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MER - Conditions Tab (SU)


The ‘Conditions’ tab in the Medical Setup program displays and maintains the medical conditions referenced throughout Medical Records.

To set up a new medical condition, click the 'New Condition' button to display the 'Medical Conditions' pop-up screen. See section 'Add New Condition' below.

Fields that require detailed information


A mandatory field that requires a unique, 3 character, alphanumeric code as the identifier for each condition, e.g. MIG.


Enter a description of up to 30 characters to describe the nominated condition, e.g. Migraine.

Parent Lounge Flag

Use the 'Parent Lounge' tab, here on the Medical Setup program, to allow parents to access (and potentially update) the details that the school has recorded for their child's conditions (through Parent Lounge).

Tick this box, if this condition is to be visible to parents.

Medical Alert Flag (Y/N)

By selecting this field, a ‘Warning' screen will appear when entering data into the TASS.web ‘Student Medical Record', ‘Student Record', ‘Student Illness/Daily Log’ and Staff Kiosk ‘Student Profile’ ‘Rollcall’ and 'Custom Rolls’ when a student has a medical condition populated in a field that's flagged for an alert.

Conditions flagged as ‘Severe’ will include ‘(Severe)’ after the condition's name.

View on Form Flag (Y/N)

Selecting this field will enable the medical condition to appear on the 'Student Medical Forms'.  If the field is unselected it will omit the condition from the form.

Active Flag

If this box is un-ticked, this condition will not be available for further allocation against student records. The condition will still appear against student records if it was added before it was made inactive.

You must un-tick the three boxes directly above before you can make this condition inactive.

ISR Enabled


When set to 'Y', this medical condition is available for use within Illness Self Registration (ISR).

ISR Sort Order

When used, this whole number indicates the sort order used to display this medical condition on the Illness Self Registration Portal (ISR).

On the ISR Kiosk screen, a button is provided for each medical condition that has been enabled for ISR. The order of these buttons is set using the 'ISR Sort Order'.

ISR Comm Flag


When set to 'Y', a comment must be entered on the 'Illness Entry Screen' of the Illness Self Registration Portal.


The 'View', 'Edit' and 'Delete' buttons allow you to action existing conditions individually.

TASS.web will not let you delete a medical condition that is currently in use in a Student Medical Record or has an 'Unprocessed' update from Parent Lounge.

Add New Condition Modal

Fields that require detailed information


A mandatory field that requires a unique, 3 character, alphanumeric code as the identifier for each condition, e.g. MIG.


A mandatory field in which a description of up to 30 characters can be used to describe the nominated condition, e.g. Migraine.

Parent Lounge Flag

Use the 'Parent Lounge' tab, here on the Medical Setup program, to allow parents to access (and potentially update) the details that the school has recorded for their child's conditions (through Parent Lounge).

Tick this box, if this condition is to be visible to parents.

Medical Alert Flag


Tick this checkbox to provide a 'Warning' screen on entering the 'Student Medical Record, 'Student Record' and Staff Kiosk, when a student has either a medical condition populated in a field that's flagged for an alert.

View on Form Flag


Tick this checkbox to enable the medical condition to appear on the 'Student Medical Forms'. If the field is not ticked it will omit the condition from the form.

Active Flag

If this box is un-ticked, this condition will not be available for further allocation against student records. The condition will still appear against student records if it was added before it was made inactive.

You must un-tick the three boxes directly above before you can make this condition inactive.

ISR Enabled


Tick this checkbox if this medical condition will be available for use within Illness Self Registration (ISR).

ISR Comment Flag


Tick this checkbox if a comment must be entered (i.e. it is mandatory) for an Illness Self Registration (ISR).

ISR Sort Order

Optional: Enter a whole number to indicate the sort order for this medical condition for Illness Self Registration (ISR).

On the ISR Portal screen, a button is provided for each medical condition that has been enabled for ISR. The order of these buttons is set using the 'ISR Sort Order'.

User Defined Fields 1 to 10

You can label these fields in the database to store information that pertains to this type of condition. 

Example: for Diabetes you might create fields for 'Low Blood Sugar', 'High Blood Sugar', 'Carries NovaPen' etc.

Once these have been established you can then record information against these fields for students who have this condition.

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