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Unexplained Absences Reminder

The Unexplained Absences Reminder email is managed using TASS.web program Student Admin > Attendance > Setup Information > Attendance Setup on the 'Absentee Reasons' and 'Absentee Types' tabs.

*Template Name

Not editable.

'Unexplained Absences Reminder'


Not editable.

'When the Number of Days has passed for an Unacknowledged Absence'

*Email SubjectEnter the title of the email that will appear in parent inboxes. eg 'Unexplained Absences'

Not editable.


Attachment File


Select '+Choose' to locate the file to attach to the email.

*Number of DaysEnter the number of days from the unacknowledged absence date that the reminder email should be sent. eg 7
ActiveSelect Yes or No to indicate if the email template is active.
Message Body

The default system email message contains the following text and <<keywords>>, which can be edited.

<<Preferred Name>> <<Surname>> has an absence from <<Absence Date>> that has not been acknowledged as required by school policy.  The details of <<Preferred Name's>> unacknowledged absences are listed below.

<<Unexplained Absences List>>

Please use the link below to acknowledge this absence in Parent Lounge.  Alternatively, you can contact the school to advise the details of this absence.

<<Click here to acknowledge this absence in Parent Lounge>>

This is an automated email. Please do not reply
This email was intended solely for the addressee.


Click here to view the available absence keywords.

The email message section contains a 'Froala' toolbar with formatting tools, a pick list of keywords that can be used for keyword substitution, and a preview icon.

The following keywords can be used for keyword substitution in the email message, specifically for Unexplained Absences Reminder:

1.Student Keywords
  • Alternate ID.
  • Campus (conditional). The Campus keyword will only be available where the school has campuses set up.
  • First Name.
  • Form Class.
  • Given Names.
  • He/She.
  • he/she.
  • His/Her.
  • him/her.
  • himself/herself.
  • House.
  • Other Names.
  • PC/Tutor Group.
  • Preferred Name.
  • Preferred Surname.
  • son/daughter.
  • Student Code.
  • Surname.
  • USI.
  • Year Group.
  • Date of Entry.
2.Attendance Keywords
  • Absence Date
  • Absence Reason
  • Absence Type
  • Click here to acknowledge this is Parent Lounge
  • Unexplained Absences List
3.Parent Keywords
  • Parent Code
  • Parent Name
  • Address Line 1
  • Address Line 2
  • Address Line 3
  • Town/Suburb
  • State
  • Postcode
  • Country
  • Salutation
  • Home Phone
  • Work Phone
  • Mobile 1
  • Mobile 2
  • Email 1
  • Email 2
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