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Parent Teacher Interviews


A Parent Teacher Interview Conference can potentially progress through several stages (these are represented by statuses). Based on the status of a Conference, this program allows you to:


What you can do


View the date of an upcoming Conference


  • View a PTI Conference schedule.

  • Manually enter an appointment (e.g. On a parent's behalf).

  • Request interview with specific parents.

  • Maintain subject preferences (if applicable).

  • Block an appointment slot (making yourself unavailable for bookings).

  • Swap, Move and Split appointments.

  • Cancel appointments.


It is not accessible by either Teachers or Parents.


  • View a PTI Conference schedule.

  • Manually enter an appointment (e.g. On a parent's behalf).

  • Block an appointment slot (making yourself unavailable for bookings).

  • Swap, Move and Split appointments.

  • Cancel appointments.

  • Review notes entered by parents in Parent Lounge.

  • Enter a teacher note before a PTI Conference.

  • Print your appointment schedule.


  • Enter an appointment note after (or during) a PTI Conference.

Related Resources

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