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Login Notifications


The 'Login Notifications' program allows you to create messages that will be displayed above the user interface banner in TASS products.

Login Notifications can be added in TASS.web, Staff Kiosk, Student Cafe, Parent Lounge, webBook, and the Commercial Debtors Payment Portal. They can be configured for a specific time period. Both the notification header and text are customisable. The priority level assigned to each notification determines the colour of the message displayed on the screen: High Priority is represented in shades of red, Medium Priority in shades of yellow, and Low Priority in shades of blue.



An example of a High Priority Login Notification in Staff Kiosk.


An example of a Medium Priority Login Notification in Student Cafe.


An example of a Low Priority Login Notification in Parent Lounge.

TASS program users can dismiss the Login Notification by clicking the ‘X' in the top right corner. When the 'X' is clicked, the notification will be removed for the current session; however, it will reappear each time the user logs in for a new session until the 'End Date/Time’ has passed.

Login Notifications Grid

The ‘Login Notifications Grid' summarises the Login Notifications your school is currently using, has used in the past, or has set for the future.

The ‘When’ button allows you to filter grid results by ‘Current’, ‘Past’ or ‘Future’ notifications.


Click the ‘Edit’ icon in the Action column to modify the Login Notification.


Click the ‘Delete’ icon in the Action column to Delete the Notification.

Add a New Login Notification

Click the ‘+Add’ button to create a new Login Notification.

Fields that require further explanation

* Start Date/Time

Enter the start date in DD/MM/YYYY format or click the Calendar icon to select your preferred start date.

Enter the start time in HH:MM format or click the dropdown list to select your preferred start time.

* End Date/Time

Enter the end date in DD/MM/YYYY format or click the Calendar icon to select your preferred start date.

Enter the end time in HH:MM format or click the dropdown list to select your preferred start time.

* Notification Header

Enter the header you want to display first in a bold font for the Login Notification.

* Notification Text

Enter the text you want to display second in a standard font for the Login Notification.

* Priority

Use the dropdown list to select a Priority level for your Login Notification.

The priority level determines the colour of the message displayed on the screen: High Priority is represented in shades of red, Medium Priority in shades of yellow, and Low Priority in shades of blue.

Display Options

Use the checkboxes to select which TASS product(s) you want the Login Notification to appear in.

Click ‘Save’ to save your selections.

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