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PC Entries (Lists/Emails)

        • PC Entries (Lists/Emails) Overview

          This is a multi-purpose program that allows you to:

          • Generate a report (PDF) of student Pastoral Care Entries using multiple selection criteria.
          • Generate an export (Excel® or Word®) of student Pastoral Care Entries using multiple selection criteria.
          • Generate emails to students and/or parents using multiple selection criteria, e.g. All students who have performed community assistance this term or all students with detention on a certain date/time).
          • Update the 'Parent Contacted' flag for multiple Pastoral Care Entries (whilst generating emails).
          • Save your selections so that this list/email template can be reused and will become available in your 'My Saved Lists' area. 

          Once it is saved in your 'My Saved Lists' area it can be used to:

          • View student profiles.
          • Generate communications using email, SMS or Notification.

          Student Searching

          Firstly, you need to determine your student selection.

          Use the 'Student Selection' drop-down list to include:

          • All students.
          • Students in the Year Group(s) for which you are the 'Head' or an 'Administrator'.
          • Students in the House(s) for which you are the 'Head' or an 'Administrator'.
          • Students in your PC/Tutor Group (if applicable).
          • Students in your subject classes.

          Click here to view an Administrator Note.

          To allocate teachers into the following:

          'Head of Year' and 'Year Administrators'Use TASS.web program Student Admin > Parent Records > Setup Information > Parent Records Setup on the 'School Section Years' tab.
          'Head of House' and 'House Administrators'Use TASS.web program Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Houses' tab.
          PC/Tutor Groups

          Use TASS.web program Student Admin > Teacher Records > Teacher Information > Teacher Grid Entry or Student Admin > Teacher Records > Teacher Information > Teachers.

          Students are allocated into PC/Tutor Groups in Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Student Grid Entry.

          Use the 'Student(s)' quick search if running the report for a single student or a small number of students. Only students who match the 'Student Selection' that you chose directly above will be available.

          PC Entries Filters

          Next, use these fields to filter based on PC Entries' attributes, e.g. PC Entries that have an Outcome of 'Detention'.

          Click here for information on using the 'Date Range Selector'.

          This tool makes it easy to specify a time period that is relative to the current date.

          This becomes particularly useful when saving or scheduling reports as the date the schedule or report is generated will be relative to that date rather than the date you initially created the report. 

          Options will be available based on the filter field. Full list of relative options include: 

          • Today 
          • Tomorrow 
          • Yesterday
          • This Week 
          • This Month 
          • This Period e.g. Term or Semester, depending on how the Timetable is setup  
          • This Year 
          • Relative Date Range e.g. Next 14 days or Previous 2 months. Filters include:
            • Next or Previous 
            • Days, Weeks, Months, Years 
            • Value to specify the amount e.g. 1 Month  

          Alternatively, you can select a specific date by using: 

          • Single Date 
          • Date Range 

          Exception Criteria

          The Exception Criteria field options are dynamically populated to match the selections made in the 'PC Entries Filters' fields. Use these to further influence the filtered results.

          When the 'Show' button is clicked, checks are performed to ensure that the mandatory 'Date... From/To' has been entered. If not, tooltips will be displayed next to the dates saying 'field is required'. 

          More Filters

          Next use these fields to further filter, based on PC Entries' attributes. Fields in this section of the screen are context-sensitive, based on the filters that you have added above.

          For example, use this to create emails for all students who must attend an Outcome/Calendar Event combination (Detention on a certain date/time). 

          First, select one Outcome with a Calendar link (in the PC Entries Filters section above), then use the 'Calendar Event' filter, to select the Date/Time.


          By default, this list will sort the data by student name.

          Use the drop-down list to select an alternative sorting option.

          One primary and four secondary sorts are available (use 'Then by').

          Where applicable you can also use the following icons to:

          Determine if the sort order is ascending or descending.

          Determine if subtotal is to be included based on the sort order. 

          Determine if a page break is to be included based on the sort order. 

          Export To

          These include:

          • Export to PDF.
          • Export to Excel®.
          • Export to Word®.
          • Generating Emails (Select and click the 'Next' button). See section 'Generate Emails' below.

          Generate Emails

          From the custom list modal, you can elect to generate emails to the students and/or parents based on your selections above. Email Templates can be set up for use here.

          Tick the 'Update Parent Contacted' checkbox to indicate, on each student's Pastoral Care record, that the parent has been sent an email.

          Click here for information on generating emails.
          Click here to view the list of merge fields available for use in the Word Merge File for 'Pastoral Care'.

          The following merge fields are available for use in the Word Merge File, specifically for Pastoral Care:

          Merge Field


          Click here to view the list of keywords fields available for use in the 'Pastoral Care' email message.

          The email message section contains a 'Froala' toolbar with formatting tools, a picklist of keywords that can be used for keyword substitution, and a preview icon.

          The following keywords can be used for keyword substitution in the email message, specifically for Pastoral Care where the email template source category is 'PASCAR' or 'PCELST':

          1.Student Keywords
          • Alternate ID.
          • Campus (conditional). The Campus keyword will only be available where the school has campuses set up.
          • First Name.
          • Form Class.
          • Given Names.
          • He/She.
          • he/she.
          • His/Her.
          • him/her.
          • himself/herself.
          • House.
          • Other Names.
          • PC/Tutor Group.
          • Preferred Name.
          • Preferred Surname.
          • son/daughter.
          • Student Code.
          • Surname.
          • USI.
          • Year Group.
          2.Parent Keywords
          • Parent Code.
          • Parent Name.
          • Address Line1.
          • Address Line2.
          • Address Line3.
          • Town/Suburb.
          • State.
          • Postcode.
          • Country.
          • Salutation.
          • Home Phone.
          • Work Phone.
          • Mobile 1.
          • Mobile 2.
          • Email 1.
          • Email 2.
          3.Pastoral Care Keywords
          • Calendar Event.
          • Comment for Parents.
          • Completed.
          • Completed On.
          • Conduct.
          • Outcome.
          • Parent Contacted Date.
          • Parent Acknowledged Date.
          • PC Entry Date.
          • PC Entry Time.
          • Points.
          • Recipient Student(s).
          • Subject Class.
          • Type.

          Formatting Options

          Use these options to enhance the appearance of your report.

          The first drop-down list in this section of the screen allows you to determine whether the report will display the students' 'Given Name', 'Preferred Name' or 'Both'. 

          Additional Fields

          Select 'Additional Fields' to include in the listing by highlighting them with a mouse click. The 'Student Code', 'Surname, 'Given or Preferred Names' and 'Year Group' fields are automatically included and are not available for selection.

          Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options permits a range selection, holding down the 'Ctrl' key while clicking, enables multiple selections.

          My Saved Reports

          Click here for information on creating report templates and using 'My saved reports'.

          This listing/email program has extensive selection options. These options can be saved as a 'My Saved Report' for later reuse.

          You can use the 'My Saved Reports' drop-down list to access your previously saved templates.

          You can delete a previously saved template by selecting it from the 'My Saved Reports' drop-down list and clicking the 'Delete' button.

          To delete a saved list, do so via the listing/email program that you used to create it. Use the column 'Menu Option' to identify the program used.

          You can modify a previously saved template by selecting it from the 'My Saved Reports' drop-down list, making the necessary changes to the report options, then clicking 'GO'.

          Your saved reports can't be accessed by another user and vice versa. This is because each template is dependent on the individual user's security permissions.

          Your saved reports will also become available via 'My Saved Lists' on the homepage menu or via the 'Listings' top menu.

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