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Bulk Image Upload


This Bulk Image Upload program that can be used to:

  • Upload student images (individual or bulk).

  • Upload employee images (individual or bulk).

  • Upload employee signatures (individual or bulk).

This program will automatically resize the images as needed to create thumbnails of each image.

Steps to Bulk Image Upload

Step 1: Name files

Rename each image file to a valid student or employee code.

Examples:      StudentCode.jpg (CLAR002.jpg)*      EmployeeCode.jpg (0000438.jpg)**

Step 2: Create a zip file

This step is done outside of TASS.

All images that you want to upload must be contained within a .zip file.

To do this, highlight the files to upload and right-mouse click on them.

Use the 'Send To > Compressed (zipped) folder' option.

If the 'Send to > Compressed (zipped)' option is not available, your school may use an alternative program for compressing documents in a .zip file. If this is the case, and you are not sure what to use, please see your Systems Administrator.

Do not zip a folder, and ensure that there are no sub-folders within your .zip file.

If you are replacing a large number of photos, it is recommended to upload them in smaller batches.

Step 3: Upload zip file

Use TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > Bulk Image Upload to upload the files in your .zip file.

Refer to How to Setup Student and Employee Photos for more information. 

Recommended Image Attributes






File Name (Student)

StudentCode.jpg (e.g. CLAR002.jpg)*


File Name (Employee)

EmployeeCode.jpg (e.g. 0000438.jpg)**

EmployeeCode.jpg (e.g. 0000438.jpg)**


500 pixels

300 - 600 pixels


625 pixels

60 - 100 pixels


+ 72 dpi

+ 72 dpi




File size (approximate)



Photos must be 500 x 625 pixels. Any photos outside of this resolution will have thumbnails generated at an incorrect aspect ratio and may appear squished.

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