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All Videos

Below is a complete list of videos available in the TASS video library, organised into relevant areas/modules.

Explore the entire library here, or head over to the area/module of interest to see just the videos relevant to the chosen area.

Older videos will be updated in due course.

TASS Customer Hub Tour

Getting Started Videos

Start your TASS journey here with a set of general videos specifically designed to get you familiar with TASS products and features.

System Administrator Videos

For TASS System Administrators, we've compiled the following set of videos covering configuration and maintenance.

Student Admin Videos

The following TASS.web video collection shows you how to gather, enter and manage the large amount of student data required for your school.


▶️ Setting up the Enrolments Module

▶️ Adding an Enrolment Record in Enterprise - Existing Parent

▶️ Adding an Enrolment Record in Enterprise - Existing Student

▶️ Adding a new Enrolment Record in Community mode

▶️ Processing Online Enrolment Applications

▶️ Enrolment Receipt

▶️ Enrolments Worksheet and Budget

Parent and Student Records

▶️ Setting up Parent Records

▶️ Setting up Student Records

▶️ Communication Rules Demonstration

▶️ Linking Address Blocks on Parent Records

▶️ Student Records End of Year Processes

▶️ Bulk Attachment and Note Uploads


▶️ Entering an Attendance Record for an individual student

▶️ Entering Student Attendance Records for a group of students

▶️ Entering Recurring Student Absence Records

▶️ Student Attendance Self Registration

▶️ Attendance Rates Report


▶️ Managing Sick-Bay Records in TASS.web

▶️ Student Medical Updates from Parent Lounge

▶️ Building and Maintaining Subject Classes

▶️ Importing Timetable Information

▶️ Equipment Hire - Setup

▶️ Equipment Hire - Issuing Equipment

▶️ Equipment Hire - Returning Equipment

Academic Reporting

▶️ Setting up Academic Analytics

▶️ Modifying Academic Stylesheets

▶️ Adding New Elements to Your Academic Report Stylesheet

▶️ Printing Objective Groups in Columns

▶️ Headers and Footers

▶️ Spacers and Padding

▶️ Targeting Elements using Objective Code

▶️ Targeting Elements Using Subject Categories

▶️ Targeting Elements using Subject Codes

▶️ Targeting Using Objective Groups

▶️ Distribution Summaries

Finance Videos

Our finance related videos show how to use various functions in the Parent Accounts, Accounts Payable, Charges and Credits and School Shop programs in TASS.web.

Payroll Videos

Staff Kiosk Videos

These videos provide a range of videos across the various programs that are available in Staff Kiosk.


▶️ Teacher Kiosk Homepage

▶️ Common Screen Elements

▶️ My Timetable

▶️ Setting up Buddy Access

▶️ Staff Kiosk Ghosting

▶️ Setting up Ghosting Permissions


▶️ Accessing Student Profiles

▶️ Student Profile Overview

▶️ Student Profile Analytics

▶️ Student Profile - Standardised Testing

▶️ Correspond with an individual student

▶️ Correspond with multiple students


▶️ Marking the Roll in Staff Kiosk

Pastoral Care

▶️ Adding a Pastoral Care Entry

▶️ Scheduling Pastoral Care Outcomes into the School Calendar

▶️ Managing Pastoral Care Outcomes


▶️ My Saved Lists in Staff Kiosk

▶️ Maintaining Schedules


▶️ Creating Meetings and Appointments with Students using the eDiaries

▶️ Building Calendar Events for a Group of Students

▶️ Student Appointment Program and Self Registration

▶️ Calendar Sync


▶️ Communicating with Staff

▶️ Scheduling Meetings with Staff

▶️ Learning Support Overview

▶️ Group Alerts for Student Cafe and Parent Lounge

Extra Curricular

▶️ Extra Curricular Management


▶️ Events and Payments Overview 


▶️ Creating and Assigning Activities

▶️ Editing Assigned Activities in Staff Kiosk

▶️ Creating and Assigning Homework

▶️ Creating and Assigning Resources from the Class Homepage

▶️ Assigning Resources from the Learning Objects Repository

▶️ Assigning Multiple Class Resources

▶️ Transfer Marking Responsibilities

▶️ Granting Extensions

▶️ Enter Results and Comments in Staff Kiosk


▶️ webBook - Introduction to the Year Long Markbook

▶️ webBook - Editing Assigned Activities

▶️ webBook - Setting up School Calculation Rules

▶️ webBook - Calculating Final Results

Parent Lounge Videos

This section provides videos for both Parent Lounge administrators, as well as for parents themselves.

Parent video links can be provided to parents to access from within Parent Lounge.

Student Cafe Videos

Version Showcase Videos

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