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Product Activation Maintenance

This program is used to set up Internet access (activation) information for the TASS Portal Products. Product Activation Details are required for all of the major portals that your school will use:

  • TASS.web.

  • Parent Lounge.

  • Staff Kiosk (previously known as 'Teacher Kiosk')

  • webBook.

  • Student Café.

Entries are also required if your school will use the secondary portals including:

  • Sports Fixtures & Results.

  • Business Directory.

  • Public Calendar.

  • Commercial Debtors Online Payments.

If your school is running in Enterprise mode, Product Activation Details entries are required for all of the portals that each school/company will use, e.g. Company 01 – TK, Company 02 – TK, Company 03 - TK etc.

All of the portals that have already been set up with Product Activation Details are listed on this screen. Use the 'View', 'Edit' or 'Delete' links to action details for a portal.

To enter Product Activation Details for a new portal click the 'New Product Activation' button in the top right corner of the screen.

Fields that require detailed information

Company Code

This is the school/company for which you will enter Product Activation Details.

If your group is running in Enterprise mode, all of the schools that have been set up as part of the group will be available in the drop-down list.

Product Code

This is the portal for which these Product Activation Details relate.

  • TASS.web

  • Parent Lounge

  • Teacher Kiosk (also known as Staff Kiosk)

  • webBook

  • Student Café

  • Sports Fixtures & Results

  • Business Directory

  • Public Calendar

  • Commercial Debtors Online Payments

Domain Mode

This field is not editable and will be set to 'https://'.

Since v49, TASS.web and all portals must run using HTTPS. HTTP is no longer supported. 

URL Domain String

The domain name used to access this portal for this company, e.g.

If your school has multiple companies, a separate domain will be required for each company.


Company 01

Company 02

The domain names used for TASS internally and externally must be the same. This is because the TASS application needs to know how to refer to itself. This may require creating a DNS record on the local network which refers to the TASS web server's internal IP address. 


The virtual directory used to access this product.

Only the below directory names should be used. If you wish to make a change to a directory name, please contact TASS Technical Services. 



Parent Lounge


Teacher Kiosk




Student Café


Sports Fixtures and Results


Business Directory


Public Calendar


Commercial Debtors On-line Payments


Enable 'No Cache' headers

It is unlikely that your school will need to enable this. It was introduced into the software as an option for a school that was having 'left-field' problems due to the way that their browser access control was configured.

Turning this on does affect the users' browser history navigation and can lead to portal programs displaying page errors when the user leaves the program.

Logout Redirect URL

You would use this if you will be using SSO (Single-Sign-On) for the portal that you are setting up.

You enter the URL to redirect the user once they have logged out or their session has expired.

Click the 'Update' button to commit your changes to the database.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.