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Product UI Maintenance


This is a multi-purpose program that allows you to customise the user interfaces of TASS Portal Products such as Student Café, Parent Lounge, Parent Orbit app, Staff Kiosk, WebBook and Commercial Debtors Online Payments Portal.

Styles tab

From the Styles tab you can:

  • Customise the User Interface (UI) colour scheme for your school's Student Café, Parent Lounge, Staff Kiosk and Commercial Debtors Online Payments Portal.

Images tab

From the Images tab you can:

  • Add an image that will display as your school's logo in Student Café, Parent Lounge, Staff Kiosk, and Commercial Debtors Online Payments Portal.

  • Add an image that will display as a banner in Staff Kiosk, Student Café, Parent Lounge, Commercial Debtors Online Payments Portal and the Parent Orbit app.

  • Add an image that will display as part of the login screen for Staff Kiosk, WebBook, Student Café and Parent Lounge.

  • Add multiple images that can display in a rotating carousel on the Parent Lounge and Parent Orbit app Homepage.

When you are setting up or modifying the UI for Student Café, Staff Kiosk, Parent Lounge or Commercial Debtors Online Payments Portal, it is recommended that you use a second screen with your PC or notebook. 

On screen 1 you would run this program. On screen 2 you would have a session running with the relevant product that you are working on. 

This allows you to make a change in this program and see the result in the appropriate portal. You will need to refresh the browser on the Student Café, Staff Kiosk, Parent Lounge or Commercial Debtors Online Payments Portal screen to see your changes.

The TASS Sports Fixtures and Results portal user interface can be updated in Staff Kiosk program Extra Curricular > Parameters (setup).  Refer to How to set up the Sports Fixtures and Results Portal for more information. 

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