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Student Profile


The student's profile information is displayed in a single scrolling screen with a 'left menu' for quick navigation, consisting of:

The Student Profile may also contain school-definable database information.

The information available on this screen is dependent on your permissions. 

Click here for Administrator Notes.

The school-definable database information is set up in TASS.web program Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the ‘UD Areas Tab’ tab. From here you can also control which UD Areas are visible to each user group in Staff Kiosk and Parent Lounge.

User Definable Area data for each student is entered in TASS.web program Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Student on the ‘UD Areas’ tab.

For Staff Kiosk users to access these UD Areas, they will also need to be assigned the appropriate security permissions for each UD Area in TASS.web program System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions.

The information available on this screen is dependent on each users permissions. Staff Kiosk user permissions are set up in TASS.web program System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions.

Student Profile Toolbar


Click the ‘Currently’ button to see the student’s current class details.


Various notification icons are displayed at the top of the screen and provide additional information about the student you are viewing.

Click here for more information on the Student Profile Toolbar Icons.

Various icons are displayed throughout Staff Kiosk providing notifications, alerts and additional information about specific students.

Hover over these icons for more details and links to further information.

This icon indicates that there are 'Medical Alerts' recorded against this student's record.

This icon indicates that there are 'Special Conditions' recorded against this student's record.

This icon indicates that this student is a Boarder.

This icon is only visible in Staff Kiosk program Rollcall > Class Rollcall.

This icon indicates that this student has Curricular Activities that are due today.

This icon is only visible in Staff Kiosk program Student Profile.

This icon indicates that this student has a 'sick-bay' record for the current day.

This icon indicates that a 'Pastoral Care Entry' has been entered against this student for the current day.

This icon indicates that a 'Standard Note' has been entered against this student for the current day.

This icon indicates that a 'Confidential Note' has been entered against this student for the current day.


This icon indicates that the Student has a Learning Support notification that requires attention.

This icon indicates that this student was absent from the previous lesson.

This icon is only visible in Staff Kiosk program Rollcall > Class Rollcall.

This icon indicates that the student has a teacher assigned a calendar event that clashes with this lesson.

This icon will be displayed where a student has an existing attendance record for the date of the custom rollcall.

This icon is only visible in Staff Kiosk program Rollcall > Custom Rolls.


This icon will be displayed where a student has been added to a custom roll at the time of custom roll marking.  

This icon is only visible in Staff Kiosk program Rollcall > Custom Rolls.


This icon will be displayed where a student has been added to another custom roll on the same date of the custom rollcall. 

This icon is only visible in Staff Kiosk program Rollcall > Custom Rolls.


This green ‘check-circle' icon indicates that a student has 'Checked In’ via the Student Check In / Out portal. 

This icon is only visible in Staff Kiosk program Rollcall > Class Rollcall when the ‘Student Check In / Out' portal is enabled.


This grey ‘check-circle' icon indicates that a student has 'Checked Out’ via the Student Check In / Out portal. 

This icon is only visible in Staff Kiosk program Rollcall > Class Rollcall when the ‘Student Check In / Out' portal is enabled.


This red ‘check-circle' icon indicates that a student has not 'Checked In’ via the Student Check In / Out portal. 

This icon is only visible in Staff Kiosk program Rollcall > Class Rollcall when the ‘Student Check In / Out' portal is enabled.

Click here for an Administrator Note.


  • The Medical Conditions Alerts in Staff Kiosk are set up using the ‘Alert Flag’ field in TASS.web Student Admin > Medical Records > Setup Information > Medical Setup on the ‘Conditions’ tab.

  • The Medical Alert data for each student is entered in TASS.web Student Admin > Medical Records > Student Information > Student Medical on the ‘Conditions’ tab.


  • The Special Conditions Alerts in Staff Kiosk are set up using the ‘Triggers’ fields in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the ‘UD Areas’ tab.

  • The Special Condition data for each student is entered in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students on the ‘UD Areas’ tab.



Click the ‘Analytics’ button to modify the types of Student Analytics that are available in the Analytics section of the Student Profile.

Hamburger Menu


The 'Hamburger Menu' allows you to send correspondence to this student using several different methods.

Click on this hamburger menu to:

The eDiary will show you if there is any other event occurring for this student, such as a music lesson.

  • View the student's current whereabouts, e.g. class, sickbay or absent.

  • Generate an email to the student or parent.  Click here for more information about Generating Emails

  • Send an SMS to the student or parent.

  • Display a Notification in:

    • Student Café or Parent Lounge.

    • Your school's mobile app via a Push Notification (parents only).

To use Push Notifications, the school must hold a 'Mobile App' API licence and deploy a mobile app through a TASS Integration Partner. Refer to the TASS API Setup Checklist for more information.

All communication (email, notification and SMS) generated from Staff Kiosk is recorded in a Communication Log.

The Communication Log allows you to track and monitor the details of communications including who it has been sent to and whether the communication has been viewed by the recipients.

The Communication Log for a student can be viewed using Staff Kiosk Student Profile > Communication Log.

Notifications sent to Parent Orbit and Staff Orbit devices are visible via the ‘Communications Log’ in TASS.web System Admin > Users > Orbit Dashboard.

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