summary and do not display, and 'Exclude'=Exclude from data summary and do not display).

The 'Distribution Calculation Method' flag on the Subject's record ('Academic Reporting/VET' section) will determine whether the distribution summary or Graph will be calculated based on all students within the subject (Student mode) regardless of year groups, or to calculate based on students within the subject and the same year group as the student being reported (Subject and Year mode).

The style sheet element 'resultDistribution' can be customised so that the distribution summary prints with a unique format (e.g. Font size, position on-page, with or without a heading). Refer to the stepped instruction above in section 'Modifying a Style Sheet'.

Click here to view the associated CSS element.

You can change the title and formatting of this in the style sheet using the following elements:


.resultDistribution .title

Exclude Objectives with Less than

Select the minimum number of students required to have a result for a subject, in order for the distribution summary to print on the academic report.

Use this option to suppress the distribution summary from appearing on small class sizes.

Consolidate + and – values

Tick this option to consolidate an A+ to E- scale to an A to E scale when distribution summaries are printed on academic reports.


Generate Subject Charts using Objective

This field allows you to display distribution summaries as a graph.

You must choose an objective that has been assigned an individually validated assessment method for charts and distribution tables to generate. Range type assessment methods do not work for charting and distribution purposes. These are managed in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the ‘Assessment Methods’ tab.

Nominate the Objective your school has set up for students' final subject results (e.g. Overall Grade [OG] or Level of Achievement [LOA]).

The distribution summary will display result related comments where applicable and where the 'Use Result Related Comments' option has been ticked above.

If an Objective is not selected, then a distribution summary will not display.

You can choose to display distribution summaries both in a graph (using this field) and in a table (using the 'Calculate Distribution Summary Using Objective Code' field above).


The 'Comparative Reporting' flag on each Student's record ('General' Tab) will determine if a student receives the distribution summary on their report and also whether their results are included in the distributions.  Options are: ('Include'=Include in data summary and Display, 'Don't Include'=Include in data summary and do not display, and 'Exclude'=Exclude from data summary and do not display).

This will not work with pre v35 style sheets. If you have customised your style sheet you need to follow the 'Modifying a Style Sheet' section and splice the 'Objective – chart' additions into your style sheet.

The additions are shipped with the v35 upgrade and are available as a .css file in the following directory:


Click here to view the associated CSS element.

You can change the title and formatting of this in the style sheet using the following elements:

.objective .chart .header

.objective .chart .image

.objective .chart .xgridlines

.objective .chart .ygridlines

.objective .chart .column

.objective .chart .column .current

.objective .chart .comment

Exclude Objectives with Less than

Select the minimum number of students required to have a result in each subject, in order for the distribution chart to print on the academic report.

Use this option to suppress the distribution summary from appearing on small class sizes.

Chart Position

This option controls the positioning of the distribution charts

You can choose to display the charts:

  • After each subject.
    The distribution chart for each subject will appear as the last element on each subject page.

  • At the end of the report.
    The distribution charts for all subjects will appear on a summary page after all subject pages.

  • Beside comment.
    The distribution charts will reduce in size and display to the right of the subject comment that is entered by teachers in webBook or Staff Kiosk Assessment.
    If a subject does not have a comment, the distribution charts will revert back to display 'after each subject'.

  • Beside objectives.
    This option will only be available where you have chosen an 'Objective Group(s)' in the 'Print Objective Groups in Columns' field above.
    The distribution charts will reduce in size and display to the right of the Objective Group with the lowest odd sort order.
    If a subject does not use one of the Objective Groups that has been selected, the distribution charts will revert back to display 'after each subject'.

You will need to have inserted the v43 and v43.1 style sheet additions into your style sheet for these options to work.  

Refer to the 'Modifying a Style Sheet and Additions to the Style Sheet' section of this documentation for details on adding new functionality into your style sheet.

Additional Objective Group Positions

The objectives and results displayed on reports will be positioned between the subject outline (where applicable) and the teacher's comment. These options can be used to position specific Objective Groups in different locations on the report. 

After Comment

This field allows you to nominate an Objective Group(s) that will be displayed after the teacher's comment (that has been entered using webBook or Staff Kiosk Assessment) on the report.

Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options permits a range selection, holding down the 'Ctrl' key enables selection of discrete (individual) criterion.

After Distribution Summary

This field allows you to nominate an Objective Group(s) that will be displayed after distribution summaries on the report.

This field is reliant on an objective being selected in the 'Calculate Distribution Summary using Objective' field above.

Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options permits a range selection, holding down the 'Ctrl' key enables selection of discrete (individual) criterion.

After Subject Chart

This field allows you to nominate an Objective Group(s) that will be displayed after subject charts on the report.

This field is reliant on an objective being selected in the 'Generate Subject Charts using Objective' field above and the 'Chart Position' is set to 'After Each Subject'.

Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options permits a range selection, holding down the 'Ctrl' key enables selection of discrete (individual) criterion.

Other Style Sheet Elements

Click here to view the associated CSS elements.

Other style sheet elements that can be modified on the subject pages include:

Style Sheet Element



The full description of the subject.

.subject .title .label

Label to print beside the 'Subject Name'

.subject .comment

The comment entered against a student by a teacher in webBook or Staff Kiosk Assessment.

.subject .comment .label

This element can be used to change the title for 'Comment'.

For example you may want to display 'Subject Comment' instead of 'Comment'.

.objective .description

The description of all 'Objectives'.

You can target formatting for individual objectives by adding [(obj_code)="[OBJECTIVE  CODE"] after this element.

For example, to target formatting of the objective 'Overall Grade' that has an Objective Code of 'OG' you would enter:

.objective .description [(obj_code)="OG"]

.objective .groupDescription

The description of all 'Objective Groups'.

Objectives are grouped under ‘Objective Group' headings using TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the ‘Result Formats’ tab.

.objective .studentResult

Students' results as entered by teachers in webBook or Staff Kiosk Assessment.






Controls the display of attendance information on the Subject pages after the last subject.

This is reliant on the selections that you make for 'Attendance Options' on the 'Other Options' tab.

Each line can be individually targeted, or if no specific line styles are defined, the program will default to the CSS style set for '.daysAbsent.'

You can also display attendance information on the first page. For more information, refer to the First Page Tab section above.

If you do not want attendance information displayed on the Subject pages after the last subject, remove all the code from the CSS.

Other style sheet elements that can be modified when 'Print Objective Groups in Columns' (refer above) has been selected:

Style Sheet Element


.objective .groupColumns .left .groupDescription

The description of 'Objective Groups' displayed in the left column.

'Objective Groups' with an odd 'Sort Order' number will display in the left hand column and 'Objective Groups' with an even 'Sort Order' number will display in the right hand column.

'Objective Groups' are set up and maintained in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Reporting Setup on the 'Objective Groups' tab.

.objective .groupColumns .left .description

The description of objectives displayed in the left column.

.objective .groupColumns .left .result

Students' results displayed in the left column.

.objective .groupColumns .left .result .comments

Students' results displayed in the left column that have been set up with 'Result Related Comments'.

‘Result Related Comments' are setup in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the 'Result Based Comments’ tab.

.objective .groupColumns .right. groupDescription

The description of 'Objective Groups' displayed in the right column.

'Objective Groups' with an odd 'Sort Order' number will display in the left hand column and 'Objective Groups' with an even 'Sort Order' number will display in the right hand column.

'Objective Groups' are set up and maintained in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Reporting Setup on the 'Objective Groups' tab.

.objective .groupColumns . right. description

The description of objectives displayed in the right column.

.objective .groupColumns . right. result

Students' results displayed in the right column.

.objective .groupColumns . right. result .comments

Students' results displayed in the right column that have been setup with 'Result Related Comments'.

'Result Related Comments' are setup in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the 'Result Based Comments’ tab.

Other style sheet elements that can be modified when an 'Objective Group' has been flagged to use the 'Dot Point' Layout in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Reporting Setup on the 'Objective Groups' tab:

Style Sheet Element


.objective .groupDescription .dotLayout

The description of 'Objective Groups' displayed when using the dot point layout.

'Objective Groups' are set up and maintained in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Reporting Setup on the 'Objective Groups' tab.

.objective .groupDescription .dotLayout


The dot or bullet point displayed in front of the students' results.

This could be changed from a dot to another type of bullet point using a windings font.

.objective .groupDescription .dotLayout .result

Students' results displayed in the dot point layout.

The results for this style of layout would typically be set up as 'Result Related Comments'.

'Result Related Comments' are setup in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the 'Result Based Comments’ tab.


There is the ability to force a subject to a new page when the academic report is printed. As an example, you may like to have Tutor Group Comment (which is set up as a subject) starting on a new page.

To achieve this, use the 'Subjects' tab on TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup. Change the 'Page Break' field to 'Yes' for any subject that you want to print on a new page.

Activity Options Tab

Include Progressive Assessment Activities

Tick this option display progressive Assessment Activities on the academic report.

Include Activity Total Scores

Tick this option to display the Activity Total Scores (if defined).

Include Activity Maximum Scores

The maximum value of the Activity Total Score will be printed when this option is selected, the Activity Total Score is defined and numeric.

Include Activity Criteria and Scores

Tick this option to Print objectives from the Activity on the Academic Report.

Include Activity Criteria Maximum Scores

Tick this option, to display the maximum value of the Activity Criteria if they are numeric.

Objective Group for Activities

Choose the Objective Group from the picklist to group Activities on the Academic Report.


The Objective Group chosen must not be defined in the Result Format in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the 'Result Formats' tab.

Activity Reporting Periods

Use this field select the result period/s that you wish activities to be included from.


You can load activities from previous years if the subjects are linked via TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the 'Result Formats' tab, using the field called 'Allow Activities from the previous year to be included in webBook Progressive Assessment and Markbook Activity Assessment'.

Other Options Tab

Other Options

Explanatory Notes Page (PDF)

This option will enable the school to use a pre-existing explanatory page and choose to embed that page as either page two (after the cover sheet) or the last page of the report.


The explanatory document needs to be in PDF format. This PDF File also needs to be an A4 sized layout and single page. It must be a single page.

If the report 'Configuration' is saved, then the explanatory notes page is also saved with the report.

Explanatory Notes Position

This option enables you to select whether the Explanatory Notes
page prints as the second page or the last page.

Include Page number

This option, if selected will print a page number on each page except the Title page.


This option will also print the page number on the explanatory notes page that is uploaded.

Click here to view the associated CSS element.

You can change the formatting of this in the style sheet using the following element:

.footer .pages

Tick Box/Continuum Layout

This program supports the printing of results in columns for 'Objective Groups' setup for 'Reporting in Columns' in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the 'Objective Groups' tab.

If you have completed the 'Report in Columns' setups, this field must be ticked when running your report.

Click here to view the associated CSS element.

You can change the formatting of this in the style sheet using the following elements:

.objective .columns .label .groupDescription

.objective .columns .result .description

.objective .columns .result .tick

.objective .columns .result .shade

The element 'objective .columns .result .tick' is the symbol that will display in a cell indicating the student's result. It does not have to be a tick. If you do not want to display a symbol, but shade the cell containing student results, choose the colour of the shading using the 'objective .columns .result .shade' element.

Click here to view the associated CSS element.

If you have set up an Objective Group to use the 'Sliding Result Continuum' 'Layout Style', you can change the formatting of this in the style sheet using the following elements:

.objective .columns .result .slidingScale

.objective .columns .result .slidingScale .dot

.objective .columns .result .slidingScale .label

.objective .columns .result .slidingScale .lastlabel

.objective .columns .result .slidingScale .Line

.objective .columns .result .slidingScale .LeftEndMarker

.objective .columns .result .slidingScale .RightEndMarker

You can configure a comment to appear under each Objective Group that can be used to display a key where the full result description is not included in the column headings

For example:

'A = Excellent, B = Very Good, C = Good, D = Fair, E = Poor'.

Click here to view the associated CSS element.

You can change the formatting of this in the style sheet using the following elements:

.objective .columns .comment

Different comments can be set up for different Objective Groups. This is done by adding the Objective Group code after this element

For example, to set up a different comment for the Objective Group 'Essential Learning Outcomes', that has a code of 'ELO', you would enter:

.objective .columns .comment [(obj_grp_code)="ELO"]

Extra Curricular Options

Include Extra Curricular Activities

This option enables you to include students' 'Extra Curricular Activities' on the report. 

Click here to view the associated CSS element.

You can change the title and formatting of extra curricular activities in the style sheet using the following elements:

.extraCurricular .title

.extraCurricular .activity

Extra Curricular Activity Types

This field allows you to filter the types of extra curricular activities that will appear on the report. It is a multi-select field.

Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options permits a range selection, holding down the 'Ctrl' key enables selection of discrete (individual) criterion.

Click here to view the associated CSS element.

You can change the formatting of this in the style sheet using the following element:

.extraCurricular . type

Consolidate by Term**

Tick this checkbox to consolidate when a student has the same activity for two terms** within the same semester.

There may be some activities that you don't want consolidated. You can exclude these activities by unticking the 'Consolidate on EC Certificates' checkbox in TASS.web Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Setup Information > Extra Curricular Setup on the 'Activity' tab.

Print Comment

Tick this checkbox to print activity comments for students on the reports. 

Comments are entered using TASS.web Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Student Information > Student Activities.

Click here to view the associated CSS element.

You can change the formatting of this in the style sheet using the following element:

.extraCurricular . comment

Print Semester*

Tick this checkbox to print the semester* on the report.

Print Term**

Tick this checkbox to print the term** on the report.

Activity Year and Semester/Term

Nominate the Year/Semesters (or terms) from which student 'Extra Curricular Activities' are to be included on this report.

Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options permits a range selection, holding down the 'Ctrl' key enables selection of discrete (individual) criterion.

If you leave this field blank it will include all student 'Extra Curricular Activities' for all Year/Semesters or terms.

Print Extra Curricular Activity Type UD Data

Tick this checkbox to include the 'Activity Type' user defined data on the reports.

These are set up in TASS.web Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Setup Information > Extra Curricular Setup on the 'Activity Types' tab. Click on this link for examples of 'Activity Type UD' fields.

Click here to view the associated CSS element.

You can change the formatting of this in the style sheet using the following element:

.extraCurricular .ud

Print Activity UD Data

Tick this checkbox to include the Activity specific user defined data on the reports.

These are set up in TASS.web Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Setup Information > Extra Curricular Setup on the 'Activity' tab. Click on this link for examples of 'Activity' UD' fields. 

Print in Columns

Tick this checkbox to print extra-curricular activities in columns (side by side) on the reports.

Click here to view the associated CSS element.

When the extra-curricular activities displayed overflows to a second page, you can define a different heading for the overflow page using the .extraCurricular .continuation style sheet element.

For example: Extra Curricular Continued.

Page Break Before Extra Curricular

Tick this checkbox to force a page break before the extra curricular section of the report.

* The description of the extra curricular period that is displayed in this field is school definable (therefore it may not necessarily be 'Semester'). For example, your school may be term-based (as opposed to semester-based) and accordingly this screen may be displaying a description of 'Term'.

** The description that is displayed in this field is school definable (therefore it may not necessarily be 'Term'). There also may be no field here at all if your school is not using this functionality.

General Comment Options

General Comments Subject

This field allows you to identify the 'Subject' used for Form Teacher/PC Tutor Group comments. It will display differently from the other subjects on the report.

To display the 'General Comments Subject' in exactly the same format as the other subjects, then ensure the subjects' sort order is set correctly, and do not nominate any subjects as the 'General Comments Subject'.


The 'General Comments Subject' is a comment only subject. Any Objectives and results setup against it will not print on the academic report.

Click here to view the associated CSS element.

You can change the formatting of this in the style sheet using the following elements:

.generalComments .subjectName

.generalComments .comment

.generalComments .teacher

General Comments Position

This option controls the positioning of the General Comments Subject on the report. The options are:

  • Before First Subject.

  • After Last Subject.

  • Cover Page.

  • After Extra Curricular.

You will need to have inserted the v42 style sheet additions into your style sheet for the 'printing on cover page option to work.  

Refer to the 'Modifying a Style Sheet and Additions to the Style Sheet' section of this documentation for details on adding new functionality into your style sheet.

Attendance Options

Attendance Periods

This option allows you to select the absentee periods that are to be used to calculate the absentee numbers.

Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options permits a range selection, holding down the 'Ctrl' key enables selection of discrete (individual) criterion.

Absence Lines 1 > 3

These fields will allow you to specify a description of the absentees and then select the absentee codes that are to be counted and displayed on either the First Page or the Subject Page after the last subject.

Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options permits a range selection, holding down the 'Ctrl' key enables selection of discrete (individual) criterion.


Only absentee records where the reason is NOT Acceptable will be included in the count. (i.e. School sport and excursion absentee reasons  should be recorded with an Acceptable reason so that they do not get counted.)

Click here to view the associated CSS element.

You can change the formatting of Absentee Lines in the style sheet using the following elements:

On the First Page styling can be applied to each line using the following elements:




If you do not want attendance information to display on the first page, set the font-size for these elements to 0pt.

On the Subject Page after the last subject, styling can be applied to each line using the following elements:





Each line can be individually targeted, or if no specific line styles are defined, the program will default to the CSS style set for '.daysAbsent.'

Remove all the code from the CSS if you do not want attendance information to display on the Subject page after the last subject.

Signatory options


Select signatories to be included in the signature section of the report.

To select more than one signatory, hold down the 'Shift' key to select signatories within a range; hold down the 'Ctrl' key to select discrete signatories.

Class Teacher signatories

Selecting a Class Teacher signatory inserts each student's class teacher/s signature in the signatures section on the report, for a selected Subject, such as Homeroom or Tutor Group. Signatories that have been set up with the 'Class teacher' flag display the text [ class tch ] after the Signatory Title. Note that the relevant class/es for this signatory will be chosen in the next field 'Class Teacher Subjects'.

Only one Signatory with the Class Teacher flag can be selected.

Signatory details and Class Teacher flags must be pre-defined in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Reporting Setup on the 'Signatory Details' tab.

Digital signature attachments can be uploaded on the Signatories Details Tab, or on the General tab of the Teacher or Employee record.

Click here to view the associated CSS element.

You can change the formatting of this in the style sheet using the following elements:

.signatory .title

.signatory .image

Signatory Position

Signatures can be displayed:

  • After the last subject.

  • After the Extra Curricular section.

  • On the cover page of the report.

Class Teacher Subjects

When a Signatory has been selected (above) which has the 'Class Teacher' flag, classes for the selected year and semester/term display. Select one or more subjects from the picklist to insert each student's teacher's signature for this class on their report.

Include End of Report Section

This field will include an indicator showing the end of the report.

Do not select this field if you wish to append additional pages to the report.

Keep Signatures with Last Subject

Tick this checkbox to force the signatures to print on the same page as the last subject. This checkbox is only active if the 'Signatory Position' = 'After Last Subject'.

Print Tab

Sort By

This will determine the order in which the academic reports will be printed.

Formatting Options

These options allow you to choose the 'destination' of the reports. The TASS.web Interim Academic Report has 3 'delivery' options.

Export to PDF

Use this option to print the reports using the Adobe® PDF viewer. PDF will also enable you to save a copy for printing later (e.g. Reprints for lost reports or for backup reasons).

Exclude Parents with Email Addresses

You would use this field if you have already used the 'Deliver via EMAIL where possible' option (below) to send reports to parents (who have email addresses) and now want to produce student reports for the rest (who don't have email addresses).


Make sure that you have the same address options selected when you run the email process and the PDF (printed) process.

Deliver via EMAIL where possible

This delivery option will allow the school to automatically email the student reports to parents based on the 'Address Options' section of this tab.

Parent email details are set up using TASS.web Student Admin> Parent Records > Parent Information > Parents on the 'Addresses' tab. 

The system will generate the reports to PDF for those parents who do not have an email address.

Prior to using this function, you will need to specify the 'Sender Email', 'CC Email', and 'Subject Text' in the 'Reporting Parameters'. Refer to TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reports > Setup Information > Reporting Setup.

Click ‘Go’.

Generate Emails - Academic Reporting (Parents) grid will display a list of student details for each student report generated.

Use this list to:

  • Review the list of students who have had a report generated.

  • View their academic report by clicking the link provided.

  • Use the checkbox to include/exclude individual students.

Click ‘Next’.

Generate Emails - Academic Reporting (Parents) screen will be displayed.

Fields that require further explanation

Email Template

Choose an active Email Templates in the ‘Academic Reporting’ category from the picklist. These have been setup on the ‘Email Templates’ tab in TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > Email Settings.


It will be auto populated with the User email address and User name of the TASS.web user and any active ‘Generic FROM Email Addresses’ that have been set up on the ‘Generic Emails’ tab in TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > Email Settings.  The User email should always appear first with the ‘Generic FROM Email Addresses’ following in alphabetic order.


It will be auto-populated with Email Distribution List from the previous screen.

The ‘Print’ button will generate an email recipient list.

Additional Recipients

It will be a search field used to enable searching and individual selection of Employees (teachers and non-teachers).

Administrator Copy

This field will only be displayed when the ‘Email Address for Administrator's Copy’ field is populated on the ‘Parameters’ tab in TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > Email Settings.


This is the text that will be included in the 'Subject' line of the email. (200 characters).

Attachments / Choose Button

Two options are available to attach files to this email:

  1. Drag and drop a file from your computer.

  2. Use the 'Choose' button to locate the file.


Two options are available to attach a banner an email template:

  • Drag and drop a file from your computer.

  • Use the 'Choose' button to locate the file.

Banners should be 580 pixels wide. 

Banners are displayed above the text of the email.

Email Messages

This is the text that will be included in the message section of the email.

You can personalise each outgoing email by adding student and/or parent-specific details into the message text.

Click the 'Keywords' option in the toolbar and use the picklist to choose between:

  • Student Keywords.

  • Parent Keywords.

  • Academic Reporting Keywords.

Communication Log Comments

This will be a free text field.

Communication Log Category

This will be a single select picklist populated with the active Email Categories that the user has ‘Send’ or ‘Send & View’ permission for.

Send Me a Copy

Send a copy to the user email address.

Click Send.

Publish to the Web

If you use this option for publishing Academic Reports:

  1. Each academic report will be published (or backed up automatically) to the TASS document management system (TASS.doc).
    Reports can then be reprinted for a range or group of students using menu path TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Special Processes > Published Student Reports.

  2. Publishing to the Parent Lounge portal will allow parents to download their own child's academic reports in PDF format. The school can also control which reporting periods are available to download reports or access result information by setting the 'IA Lock' flag to 'Staff Kiosk, Student Cafe, Parent Lounge Only' for the respective reporting period.


Publishing the report to the web will allow the school to re-print the report again later. It does not provide a facility to re-generate the report.

Format for 'Back to Back' printing

Back-to-back printing will print a blank page at the end of each report if it contains an odd number of pages. This ensures that each subsequent report card in the batch will not start on the back of another student's report.

Include Address Label page

If this option is selected, an additional page will be printed before each report containing address information based on the selections you make in the 'Address Options' section of this tab.

You will need to have inserted the v42 style sheet additions into your style sheet for the 'Include Address Label page' functionality to work.  

Refer to the 'Modifying a Style Sheet' and 'Additions to the Style Sheet' section of this documentation for details on adding new functionality into your style sheet.

Click here to view the associated CSS element.

You can change the formatting of this in the style sheet using the following elements:

.addresslabel .parentname

.addresslabel .address

.addresslabel .address_barcode

.addresslabel .studentname

Address Options

Use this section to define the addresses to use when generating student reports.

Option 1 - Use Communication Rules

'Communication Rules' provide a 'student-centric' way of defining precisely how different areas of your school communicate with parents. They are especially useful for communication with split families and for families with students who have multiple parenting arrangements.

For further details, refer to 'How to handle split family arrangements' guide.

Communication Types

Choose the appropriate 'Communication Rule' to use when generating student reports.

The program will default to the 'Academic Reports' rule.

For further information see on the rules available click here ('Staff View').

Option 2 - Select Addresses

This methodology for communicating with parents can be used as an alternative to 'Communication Rules'. However, it is strongly recommended that your school investigate implementing 'Communication Rules' as a more precise method of communicating with parents.

Primary Copy Address

This will use the default address (or the email address that is contained in this address block if you are emailing). You can change this to any of the other address blocks on the parent record.

If you use an address other than the school default address, the system will look at the address that you enter here first and if it doesn't find any detail, it will then revert to using the default address. The school default address will be highlighted with an '*'.

This Address Only

Another scenario is that you ONLY want to produce reports for parents who have an entry in a particular address block. To achieve this check the 'This Address Only' checkbox and choose the relevant address to use.

Use Lives With (OLD) Address

This option is based on the redundant 'Lives With (OLD)' field on the 'General' tab in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records >Student Information > Students.

This functionality becomes redundant from TASS.web v43.1 onwards.

This is because the 'Lives with' indicator for students has been moved to the 'Address and Communication Rules' tab.

'Communication Rules' provide a 'student-centric' way of defining precisely how different areas of your school communicate with parents. They are especially useful for communication with split families and for families with students who have multiple parenting arrangements.

For further details, refer to 'How to handle split family arrangements' guide.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

If your school is going to enable 'Communication Rules' you should refer to the 'How to' guide.

If your school is using a version of TASS.web that is v43.1 or later, and you are still using this field, you should implement 'Communication Rules' as soon as possible.

This option will be removed from the program in a future TASS.web release.

Additional Copies

This allows you to nominate one or more additional address(s) for which you will print additional copies of student reports.

The 'Second Copy Address' field allows the selection of multiple addresses by holding down the 'Ctrl' key whilst clicking on the required addresses.

Additional copy to Student 'Lives With (OLD)' Address

This can be used to create an additional copy of student reports for the parent based on the redundant 'Lives With (OLD)' field on the 'General' tab in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records >Student Information > Students.

See 'Use Lives With (OLD) Address' (in this table above) for further explanation.


Cover Page

This option will allow you to upload a PDF document and have it display behind the content on the cover page like preprinted stationery (i.e. a background image).


The watermarked document needs to be in PDF format. This PDF File also needs to be an A4 sized layout and single page. It must be a single page.

Other Pages

This option will allow you to upload a PDF document and have it display behind the report content on each page (except the cover page) like preprinted stationery  (i.e. a background template).


The watermarked document needs to be in PDF format. This PDF File also needs to be an A4 sized layout and single page. It must be a single page.

Report Date

Include Date on Report

If ticked, the date will print at the very end of the report in the format of 'DD Month YYYY.'

Save this Configuration as

Save this Configuration as

If populated with a value and you click 'GO', the current report settings will be saved using the configuration name entered in this field.


The program must successfully produce a report for the settings to be saved. If when running the report the system returns with a message 'Based on the Selected Criteria No Data Has been Found' then the report settings have not been saved.

Related Resources

▶️Modifying Academic Stylesheets Video

▶️ Adding New Elements to Your Academic Report Stylesheet Video

▶️ Headers and Footers Video

▶️ Spacers and Padding Video

▶️ Printing Objective Groups in Columns Video

▶️ Distribution Summaries Video

▶️ Targeting Elements using Objective Code Video

▶️ Targeting Elements using Subject Categories Video

▶️ Targeting Elements using Subject Codes Video

▶️ Targeting Using Objective Groups Video

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