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System Admin

System Admin Overview

This area of the system is used by your school's System/Network Administrator or TASS.web Technical Support Officer to perform a number of system and security type functions.


Menu Item


User Maintenance

Set up and maintain TASS.web users and their permissions, view Login Histories

Security Role Permissions

Set up and maintain security roles.

Assign Security Roles

Assign security roles to users.

LDAP/SAML Maintenance

Set up and maintain LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) and SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) configurations.

Reporting User Maintenance

Set up user access for Academic Reporting in:

SSO Maintenance

Configure single sign-on authentication.

Portal Security Permissions

Set up and maintain functionality that will be available to:

  • Staff in Staff Kiosk.

  • Parents in Parent Lounge.

  • Students in Student Café.


Menu Item


Exception Log

View a log of exceptions with diagnostic information.

Lock Maintenance

View current and historical lock logs.

Unit Maintenance

This program should not be used unless under instruction from a TASS support team member.

Reset Application

This program should not be used unless under instruction from a TASS support team member.

Server Logs

Access to backend log files, including Cold Fusion Server Logs.

Menu Maintenance

This program should not be used unless under instruction from a TASS support team member.

Printer Definitions

Set up docket printers for the School Shop and Attendance modules.

TASS Licencing

This program should not be used unless under instruction from a TASS support team member.

Bulk Attachment/Note Upload

Create, upload and delete notes and note attachments in bulk in various TASS.web programs.

Data Upload Utility

A bulk method for maintaining data on multiple records including:
  -Adding data to fields that are not currently populated.
  -Updating data on fields that are currently populated.
  -Deleting data from fields that are currently populated.

Bulk Image Upload

Upload (individually or in bulk) student images, employee images or employee signatures.

Product UI Maintenance

Customise the colour schemes and banner images displayed in TASS Portals.

Product Activation Maintenance

Set up Internet access (activation) information for the TASS Portal Products.

API Gateway Maintenance

Set up TASS Standard and Premium APIs.

Audit Logs Grid

View and export system audit logs for:
-Login History (TASS.web and all Portals).
-TASS API Connections
-Data Upload Utility 
-Parent Lounge Updates
-Calendar Sync  

Change Logs Grid

View and export a log of changes to various Parent, Student and Employee records.

TASS Usage Statistics

View and enable the sharing of TASS Usage Statistics.

Email Settings

Set up and maintain email settings and templates.

Bulk Address Validation

Manage Address validation.

Login Notifications

Mail Spool Maintenance

View undelivered emails.

TASS Software Updates

Install TASS software updates.

Note that the following programs are for the use of TASS support personnel for maintenance and licence issuing purposes. These programs should not be used unless under instruction from a TASS support person:

  • Unit Maintenance.

  • Reset Application.

  • Menu Maintenance.

  • TASS Licensing.

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