MER - Immunisations Summary/Listings
The Immunisations Summary/Listings program provides a dashboard summary of student immunisations and Immunisation Register information.
Immunisations are set up in TASS.web Student Admin > Medical Records > Setup Information > Medical Setup on the 'Immunisations' tab.
Each immunisation will provide a breakdown of the number of students that are and are not immunised and display:
The immunisation on the bottom X-axis.
The number of students on the left hand Y-axis.
Hover over each bar to view the number of students in each section.
Use the options at the top of the screen to filter the data displayed by:
Immunisation drop-down: Select a single Immunisation to display.
Include Not Immunised: Non-immunised students only.
Combine Year Groups: Tick to show each immunisation as a total across all Year Groups, or untick to display each Year Group separately.
When the Combine Year Groups is unticked, click on a Year Group to display.
For example:
Double-clicking a year group will hide all year group data from the graph except the one being clicked.
When viewing the 'Immunisation Summary' by individual immunisation, the dashboard will display:
The year of immunisation on the bottom X-axis.
The number of students on the left hand Y-axis.
Student Immunisation List
At any time, you can click on a section in the dashboard to view a list of students.
The 'Student Immunisation List' screen will display all students for the immunisation and section selected, along with basic student information, special conditions and medical alerts.
Student Immunisation Emails
Emails can be generated to parents and/or students e.g. send an email to parents of students who are not immunised for Chickenpox regarding a recent outbreak at the school.
Select a ‘yellow alert’ icon at the top of the screen to view an Immunisation Register, or click an immunisation section. When the student listing displays, click the hamburger menu, then Generate Email. Email Templates can be set up for use here.
This option is only available when SMTP Emails has been enabled. Refer to How to Enable SMTP Emailing and Set Up Communication Log Permissions for more information.
Student Immunisation Print Options
Sort By
Choose the order in which data will be displayed in your report/export.
Formatting Options
Choose the 'destination' of the report. This can be to Adobe® PDF, Microsoft Excel® or Microsoft Word®.
The 'Table Borders' and 'Alternate Row Colours' options can enhance the readability of the report but are not available if the listing destination is Excel®.
The 'Page Break by Sort Key will create a page break based on your 'Sort By' selection.
Additional Fields
Select the additional data fields to include in your report/export by highlighting them with a mouse-click.
The 'Student', 'Given Names', 'Surname' and 'Year Group' fields are automatically included and are not available for selection.
The fields that are available for you to include on your report/export are dependent on your security level.
Potentially, fields are available from the following areas:
Student Info.
Student User-Defined.
Student User-Defined Areas (up to 499 areas).
Student Billing.
Testing, e.g. NAPLAN.
Boarder User Defined.
SDCS (QLD schools only).
VSN (Victorian schools only).
SCSA (WA Schools only).
Medical User Defined Info.
Immunisation Register Info.
Parent Info.
Parent User Defined.
Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options permits a range selection; holding down the 'Ctrl' key enables selection of discrete (individual) criterion.
Selection Options
This option allows you to include the attendance status for each student on a particular date. Click the 'Attendance Status' box and the 'Attendance Date' will default to today's date. You can change this to a different date if required.
Report Title
This field can be used to enter an alternative name for this report.