Bulk Address Validation
The Bulk Address Validation program is used to:
Validate and tokenise parent addresses.
Display the number of non-tokenised addresses.
Display the number of addresses already tokenised.
A history of completed bulk address validations.
Functionality in this program requires the Address Validation API to be enabled in TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > API Gateway Maintenance.
Bulk Address Validation can be used for:
Current Parents.
Enrolled Parents.
Past Students.
Employees (Including current and archived employees).
To validate non-tokenised addresses, check the box in the 'Include' column for the entity type and click the 'Go' button.
The program will:
Populate address tokens and geocoding for valid addresses.
Invalid addresses will not be tokenised. Some examples of invalid addresses are PO Boxes, International addresses and where address fields are not entered.
Produce an excel report of addresses included in the bulk address validation process and will indicate if the address was able to tokenised.
The bulk address validation process can be run multiple times. For example, this process could be generated on a monthly basis to keep address data up to date.
History Button
Use the 'History' button at the top of the screen to display a list of completed bulk address validations using this program including:
When the validation was completed.
A copy of the Excel report that was generated during the bulk address validation.