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CP - People

Person Search

The Community program will open on the 'Person Search' page.

Use the search criteria fields to narrow down the selection list and click Go.

Person Search Criteria

Person Entity Search Criteria

  • Person Number.
    You will need to use a wildcard (*) when searching using the 'Person Name' field. As an example, to find Edward Clark you could use *clark or edward*.

  • Title.

  • Initials.

  • Surname.

  • First Name.

  • Other Names.

  • Preferred Name.

  • Name Suffixes.

  • Person Name.

  • Hold Mail.

  • Deceased (by default this search will include deceased people. Change the flag to 'No' to exclude deceased people or to 'Yes' to only include decease people).

  • Display Tags.

  • Gender.

  • Household Name.

  • TASS Entity Code.

  • TASS Entity Type.
    Hold down the Control button to select multiple types.

  • Persons in all selected Entity Types only

Person Search Results

You will be informed of how many person records were found. Only the first 1,000 records will display.

The Results grid displays the following information:


Community Name




The unique person number.

The name of the person.

The entities of the person.

Any Roles assigned to the person.

View: View the 'Person' record.
Relationships: View the relationships the person has to other people within the Community database.
Associations: View the associations the person has to other people within the Community database.
Merge: Merge two records into one.

You can use the browser-based search function 'CTRL and F' to search through the page results for specific text (or names).

Add a New Person 

A Person record can also be created within Community (where a person does not have any TASS.web 'Entity' record) and is identified as a 'Stand Alone Person'.

A 'Stand Alone Person' record would be created where a person does not already exist within the TASS.web database as an 'Entity' and you wanted to include them in school communications, or record information regarding their relationships with the school or with other people. 

Examples of a 'Stand Alone Person' could include Local Politicians, Principals from other schools or Siblings of Students who attend other schools.

To add a new 'Person' record, click +New at the top of the page.

You should add all stand-alone People to at least one 'Role' so that the reason they were added to the database (i.e. their relationship with the school) is clearly defined.

Viewing a Person Record

From the 'Person Search Results' screen, click on the 'View' link in the 'Action' column to display the 'Person' record.

This screens display the following tabs: 'Person', 'Address', 'Person UD', 'Extended UD', 'Notes', 'Confidential Notes', 'Mailing Lists', 'Correspondence Log' and 'Roles'.

Person Tab

Person Details

Person Number

The unique person number. Each person within the database is referenced by their own 'Person Number'. 

A 'Person Number' is system generated and cannot be changed.

Person records can be merged or split. See 'Person Merging' for further information on merging or splitting person records.

Person Name

This field will display the name based on the options chosen in Community > Setup Information in 'Display Name Setups' for 'Community Display Names'.



The options available in this drop-down list have been created by your school using TASS.web Payroll HRM > Employee/HR > Setup Information > Employee/HR Setup on the 'Titles' tab.

Choose the appropriate title for this person.

This field is not editable when the person is a Student or Enrolled Student.



This field is a maximum of 5 characters.

This field is not editable when the person is a Student or Enrolled Student.


A 50 character (maximum) field to enter the person's legal surname name.

This field is not editable when the person is a Student or Enrolled Student.

First Name

A 50 character (maximum) field to enter the person's first name.

This field is not editable when the person is a Student or Enrolled Student.

Other Names


A 50 character (maximum) field to enter the person's additional name's, e.g. Middle Name/s.

This field is not editable when the person is a Student or Enrolled Student.

Preferred Name


A 50 character (maximum) field to enter the person's alternative name.

This field is not editable when the person is a Student or Enrolled Student.

Name Suffixes


A 30 character (maximum) field to enter the person's name suffixes, e.g. B.Com CPA.

This field is not editable when the person is a Student or Enrolled Student.


Indicates the defined gender.

The 'Gender' field can only be changed in Community where the person's 'Entity' record does not contain a gender, or when the person is a 'Stand Alone Person'.

Genders are maintained using Community > Setup Information in 'Gender Setup'.


If the person is deceased, then mark their deceased flag with a 'Yes.'

When changing a Deceased flag to Yes an Acknowledgement Screen will be displayed confirming you would like to proceed with the changes.

If the Deceased Notification checkbox in Community > Setup Information in 'Community Parameters' is ticked notifications regarding the Deceased Status of a person will be emailed to All users within Edit permissions for this entity. 

People who are marked with a Deceased flag of 'Yes' will still be added to lists when using the List Builder (for the purposes of fulfilling relationship based builds) however they will be excluded from the mail merge or email merge files that are created using Community > List Mailer > Generate.

Click here for more information about the Deceased field.

When a person is marked as ‘Deceased’ in TASS.web and ‘Deceased Notifications’ are enabled in TASS.web Community > Setup Information > Community Parameters, the following email template will be sent to all users with ‘Edit' permissions enabled for the relevant Person Entity area. The 'Edit’ permissions are assigned in TASS.web Users > User Maintenance and/or Security Role Permissions.


Subject: Deceased Person Notification

<PERSON NAME> has been flagged as Deceased by <USER> on DATE TIME.

It is important that you review the entities below and update addresses to remove references to this person.

Entity Details:


You have received this email because you have edit permission for the linked entity(s) above.

This is an automated email. Please do not reply.

The ‘Deceased' flag for a person is automatically updated in TASS.web Community when the following actions occur in the person’s TASS.web Entity record:

Person Entity Record



The ‘Deceased’ field is set to ‘Yes’ or a ‘Date of Death' is entered on a Current Student record in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students on the 'General’ tab.

Past Students

The ‘Deceased’ field is set to ‘Yes’ or a ‘Date of Death' is entered on a Past Student record in TASS.web Student Admin > Past Students > Student Information > Past Students on the 'General’ tab.

Enrolments/Enrolled Student

The ‘Deceased’ field is set to ‘Yes’ or a ‘Date of Death' is entered on an Enrolled Student record in TASS.web Student Admin > Enrolments > Enrolment Information > Enrolments on the 'General’ tab.


The ‘Deceased’ field is set to ‘Yes’ on a Current Parent Record in TASS.web Student Admin > Parent Records > Parent Information > Parents on the 'General’ tab or TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Account Information > Parent Account Inquiry on the 'General’ tab.

Enrolments/Enrolled Parent

The ‘Deceased’ field is set to ‘Yes’ on an Enrolled Parent record in TASS.web Student Admin > Enrolments > Enrolment Information > Enrolments on the 'General’ tab.


The ‘Deceased’ field is set to ‘Yes’, or the 'Deceased Button' is clicked next to the 'Contact Name' field on a 'Donor' record in TASS.web Finance > Donor Information > Donors.


The ‘Deceased’ field is set to ‘Yes’ on an Employee record in TASS.web Payroll HRM > Employee/HR > Employee Information > Employees on the ‘General’ tab or in Payroll HRM > Employee/HR > Employee Information > Employees on the ‘General’ tab.


The ‘Deceased’ field is set to ‘Yes’ on a Teacher record in TASS.web Student Admin > Teacher Records > Teacher Information > Teachers on the ‘General’ tab.

The 'Deceased Text' that displays next to a person's name in their Entity record is defined in the Community > Setup Information in 'Community Parameters'.

Hold Mail

If a person does not wish to receive any correspondence then mark their 'Hold Mail' flag as 'Yes'. 

If a person wishes to be excluded from selected mailing items only, then set this field to 'No' and use a User Definable field instead to indicate the mailing items that the person does not wish to receive.

People who are marked with a Hold Mail flag of 'Yes' will still be added to Lists when using the 'List Builder' (for the purposes of fulfilling relationship based builds) however they will be excluded from the mail merge or email merge files that are created using Community > List Mailer > Generate.

Display Tags

This is a short comment field that describes the person. It can also be used to describe a family relationship structure for a person where the family relationship is very complex. 

Display Tags show in the 'Relationships' screen.

Household Name

The 'Household Name' is used during the process of creating mail merge files. 

The Community > List Mailer > Generate program can automatically consolidate multiple addresses into one entry where each person contains exactly the same address and 'Household Name' combination. 

When consolidating the address, the 'Household Name' is also used as a substitute for the salutation.

An example where this functionality can be used is when doing a 'Whole of Community' mail-out where some Past Student in the mailing list still reside with their parents or siblings who are also in that mailing list.

To use the 'Household Name' de-duping functionality you must be using address bar-coding software with TASS.web, such as the Postman® software.

Last Update By/On

The TASS.web user to last edit this employee will be displayed along with the date and time the record was edited.

Click the 'View' link to display the changes.

Entity Details

This section displays summary information on all of the 'Entity' records that belong to a person. The information displayed  includes the 'Entity Type', (e.g. Past Student), 'Entity Code' and 'Entity Status' (depending on the type of Entity record). 

An example of 'Entity Status' is the Alumni year displaying for a Past Student of the Year Group displaying for a current student.

For each 'Entity', the system will also display the respective contact address, contact numbers and email.

The 'Entity Type' label is a hyperlink field. By clicking this label you can 'Person Surf' (or hyperlink) directly to that 'Entity' record.

Address Tab

The Address tab will display for the Stand Alone Persons entity type, and contains address, phone and email details.

Person UD Tab

User Defined options available include:

  • 10 x Single Character Flag fields (0-9, A-Z) which are often used as Yes / No fields

  • 10 x Table Referenced fields (Picklist)

  • 5 x Free Form text fields to store information relating to the person.

These UD fields are included as searchable options when creating lists using the 'List Builder'.

The UD fields displayed in this tab depend on the parameters set up by your school in Community > Setup Information in 'Person UD Field Setups'

Extended UD Tab

Nine 'Person' extended user-definable data areas are available, with 26 fields in each area.

Examples of Person Extended UD data areas could be:

  • 'Mailing Lists'

  • 'Dietary Needs'

  • 'Other Interests'

Within each of these areas, there are:

  • 10 x Single Character Flag Fields (0-9, A-Z) which are often used as Yes / No fields

  • 10 x Table Referenced fields (Pick List),

  • 6 x Free Form text fields to store information relating to the individual people.

The extended UD fields displayed in this tab depend on the parameters set up by your school in Community > Setup Information in 'Person Extended UD Field Setup'.

Actions: 'View' and 'Edit' links are available on each of the extended UD areas.

Fields can be set up as 'Triggers'. For information on setting up 'Trigger' fields, refer to Community > Setup Information information in the 'Person Extended UD Field Setup' documentation.

Notes and Confidential Notes Tabs

These tabs allow you to view all notes that have been entered against a person, including the notes entered against their 'Entity' records.

The Notes grid displays the following information:

Note Date


Note Category


Entered By

Entered On


The date that the note is applicable for.

'Person' or 'Entity' note.

Click on an active link to access the respective note from TASS.web for that person (e.g. Donor).

Category of the note.

Categories are maintained within Community > Setup Information in 'Note Categories'.

The note text.

The 'Paperclip' icon signifies an attachment against a note.

The user who entered the note.

The date the user entered the note.

'View', 'Edit', or 'Delete' existing Person notes.

Add a Note

'Person' notes can be added by clicking Add Note.
'Entity' based notes must be maintained from the respective 'Entity' record. 

An example of using the notes attachment feature could be to attach a scanned copy of a newspaper article. Scan the document, save it as a PDF on your network and then use the 'Browse' button to locate it and link it to the note.

Mailing Lists Tab

The Mailing Lists grid displays the following information:



Entity Type

Entity Code

Address No


Unique list number.

List description.

P for 'Person',
E for 'Entity'.

Entity Code.

The Address block number that the list will be sent to (as defined in TASS.web > Student Admin > Parent Records > Parent Records Setup - 'Addresses' tab).

'Remove': remove the person from the mailing list.

Mailing lists are set up using:

People cannot be added to a Mailing List from this tab. People are added to Mailing Lists by using Community > List Builder

Corresp. Log Tab

This tab is used to add, view and maintain correspondence items. 

The Correspondence Log grid displays the following information:



Date Sent





ID number of the Correspondence Item.

Description of the Correspondence Item.

Date the Correspondence Item was generated.

A Paperclip item indicates an attachment, click to view.

A comment about the correspondence.

The user who generated the list or  recorded the communication log entry.

'View', 'Edit', or 'Delete' a correspondence log entry.

Click Add to add correspondence log details.

Correspondence items are created using Community > Setup Information in 'Correspondence Items'.

A correspondence log entry can be entered in bulk against an entire mailing list using Community > List Mailer > Generate.

Roles Tab

This tab allows you to add, view and maintain a person's Roles.

Roles can record the relationships that a person has with the school, e.g. Board members, Canteen Volunteers, Local Politicians, VIPS. They are created and maintained using the Community > Role Builder program.

Click Add to add a person to a Role, including start and end dates, and any relevant comments.

The 'List Builder' program can then be used to add or remove people from mailing lists based on their Role memberships.

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