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Change Logs Grid

This Change Logs Grid is used to view and export a log of changes that have been made across a range of programs, such as when information is added, edited, or deleted.

The program opens at the current date by default and displays data from all Sources. Each row contains a 'View' action to access the further details of the change record.

Change Logs Grid fields


The Source of the program where the change was made, from the following areas:

  • Employee
  • Student Absence
  • Student
  • Person (Community Plus)
  • Enrolled Student
  • Parent
  • Parent Address 
  • Enrolled Parent
  • Student Medical (General, Notes, Conditions, Attachments)
  • Student Illness/Daily Log (Student Illness/Illness Self Registration, Student Illness Notes)
  • Student UD Area


The Company code of where the change was made, where you have multiple companies set up.
Entity CodeThe code of the Student, Parent, Employee or Person Number for which the change has made for.


The Type of the change:

  • Insert
  • Update
  • Delete
  • Base Record
  • Validate


The Product that the change was made in:

  • ASR - Attendance Self Registration
  • ISR - Illness Self Registration 
  • PL - Parent Lounge
  • PRS - Change made by TASS
  • TASS - TASS.web
  • TK - Staff Kiosk

Some Source areas have their own reference codes which indicate further information about the change.

SourceProductReference Code - origin of the change
Student AbsencesASRDEPART - a Departing/Early Departure entry was made through the Attendance Self Registration portal.
LATE - a Late Arrival entry was made through the Attendance Self Registration portal.
RETURN - a Returning entry was recorded through the Attendance Self Registration portal.
PLPLACK - Parents have acknowledged the absence in Parent Lounge.

ABSENT - change was made in the Student Absence Entry program.
ABSLET - when 'Update Parent Notified to Yes' option is ticked and letters printed in Absentee Letter Merge program.
BEDIT - change was made to recurring absences in the Bulk Absentee Entry program.
BENTRY - change was made in the Bulk Absentee Entry program.
DAIINQ - change was made in the Daily Inquiry program.
PLNOTI - change was accepted through the Notifications from Parent Lounge program.
SMSNOT - SMS was sent through the Generate/Send SMS Notifications program.
STUATT - change was made in the Student Attendance program 'Absences' tab.

TKCLROLL - change was made through Class Rollcall in Staff Kiosk.
StudentsAPIIDMAPI - change was made through the Identity Management API.
TASSADVYGR - when the Advance Student Year Groups program is run.
ENTDOL - change was made through the Enter DOL for Seniors program.
SBGRID - change was made in the Student Billing Grid program.
SCLIC - change was made in the Student Cafe Licences program.
STGRID - change was made in the Students Grid Entry program.
STUD - change was made in the Student Record program.
TFPAST - when the Transfer Students to Past program is run.
TFCURR - when the Transfer to Current program is run.
UPLAPI - change was made through the Data Upload Utility API.
UPLOAD - change was made through the Data Upload Utility program.
Enrolled StudentsAPIENRAPI - change was made through the Online Enrolments API.
TASSENGRID - change was made in the Student Enrolments Grid program.
ENRAPP - change was made through the Online Enrolments Applications program.
ENROL - change was made in the Enrolled Student program.
PARENT - a 'Move' change was made on the Parent Record.
REINST - change was made in the Reinstate an Enrolment program.
TFRCUR - when the Transfer to Current program is run.
UPLOAD - change was made through the Data Upload Utility program.
WSHEET - change was made in the Enrolments Worksheet program.
ParentsTASSBPAYPA - change was made to Parent BPay parameters.
ENTDOL - change was made through the Enter DOL for Seniors program.
FLGTRN - change was made through the Flag Transactions program.
GLNAME - change was made in Community Plus through the Display Names Setup program Global Update.
IDMAPI - change was made through the Identity Management API.
PARENT - change was made on the Parent Record.
PAGRID - change was made through the Parent Grid Entry program.
PARLIC - change was made through the Parent Lounge Licences program.
RECEIP - change was made through the Receipts program.
REMIND - when the Overdue Reminders program is run with 'Update Reminder Level' ticked.
TFRCUR - change was made through the Transfer to Current program.
UPDPL - Occupations change was accepted through the Updates from Parent Lounge program.
UPLUTL - change was made through the Data Upload Utility program.
Enrolled ParentsTASSENRAPP - change was made through the Online Enrolments Applications program.
ENROL - change was made to the General or Parent UD tabs in an Enrolled Parent Record.
ENRPAR - New Enrolled Parent details were added.
GLNAME - change was made in Community Plus through the Display Names Setup program Global Update.
PARENT - a 'Move' change was made on the Enrolled Parent Record.
REINST - change was made in the Reinstate an Enrolment program.
TFRCUR - change was made through the Transfer to Current program.
UPLUTL - change was made through the Data Upload Utility program.
Parent Addresses
BULKAV - when the Bulk Address Validation program is run.
COMM - change was made to the Deceased field in Community Plus.
PARENT - change was made for an address on the Parent Record.
UPDPL - change was accepted through the Updates from Parent Lounge program.
UPLUTL - change was made through the Data Utility Upload program. 
Student MedicalTASSSMCATT - change was made to Student Medical Conditions Attachments.
SMCGEN - change was made to Student Medical Conditions General.
SMCMED - change was made to Student Medical Conditions Medication.
SMCNOT - change was made to Student Medical Conditions Notes.
STMCNO – change was made to Student Medical Confidential Notes.
STMCNU - change was made to Student Medical Confidential Notes Upload.
STMEPL – change was made to Student Medical Update from Parent Lounge.
STMNOT – change was made to Student Medical Notes.
STMNOU – change was made to Student Medical Notes Upload.
STUDMED – change was made to Student Medical General.
Student Illness/Daily Log

TASSSTMILL – change was made to the Student Illness record.
STMILN – change was made to a Student Illness record in the 'Illness Notes' field.
ISRSTMISR – change was made to the Student Illness record.
Student UD Areas
STUD - change was made in the ‘Students’ screen.
ENROL - change was made in the ‘Enrolled Students’ screen.
UPGRID - change was made in the ‘Students Enrolments Grid’ screen.
UPLOAD - change was made through the Students ‘Upload UD Areas Data’ program or the Data Utility Upload program. 
UPLAPI - change was made through the Data Upload Utility API.
TFRCUR - change was made through the ‘Transfer to Current’ program. 
UPDPL - change was accepted through the 'Updates from Parent Lounge' program.
Update ByWhere the change has been made by a TASS.web user, their code will display.
Update OnThe date and time that the change was made.
Remote Host,
Remote Address,
HTTP User Agent
Details of the connection of the user.

Click 'View' to see the Change Log Details screen of a change record.

Both the Current and Previous data shows, and where data has been edited, the row header text will display in red.


The program opens at the current day and displays all data by default. Use the filters to manipulate which data appears onscreen:

  • Date Range
  • Source
  • Company
  • Type
  • Product

Certain entries may be searched to filter the results, within the selected date range, such as Entity Code, Reference, Update By, Remote Address.


Click Print to generate an Excel listing of the entries currently displayed in the grid.

Change Logs Grid Security

The following permission points are applicable to enable users to view the Change Logs Details:

SourcePermission Points
Change Logs Grid ProgramAdministration
--Change Logs Grid

-- Employees (View)
-- Payroll Details tab (View)

Student Absence

-- Student Attendance (View)


Student Records:
-- Students (View)
-- Billing tab (View)

Person (Community Plus)

Community Plus
-- People, People Search Results (View)
-- Person UD tab (View)

Enrolled StudentEnrolments:
-- Enrolments / Enrolled Student (View)
-- User Defined tab (View)
-- Billing tab

Parent Records:
-- Parents (View)

Parent Accounts:
-- Account Details tab (View)

Parent Address Parent Records:
-- Parents (View)

Enrolled Parent.
Enrolled Parent Address

-- Enrolments/Enrolled Parent (View)
Student Medical GeneralMedical Records
-- Student Medical (View)
-- Immunisations tab
-- Practitioners tab
-- Supplementary Info tab
-- Asthma Management tab
-- Illness tab
Student Medical NotesMedical Records
-- Student Medical (View)
-- Notes tab (View)
Student Medical Confidential NotesMedical Records
-- Student Medical (View)
-- Confidential Notes tab (View)
Student Medical Conditions,
Student Medical Conditions Attachments,
Student Medical Conditions Medication,
Student Medical Conditions Notes
Medical Records
-- Student Medical (View)
-- Medical Conditions tab (View)

Student Illness Daily Log,
Student Illness Daily Log Notes

Medical Records
-- Student Illness/Daily Log (View)

Student UD Area

Student Records:
-- UD Areas tab (View)

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