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The Meetings/Communications program allows you to:

  • Create a Staff Kiosk Notification for an individual or group of teachers/non-teachers.

  • Send an Email to an individual or group of teachers/non-teachers.

  • Send an SMS to an individual or group of teachers/non-teachers (requires integration with an SMS Gateway provider.) 

  • Arrange a meeting with an individual or a group of teachers/non-teachers.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

User Security Permissions

Staff Kiosk permissions are required to use the various functions within TASS.web System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions 

Notifications permissions:
-- 'Create Staff Kiosk Notifications (Individual)'
-- 'Create Staff Kiosk Notifications (Bulk)'

Email permissions: 
-- 'Enable SMTP Emails' (if this format is being used at your school.)
-- 'Send Emails to all Categories' or specific categories   --'[Email} Category ... '

SMS permissions:
-- 'Send Employee SMS (Individual)'
-- 'Send Employee SMS (Bulk)'

SMS Gateway

A Streetdata SMS gateway account is required to use the SMS functionality. Refer to SMS Notification Setup Checklist for more information.

Staff groups are determined in various locations in TASS.web:

The program displays a list of all staff at the school by default. Filters can be used to display staff by:

  • Staff  (All staff, Teachers only, or Non-teachers only, or various Heads and Administrators groups.)

  • Timetable.

  • Campus.

  • Department.

  • Subject Area.

  • Subject.

  • Year Group.

Sort columns by clicking on the column headings to sort by that column. Sort multiple columns by holding down the 'Shift' key and clicking the second and subsequent columns.

If there is a ‘red alert’ icon in one of the columns, hover over the icon to view the reason that the communication can't be sent for that staff member.

Communication Log

All notifications, SMS and emails communications generated are logged in both the sender's and recipient's Communication Logs in Staff Kiosk, allowing for tracking and monitoring of the communication details.

Related Resources

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