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STR - Subjects Tab


The Student Record ‘Subjects’ tab lists all of the subjects studied by the student for their entire time at the school.

To add a new subject for this student, click the 'Add Subject' button.

Click the 'View', 'Edit' or 'Delete' link for existing student subjects.


Changes (add, edit or delete) made to the student's subjects in the current reporting period will affect academic reporting. You should also check that the subject that you use for the student has been included in the Timetable module (if required).

This screen is used to add or edit the subject master records used throughout TASS.web. This is a critical system setup and should be considered carefully in conjunction with other system setups. In particular, whether you are running a Vertical/Unitised OR a Horizontal year group based curriculum will determine the design of the subject codes that must be used for subjects.

Subjects and Timetable Structures


For a Horizontal/Non-unitised year group-based curriculum, the same 'Subject Code' can be used for all year groups.

For example, subject code 0001 for English may be set up against students in years 8 to 12 inclusive.

However, it is recommended that you consider using specific code ranges for each year group (as outlined in the next paragraph).


For a Vertical/Unitised curriculum, the 'Subject Code' must be unique for each course of study.

For example, English must be defined with separate subject codes to represent the units if study equivalent to each year group.

It is important for easy recognition to carefully consider the design of the code numbering system to be used.

The following is a useful guide but should be discussed further with your TASS trainer prior to implementation: The first 2 digits represent the Year Group; the third digit represents the Key Learning Area; the last digit represents the Subject. For other miscellaneous codes required — subjects that are timetabled but not reported (e.g. Assembly and Chapel and subjects for billing purposes, e.g. Music lesson groups) — should be numbered outside this design, e.g. 99??. 

Entering a date range for a student's subject

If a student has a special subject that does not run for the entire timetable calendar, a date range can be entered. This subject will only appear in TASS.web, Staff Kiosk, Student Café and Parent Lounge timetables during the specified date range.

Use the 'Date Range From and To' fields to indicate the duration of study for this subject.

Examples of this could be Year 7 elective subjects where students rotate through subjects such as 'Art', 'Dance' and 'Drama' in four-week blocks.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

The subject 'Date Range' is also available for bulk updating across multiple student records using TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Classes > Student Subject Grid Entry (you will need to select the applicable 'Timetable' before building the student subject grid).

If 'Date Range' fields are not active, ensure the Timetable is set up correctly and the student has been assigned to a Campus.

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