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API Gateway Maintenance


The API Gateway Maintenance program is used to set up and maintain APIs (Application Programming Interface) that allow third-party applications to connect to or from various areas of TASS.

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External APIs

An API developed and published by a third-party company to which TASS connects.

Some External APIs require a dedicated API license key.


An API developed by TASS that a third-party company can use to connect to the TASS database.

All TASS APIs require a dedicated API license key.

Public APIs: These APIs are available for public use and the documentation is published on GitHub. They can be used by anyone (school or vendor) to develop integrations alongside of TASS. The usage of these APIs by non-approved integration partners is not certified.

For more information, refer to ''.

Approved Integration Partners: These APIs require partner certification and are only available through approved integration partners.

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OAuth 2 Applications

OAuth 2 allows third party products to connect to TASS.web APIs as an entity (e.g. a parent) and uniquely identify them in order to return targeted data. It does not require the entity (e.g. parent) to share any password data, but instead uses authorisation 'bearer' tokens to identify an entity. It is separate to the existing LDAP, SAML or proprietary Username/Password combination.

This OAuth2 method provides the Mobile App with an ability to perform push notifications.

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