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TASS Usage Statistics

This program allows you to view and share statistical information about your school's usage of the TASS software.

The statistics allow you to:

  • Identify what areas of the software you are using.

  • Identify what areas of the software you are not using.

  • Identify areas that may require staff professional development.

  • Make more informed decisions about your usage of TASS.

By default, the following statistics are provided to 'TASS':

  • 'System Info'.

  • 'Usage'.

  • 'Record Counts' for:

    • Current Students (K-12).

    • Current Students (Preschool).

  • Usage By Date.

  • Usage By Year.

  • API Usage By Date.

'Shared Status' will be set to 'Enabled' by default.

The statistics allow TASS to:

  • Make more informed decisions on software development and direction.

  • Send you timely information on areas of the software you may have just started using.

  • Send you updates and information on how your school can get more out of its investment in TASS.

Apart from software version details, the information is statistical in nature only (no confidential student/parent/teacher data is collected or displayed). All statistical information provided to TASS is available and visible to your school/s and will be held in strict confidence.

Usage Statistics are split into:

  • System Info (details about your TASS server environment).

  • Usage (modes of operation).

  • Record Counts (total number of records).

  • Usage by Date (total number of records created over the last 3 months and the current and previous year).

  • Usage by Year (total number of records created in the current and previous year (that cannot be tracked by month)).

The statistics displayed in TASS Usage Statistics are not a live representation.  This data is updated each night during the master scheduled task.

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